Saturday, September 17, 2011

EquinoxSeptember 20th, 21st, 22nd 7:15 - 8:30 in Ireland.


Thanks to Ann Bridget Waters for sharing this link with our temple.
It is a beautiful experience and I hope you all enjoy this and may attune with us as we share our hearts and souls on this beautiful day of clarity , gratitude, balance and thanksgiving.
Thank you Ann, for this great information.

According to this source it is the 21 or 22...see this video of the sunrise!


At the 5000 year old Loughcrew megalithic cairn T
in Ireland, the rising sun
on the mornings around the equinox
illuminates the passage and chamber. The
Office of Public Works will
have staff at Cairn T, Loughcrew on the mornings
of Tuesday September
20th, Wednesday September 21st and Thursday September
22nd from
7.15am until 8.30am.
With this in mind,note your correct time difference to attune to this great moment in Loughcrew Ireland.

What Will ItTake? A Poem

A Poem From Soul to Self An Eight Part Sage of Self  I What will it take To take a chance To try on one’s life again?  Time has touched us  ...