Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Wonder of It All

Have you ever heard of Where is the Wonder of it all?
 Have you lost your spark somewhere ?
 Do you feel you do not know what is the next step or the next destination....???
Do not loose hope... !
 Many feel this way..
 In fact most do.
This is a natural feeling from so many. Esp. for the Muse.
When you begin to feel alone or lonely or with out a creative drive,
 it simply means your turning the page.
New inspiration is soon to follow.
Like a child preparing to be born.

Drink a lot of water
Get a lot of rest.
Take a long hot shower or bath
Eat good foods high in Amino Acids and rich in vit D, B , C and E.
And do not forget to make your daily attunement to what ever source you call Divine...

As we cycle through our lives we have "resting" periods.
They are times when one is in a pre birth period for inspiration.
When one is feeling 'out of it', it is a sure sign, that it is time to rest and wait.

There is and always will be a divine voice inside....
You just have to be willing to hear it.
If your not nurturing your self properly... this may get in the way.

Summer also has a way of boosting our drive...Esp. when we are so close to a solstice.
Be sure to manage your energy and time and take in the goodness of the Earth , the Sun , the Stars and Sky. Find Time to sing a gratitude song of some kind every day.
The world around us is a combination of the work of the goddess and our own manifestation.
We can recreate and do recreate our worlds at every moment.
When we come to see this we can take responsibility for our actions as well as move through them without fear.

Trust in the love of the Divine...
In times of goodness and in times of strife...
Know you are the best you can be and love that...
Mana From the Temple of the Muse

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