Friday, July 29, 2011

Lammas July 31 - August 2

I found this information very useful for those interested in working with the energies of Lammas. From this site...
The days fly past and already in the northern hemisphere we are galloping away from that moment when the sun was at her or his height at Midsummer, towards the festival of the first harvest. In the southern hemisphere on the other side of the wheel of the world you are getting ready to greet the early spring in your ritual calendar and moving away from Midwinter.
The first harvest time at the end of July and the beginning of August is for me not a time of the powerful sun gods riding across the sky in their golden chariots but the much more hands on sun mothers, making sure the workers in the fields get their dinner and that nobody is treading on the sleepy field mice.
Sun mothers appear in hot and cold lands alike. In one Australian Aboriginal legend from the Wotjobaluk tribe of Victoria, Australia, the Sun Mother carries a bark torch through the skies each day and returns to the west each evening to feed her waiting infant.
In the folk customs of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, the solar Goddess, Saule, Queen of the Heavens and Earth, dressed and crowned with gold, is still in folk tradition, said to drive her shining chariot across the skies and to walk among the people to bless the growing fields. In winter, Saule dances with her daughters, the planets, in defiance of the darker days. Throughout the year, Saule scolds her lazy husband Menulis the Moon who will not keep up with her and disappears for three days each month.
In the Basque region of Northern Spain, the sun is still revered in folk lore as Grandmother Sun. Her worship has been transferred to the Virgin Mary who is associated with mother Mari, the Storm Goddess in whose wise bosom Grandmother Sun sleeps at night
The Japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu Omigami was the chief deity or kami, deity of nature. She is compassionate and wise. However because Amaterasu is all-seeing and all-knowing, occasionally the behaviour  of humanity makes her temporarily despair and she returns to her  sun cave, causing an eclipse.
Aine was one of the Sun Mother of the Celts, linked with fertility, healing, goddess of cattle and corn and the cycles of the solar and lunar year, for she was also a moon goddess. The top of her sacred hill in Munster, in Ireland, like that of the hill of her sun sister Grainne in Leinster, was the scene for torchlight processions and bonfires at the Summer Solstice and again at the first grain harvest at the beginning of August.
Enjoying the sun in our lives, even on cloudy days
I am reminded on sunny summer days of a line from the I Ching Oracle. Be not sad; be as the sun at midday. Being as the sun at midday means enjoying very moment, not fretting about what went wrong or we did not achieve or worrying about the future as yet unmade. It is hard to always be like the sun at midday especially if it is a cloudy midday actually or emotionally. Then you have to push your way through doom and gloom and you may feel more like retiring to bed and drawing the curtains on the world rather than being little Miss or Master Sunshine.
For me as we approach the first harvest Lughnassadh there is lots in my personal harvest that is not yet ripe and other crops I planted that are past their sell by date or never took root at all!
But it is important to focus on what is of worth and what has been achieved, usually more than you thought possible. You may be moving into the early spring in the southern world with a chance to plant again maybe more wisely. Alternatively like me you may be getting out the secateurs to cut back the garden gone wild with alternate sun and rain. Wherever you are and whatever your seasonal call, stop to enjoy any moments of sunshine and joy.
It is hard for me with my puritanical work ethic and all too real Work Mountain to enjoy relaxing and not to count only what I have actually produced in terms of readings, articles and book chapters, my external harvest, as being of worth. The precious weekend moments with my family now grown up and scattered, watching the badgers that come to the back door every night as darkness falls, or sitting and listening to the bird song and seeing the moon rising over the trees are all of worth and are a different kind of harvest but equally valuable. I know this in my heart if not in my whirling always desperately trying to catch up mind and practical life.
The days really do go faster as you get older as my late mother used to say. I never believed her when I was a bored teenager, wishing away the present for some idealized golden tomorrow that when it came, seemingly flashed by in an eye blink as if viewed from a high speed express train.
So take time at this first harvest to reflect not on what did not grow or what will not now bear fruit but what you have achieved since the last harvest and what you still can create in golden moments however small. For gathered together like sunbeams those special moments can generate a lot of light to keep you optimistic and on track when the clouds of daily pressures do descend.
If you live in the southern hemisphere especially if it is warm and dry, you can incorporate parts of Lughnassadh into you mirror festival of Imbolc, the fire in the belly of the mother, the fire that will melt the last signs of winter. So too in the northern hemisphere we can think about what we planted at our own early spring festival could still grow even if a little later than anticipated, given  extra attention and faith in ourselves.

