Ideal # 41
I Advance Through My Own Abilities
"How do we recognize our abilities as each of us has something special to offer the world? So many are misplaced in jobs that they do not enjoy. Look deeply to discover what your abilities are and attempt to move toward the possibility of utilizing what you were born to be engaged in.
When you do the work you love you will be successful, possibly not financially, but certainly in your quality of life. There are some that may have to start at the bottom and if they stay with it they will move up in the world. Know you have the potential to advance and move to the top of your field. It is up to each of us to focus on what it is we can succeed with that is realistic.. Find your skills and stick to what it is you can do well. This does not have to be what is called white collar job but no matter what job is yours, do it will and you will be rewarded and will advance no matter how hard it might be in our society today. We all have a place in the natural order of our civilization , so find how you can best fit in." Written by Lady Loreon Vigne from the 42 Ideals of Ma'at Booklet.
Mana's Musings
The card we are working with this month in our cabala group is the Magician.
I believe its qualities of manifesting what we want in our lives is very important
To first understand that nothing stands outside ourselves.
The great grace of The Goddess is what is in our veins.
Our ancestry is from her origin.
This truth is what unites all of us.
It is the divine life force that runs through all of us .
It is the main unity the energy source that causes all things to move through us and manifest acts of truth wisdom and beauty on this planet.
We advance through our own abilities.
I believe that we advance through the attunement to the highest life force possible .
It is not ours it is the divine source the divine energy the Grace and blessings of Divinity itself.
The Magician knows that it is not his power, but the power that runs through all of us that is what makes things happen.
I say .. dedicate yourself to what you want and allow this power to manifest
The clearer we are to accepting our relationship with divinity the stronger our ability is to manifest a beautiful garden to stand in..
All we have is already here with us.
It is up to us to use it
Manifest beauty.
Divine blessings
Imbolc and the stirring of this force reawakening inside our very core
Bright blessings
Mana Youngbear
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