Isis and the Birth of Three Kings
Excerpt from “Three Tales of Wonder”
Excerpt from “Three Tales of Wonder”
Papyrus Westcar (Papyrus Berlin 3033)
The Goddess Isis along with Nephthys, Heket, Meshkhenet and the God Khnum aids the lady Ruddedet to give birth to three kings.
Isis placed herself before her, Nephthys behind her, Heket hastened the birth. Isis said: “Don’t be so mighty in her womb, you whose name is ‘Mighty’!” The child slid into her arms, a child of one cubit, strong boned, his limbs overlaid with gold, his headdress of true lapis lazuli. They washed him, having cut his navel cord, and laid him on a pillow of cloth. Then Meskhenet approached him and said: “A king who will assume the kingship in this whole land.” and Khnum gave health to his body.
Isis placed herself before her, Nephthys behind her, Heket hastened the birth. Isis said: “Don’t tread in her womb, you whose name is ‘Tread-of-Re’!” The child slid into her arms, a child of one cubit, strong boned, his limbs overlaid with gold, his headdress of true lapis lazuli. They washed him, having cut his navel cord, and laid him on a pillow of cloth. Then Meskhenet approached him and said: “A king who will assume the kingship in this whole land.” And Khnum gave health to his body.
Isis placed herself before her, Nephthys behind her, Heket hastened the birth. Isis said: “Don’t be so dark in her womb, you whose name is ‘Dark’!” The child slid into her arms, a child of one cubit, strong boned, his limbs overlaid with gold, his headdress of true lapis lazuli. They washed him, having cut his navel cord, and laid him on a pillow of cloth. Then Meskhenet approached him and said: “A king who will assume the kingship in the whole land.” And Khnum gave health to his body.
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