Lughnassadh/Lammas, 31 July –August 2
Focus of the period: Justice and natural justice or karma, human and personal rights issues, freedom from abuse of any kind; for partnerships, both personal and legal or business, for signing contracts or property matters; promotion and career advancement and the regularizing of personal finances; for holidays and journeys to see friends and family or on business and the renewal of promises, loyalty and fidelity; also willing sacrifice for a long term gain or made in love, trusting the cosmos to provide by giving without seeking immediate return; also for all matters concerning people in their forties and fifties.
Keywords:  Justice, fulfillment, sacrifice
Emphasis of festival: Transformation / bread
Energies of the season: Waning
Symbols: Any straw object such as a corn dolly, a corn knot or a straw hat or a straw animal tied with red ribbon, harvest flowers such as poppies or cornflowers (they can be silk or dried), a container of mixed cereals, dried grasses or long ears of grain, stones with natural holes; bread and dough.
Tree: Alder or redwood
Incense, flower and herbs: Cedarwood, cinnamon, fenugreek, ginger, heather, myrtle, poppies and sunflowers, any dark yellow, deep blue  or brown-gold flowers.
Candle colours: Golden brown or dark yellow.
Crystals: Fossilized wood, dark yellow and any brown jasper, banded agates, greenstone, mookaite, Botswana agate, titanium aura, fossils
Festival foods: Home made bread, milk, cereal products, elderberry and fruit wines, strawberries, berry pies and fruit juices, potato soup, popcorn, chicken
Angel: Sachiel. Archangel of the grain harvest and of abundance. He wears robes of deep blue and purple, carrying sheaves of corn and baskets of food with a rich purple and golden halo and blue and purple wings
God and Goddess of the festival. Eriu\Macha as Irish goddess of the Land. She accepted the remaining power of Lugh or Llew as Sun and Grain god so that the remaining crops would ripen. He then offers to die and return his body to the land to ensure the continuing success of future harvests
The Place on the Wheel:
This is the festival of the first grain harvest.
The God promises to defend and die for the land. The Sun/Grain god is willingly cut down in the form of the last sheaf of grain to be harvested and his spirit descends into the earth, back into the mother’s womb, to be reborn on the Midwinter celebration as the infant Sun King.
In both the pre Christian and Christian tradition called Lammas or Loaf mass a loaf baked from the first harvested sheaf was offered on the altar.
On August 15, at the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven, in Celtic influenced lands a bannock was made from bread and milk to be broken by the father of the household and given to the family to ensure sufficient bread throughout the year on the family table (and his willingness to work to provide it. Obviously these days the woman equally assumes the role of provider for herself and a family if she has one.
Ways of Marking the Festival in the Modern world
  •  Bake your own bread on Lughnassadh Eve, either with yeast or from a mix in the shape of a figure who can either represent the Grain\Corn Spirit or the Grain Mother. Add milk to the mix and as you stir the mix in turn with friends and family or alone, make wishes for abundance and the harvest you wish to reap during the coming months. Ask also if appropriate for suitable employment.
  • When your bread is cooked, eat or share it and name the transformations you seek in your life/the world. At dawn put out any remaining crumbs for the wild birds.
  • Bake extra bread or fruit pies to give to neighbours and colleagues who maybe live alone and may not cook for themselves often.
  • Cut down an area of weeds or overgrown grass in your garden or tidy up indoor plants. Alternatively spend a day on an organised project clearing local wilderness, to symbolically generate the energies to clear your way ahead in your life and relationships.
  • Light an orange candle every evening if possible for a week around the festival. Sprinkle a pinch of salt in the flame to let go of any injustice that cannot be put right but which needs to be released from your mind to set you free.
  • Then add a small pinch of dried sage to the flame and name a blessing however small or an unexpected kindness you have received in the previous few months. At the end of the week, make a practical gesture or spoken small blessing to someone who does not merit it
  • Alternatively if you feel you have been unjustly treated and cannot put matters right, knot dried grasses or pluck the petals of a dying flower, one for each injustice and cast them into running water or bury them, planting late flowering seeds or autumn flowers.
  • Use corn or dried grasses to create corn knots and corn mother figures (with featureless head, arms, body and legs) tied with red and blue threads. Hang them in the home through the winter to bring protection and burn them on the first Monday after Twelfth Night (January 6) or on next year’s Spring Equinox fires.
  • If you want to make a Corn spirit, make an abstract shape using ears of corn tied together. Burn him in your Lughnassadh festival bonfire and scatter some of the ashes in your garden or on indoor plants to bring abundance to the home during the winter ahead.
  • Arrange journeys to see friends and relations or write or telephone, making definite plans to meet, as this is a time when tribes would get together before the long winter. Try to take an impromptu weekend away to fill you with energy for the coming months,
  • Make a final effort to resolve an unfair official or neighbourhood dispute or a disagreement over an inheritance or property matter, if necessary by changing tactic or the person representing you.
  • If you are in love, make a commitment as this was the time when couples would pledge themselves for a year and a day. Alternatively if things are not working decide if you can make one last all out effort to salvage the relationship or if you want to use this cleansing time to move on at least in your own mind. Cast dying flowers into your festival bonfire and ask for renewal and afterwards pick any flowers growing or buy yourself a flowering plant to symbolise new love, maybe loving yourself for the first time.
Above all do not think of the first harvest as a step towards the waning of the light but look across the wheel to the southern hemisphere to the growth of the springtime and realise both are happening at the same time. Soon we will be rising up the wheel again and planting the next lots of seeds.

