Saturday, February 22, 2014

Taking AIM for 2014 The Dark Goddess and Me

This Morning I read Lauren Rain's wonderful blog 
I  am always inspired by her writings . This one struck me very deeply.  

From reading her work I was led to write this entry below.
Only my thoughts not anyones truth but my own. In perfect love and perfect trust.

The Aquarian Age gifts me with the boon of unlimited possibilities . 
Miraculous freedom and the opening of a mystery of "My Self. "
Mystery = History = Herstory = My story. I will go with this. 

Our planet , maybe even the entire creation , is in major transformation ,
It parallels  each one of us.
However;  I believe ,  our planet is fully aware of what is happening and we are not so "enlightened " to  the situation.
Whether it be by the  misuse of our own power.. either made in ignorance, greed , lust.. however you want to put it , we are bound to miss the mark .
It is like loosing your balance when you learn to walk , or learning to find our center in love and faith.

 I am realigning my efforts , taking a new aim,  forming a new relationship to my own responsibility ..for my own thought forms .

So, with the new year rising up all around us, I am asking you this question .
Some of us remember this  old expression . " What are ya aiming at ? " or
" What are you aiming to do ? "

My point of view is like an arrow and my focus like the Bow .
 My Aim is my ambition that guides me along dark allys and major illuminated highways , taking me back to self. It is refining my focus and developing my trust in that part of me that is eternal.

This is the thought stream that I am gifting myself.
If I miss my mark I will try again. No real wrong move,
It is really only lack of focus or intention, with practice the aim becomes more clear.

This year the dark Goddess reveals herself  in another aspect to me. 
It is not one that intimidates me or is frightening to me into submission
And not a manifestation of “ a bad reminder of all the crap in the world”
It is about Truth. It is about my right to develop my own Divine Intelligence.
To step into the dark unknown and claim it as mine .

The Dark Goddess , to me ,  appears in the eternal unseen light.
She is invoking the change that has to occur.  She keeps the wheel of 84 moving , so to speak. 
She does the work we all are so reluctant to want to do.

" MOVE ON " 
She Changes Everything She Touches and Everything She Touches Changes !

Get behind the change and watch the Mystery unfold.
This life belongs to you. There fore there is nothing to fear .
Nothing real stands outside itself. 

I have hated being around compost until I found out that compost is not a garbage heap
It is that which we tend to and turn and transform with intention … not resistance.

Compost stinks .. it makes me wanna throw up when I am around it.
Just imagine me, at one time ,  a joyous worm swimming all around in it 
 I know it.. I can remember a part of me 
...thinking that it was the best thing ever..
It wasn't so long ago. 

Looking back at my life , I wonder if it was my own reckless relationship that spun me out out of balance
and not her tough love at all. Or it was her tough love that caught me when I was spun out of control
HUM ....

If it takes an image of a dark woman with severed heads to remind me to get off the mental platform , or a raging Crone to remind me  to be grateful for being a part of ALL that is ,
Or the  beautiful dark Twin of Isis Herself collecting my tears of transformation.
I can honestly say this ,
I do not fear her nearly as much as my own ignorance and lack of attention. 

This essence is all in all of us.
It is what we carry . It is the spark the life, the Love .It is what moves from above to below within and without . The eternal flow. the river that moves from the Gown of the Priestess through the entire Fools Journey.
She reminds us of the duality that glues us together in this lifetime experience.

The creative aspect of the Human being is so magical.
We can go from one thought form to another and still make things happen .
We can trust in something so transparent and still it moves us equally as far as something so concrete.

As we lift This Veil and move into the healing scales of the Equinox this Spring , I encourage you to see the High Priestess as one who sits between the dark and the light pillars of The Temple of Solomon. 
She is in front of the temple . She sits on her foundation of intuition and the beauty of duality. Polarity 
Anima and Animus.
She is represents all of it. The dark murky waters and the clear and bright waters.
She is Our Divine Mother. once again gifting us in the path of return .
Gifting us with remembering who we are to Her and  to each other

Divine Blessings
Mana Youngbear

Friday, February 7, 2014

Last Ideal of Maat I Embrace The All


When all is said and done, in the world of complexity , with a multiplicity of variations from religion to an assortment of cultural practices it would seem that the best thing to do is embrace the all.
See everything as being as it should be for everything that is IS. Allow your mind to embrace all that is with love . This would include all things , all the creatures that walk on the land, that fly in the sky and that swim in the the water  that dwell on the earth...yes everything from the Lowliest worm to those in human form.. Be open to all and see the connectedness of all life with ultimate understanding and acceptance. The eagles son. All You Need Is Love , can be your mantra, for it is a truism beyond words to describe.. Let your mind be expansive with acceptance of al that is Follow the 42 Ideals of the Goddess Maat Enjoy the life you are now living as this is what is and embrace the ALL !

This is the last of the 42 Ideals of Maat Written by Lady Loreon Vigne' Isis Oasis Sanctuary and Temple of Isis / Fellowship of Isis .

It has been a treasure for me to share my thoughts with all of you and to read these pages that Lady Loreon has left for all of us.
Recently she has rewritten these Ideals again . You can find the new booklet at Isis Oasis Sanctuary and you can call them at 707 857-4747 to ask about ordering this rare booklet.

May you find yourself safe and loved deeply in the arms of Isis.
Divine Blessings
Rev. Mana Youngbear
Priestess of Isis, Nephthys and Hathor.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ideal # 41 I Advance Through My Own Abilities .

Ideal # 41 
I Advance Through My Own Abilities 

"How do we recognize our abilities as each of us has something special to offer the world?  So many are misplaced in jobs that they do not enjoy. Look deeply to discover what your abilities are and attempt to move toward the possibility of utilizing what you were born to be engaged in.
When you do the work you love you will be successful, possibly not financially, but certainly in your quality of life. There are some that may have to start at the bottom and if they stay with it they will move up in the world. Know you have the potential to advance and move to the top of your field. It is up to each of us to focus on what it is we can succeed with that is realistic.. Find your skills and stick to what it is you can do well.  This does not have to be what is called white collar job but no matter what job is yours, do it will and you will be rewarded and will advance no matter how hard it might be in our society today. We all have a place in the natural order of our civilization , so find how you can best fit in."   Written by Lady Loreon Vigne from the 42 Ideals of Ma'at Booklet.

Mana's Musings

The card we are working with this month in our cabala group is the Magician.
I believe its qualities of manifesting what we want in our lives is very important
To first understand that nothing stands outside ourselves.
The great grace of The Goddess is what is in our veins.
Our ancestry is from her origin.

This truth is what unites all of us.
 It is the divine life force that runs through all of us .
 It is the main unity the energy source that causes all things to move through us and manifest acts of truth wisdom and beauty on this planet.

We advance through our own abilities.
I believe that we advance through the attunement to the highest life force possible .
It is not ours it is the divine source the divine energy the Grace and blessings of Divinity itself.
The Magician knows that it is not his power, but the power that runs through all of us that is what makes things happen.

I say .. dedicate yourself to what you want and allow this power to manifest
The clearer we are to accepting our relationship with divinity the stronger our ability is to manifest a beautiful garden to stand in..
All we have is already here with us.
It is up to us to use it

Manifest beauty.

Divine blessings
Imbolc and the stirring of this force reawakening inside our very core

Bright blessings
Mana Youngbear

What Will ItTake? A Poem

A Poem From Soul to Self An Eight Part Sage of Self  I What will it take To take a chance To try on one’s life again?  Time has touched us  ...