Leo. We Discover Our Own Strength and Control It

Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Part V. Influence of the Zodiac
Leo. We Discover Our Own Strength and Control It
Priestess: (Invocation) We honour Thee, the Lion Goddess, the Strong, The Mighty! In Thy form as the serpent Goddess Mehenet, Thou doth pour blazing fire from the head of the Sun God Ra. Thou doth declare. "I set the fierce heat of the fire for a distance of millions of cubits between Osiris and His enemy, and I keep away from Him the evil ones, and remove His foes from His habitation."Yet also Thou art like unto Hathor, the Goddess of Love. Thou art the Lady of Amentet, Lady of Manu, the Mountain of the Setting Sun of the world of spirits, and art Queen of the Western Libyan Lands. With Thy husband, the architect God Ptah, and with Maat, Goddess of Truth, Thou didst plan the world, with the Seven Wise Hawks of the Goddess Meh-urt. Thou art the inner Eye of Ra, and the celestial Hawk hath outspread wings behind Thee. Great Lady, Beloved of Ptah, Holy One, Powerful One, bless all those who dwell in Thy realm of departed souls. Give us Strength and Love.
Oracle: Love needs must be approached with humility. Power must be gained through service. My followers in Egypt still kiss My stony face in My Temple at Thebes, with simple faith that I may bestow upon them both Love and Riches! Control of the very passions which I ignite is necessary. Otherwise unwary followers who pursue Power and Love are consumed by My fire. Control of the passions may come from the schooling of Thoth, God of Wisdom, or from the contemplation of the Goddess Maat.
But My way is not of the mind, though I too bear wings! Rather it comes from within the body itself, whether this body be the round earth or the human's animal body. If you desire to extend your consciousness into the universe - feel and experience that part of the cosmos which is yours to know! Your body is nearest to you, so feel it, love it, heal it. And love the creatures around you through touch - the rough bark of a tree or the cool splash of water. It is by stroking a cat's fur and making her purr that you touch the cosmic rhythm! Some there are who willfully stroke a cat's fur the wrong way - these are the evil ones who disturb the universal heart beat. Yet to Me none of My children are evil, though they often pursue evil paths. Even these are subject to My sovereignty. And I rule as effectively through My sharp claws as I do by My softness. Enter fully into any sphere in which Deity places you, and do not escape into the mind! For incarnation is an acceptance of total involvement. Some there are who live on earth and own a body without honouring the commitment. They despise the passions. Yet these are under My sway, and if I am too long gainsayed I take a terrible revenge - for I possess these proud ones utterly!
But to those who acknowledge My Divinity, I present a different face. I am the Sphynx of the Galaxy. My Head is that of Virgo, serene and wise. My body is that of the noble Leo, and I bear the wings of the soaring hawk. I am what you make of Me! My riddle is concealed within your heart.

New Moon In Leo this Saturday. ....

“Magnetic Vibes”
On a Summer’s day, Nature displays its natural magnificence and grandeur. Deep within the cells, Love sends out its melodious Song, and it activates all. Ancient memories stored within and without, remind us so, that which Nature bestows…Bliss  is indeed our true nature. Be the love that you are. Be the bliss that you are.” ~ Dipali
The New Moon is in the vivacious sign of Leo at 7 degrees on July 30th, 2011. Magnetic vibes are dancing about during this vibrant New Moon phase. They have the potential to spark more joy and bursts of creativity.
The time of a New Moon in the Lunar phase is that of fresh new awareness and intentions. It feels like fresh dug up soil full of nutrients, perfect for planting new seeds symbolic or literal. Set time aside to set a new intention for the time of the New Moon in Leo. During this time, the themes and attention are drawn to unconditional love, self-expression, individual style, creativity, joy, heart’s wisdom, romance, hobbies, playfulness, innocence, inner child within or physical children. What stirs your passion for life? What fires you up to take action? What vibes are you sending out and what are you attracting in your life? These are a few questions to ask at this time.
It’s all about YOU!
Well, give others a chance others too. Everyone wants to be seen and heard in life. It validates one’s existence. For the purpose of this article, let’s make it about you! You are on center stage, the spotlights point towards you. Why?  because it all begins with you! How much self-love and respect you have for yourself is in return what you will receive from others. The magnetic vibes are strong right now, so  lift up your energy to a higher more expanded state of Consciousness rather than accepting less respect, not valuing or appreciating yourself.
The New Moon in Leo is symbolically super social this lunar cycle. That is, there is a lot of astrological activity happening now. The New Moon in Leo connects with the ultra fabulous Venus in Leo and Uranus in Aries retrograde (sassy and deliciously unexpected energy). People may be more passionate, romantic and expressive about love now. Some may take risks for love or dare to shake up the status quo in relationships.
Also it makes a tense connection to Jupiter in Taurus (watch you don’t over do the melodrama or indulge),  an opportunity aspect to Saturn in Libra (chance to express maturely and with diplomacy). We may want to be realistic and responsible with actions we take or words we speak now.
And the New Moon in Leo finally making an inconjunct aspect to Pluto in Capricorn retrograde and Neptune in Pisces retrograde (have to make adjustments or redirect energy and resources now which can stimulate agitation).
Creative types of people will enjoy this New Moon as it has boundless energy flowing, while others who are feeling the tense vibes may be slightly feeling stuck. Remember, the potential of the new moon phase is – if you need to set a new habit or pattern…do it! Now is the moment, seize it.
Medical Astrology Symbolism:
It is helpful to take a look at how you nourish your heart and circulatory system. In medical Astrology, Leo governs over these points. It is helpful to eat heart-healthy foods. Experiment different bold flavors, colors (for visual stimulation) or spices helps improve circulation. Eating a bit of fresh ginger or ginger juice in a fruit smoothie also helps stimulate digestion.
Approaching Mercury Retrograde:
We are on the brink of the next Mercury Retrograde in Virgo which begins August 2nd, 2011. Mercury will retrograde back into Leo so some themes repeat and reappear. But we will save that for the next “Re-envision Mercury Retrograde” plus 2 minute Readings – LIVE Webinar on July 26th (attend by phone or internet webcast) – hope you can join us and upcoming Mercury Retrograde Article.
Exit stage left.
The curtain drops, roar of the applause from the crowd, roses tossed into stage. This completes Act Three of the New Moon in Leo.
New Moon in Leo Ceremony:
Create safe space of unconditional love where the “Child Within/Inner Child” may express itself freely and joyfully. Allow yourself to express without defining, labeling or judging. Dance, sing, paint, draw, express in a safe space that you create. Accept whatever flows out and love yourself through the process.
~::*::~Wishing you the best of the New Moon in Leo.

New Moon in Leo this Saturday.

Prayer to the Leo Moon.
When the Moon is darkest and the stars the brightest
as the wind begins to cool,
When Leo Roars in like the Lion and out like the Lamb
This is the time for the best made plans of all Man.

For those who offer prayers to dragons who fly high
 dive deep
and soar long...
This new Leo moon is strong...!

Make a plan and leave a seed deep inside your land..
Cast your prayer into the air...
In 6 weeks time, a bounty will be in your hands.

When equal day and night
 lay soft and free
This will be the time you'll see.
The seeds one laid in the Spring ...
Foster fruits for those to bring
To Her Alter for her to Bless
Keep your practice
This is the test.

Ancient Family made their choice
Exaltations from their voice
In this fashion from great words of power
Upon the Moonrise within in that hour
Foster herbs and flowers,
 Fragrant, Holy and True
You must offer Her gifts she leaves for you...

Upon the alter of the Mabon Moon
In a bower on the strike of Noon.
Remember your prayers on the Leo Moon
You will find your long awaited boon...
Says the Muse, as she remembers  then, this Leo Moon....
....Says the Muse, as she remembers  then, this Leo Moon....
Mana From the Muse / July 20th 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Musings on Priesthood Training Courses From Olivia Robertson 22/7/2011

Musings on Priesthood Training Courses
From Olivia Robertson 22/7/2011

As we have said in our Manifesto, My brother and I have printed our ordination ceremony but left it to individual priestesses and Priests to offer their own form of training.  Purely from a personal point of view I like what Caroline has told me this morning so I have prevailed on her to offer her own method which is modern, democratic and original. It allows the candidate to bring the Goddess into everyday life.

My brother and I were very clear that anyone could leave the Fellowship, including the priesthood and any FOI group or course at anytime and that they will be sent forth with goodwill and kindness however annoyed they are at the time! I don’t mind if they find spiritual support elsewhere.  The Priestess allows the candidate privacy and therefore freedom in their personal life. There should be no vows or secrecy. Let us be happy! Love is the Heartbeat of the Universe. OR 

My brother is present as Caroline and I are talking here on the sofa after breakfast:

From Caroline: Olivia has asked me to share the basics of my Priestess training. 

My course is open to all who come with a genuine good heart.  It is a very practical and the aims are for the candidate to integrate the Goddess into the ‘mundane’ sphere, what we call everyday life, which includes ones’ work, hobbies, and other activities. This extends to some form of conservation work; practical or raising awareness; Some similar work will be taken with animals and the environment. This is not as daunting as it sounds, trust me! This complements academic research – hearing of  your genuine psychic and spiritual contact with the goddess is as important, if not more so, than you telling me what you have learned from books! 

The practical work also complements this more esoteric work such as the daily meditations and psychic attunements, FOI Liturgy rites, joining us in solo distant attunement, dream understanding, and bi-monthly group meetings. To me the most important aspect of the role of Priestess is to give the oracle of the Goddess, and it is a particular feature of the FOI priesthood. My course offers training with this. 

The candidate finds that by the date of their ordination, they are already acting as a Priestess or Priest with grace in all spheres of their life, including how they treat others, how they share, and how they treat themselves. Equally, I see the role of the Pr/Prs offering an ordination course as one of bringing out the Pr/Prs already within the candidate. No form of bossing or discipline should be present in the relationship. There can be no form of domineering from teacher to student, the relationship is not healthy if the teacher acts like a boss, and the student should not accept it. The newly ordained Prs or Pr is free to continue working with the same people, or to start their own group and to go forth with blessings of the Fellowship. Aset Shemu.  

Lady Olivia Speaks on preparing for ordination.

‘Our essential aim for any Candidate was to receive direct revelation of the real existence of the Goddess. This we achieved through the Candidate developing psychic and spiritual awakening through trance experience and dream interpretation. Development of the Kundalini was all important for receiving the direct flow of energy through the body.
The Candidate was required to have a practical way to care for others through nature, social work, care for animals or the environment.

Practice of the Arts and Crafts was necessary for each Candidate to develop his or her unique gifts. Lawrence and myself gave our sessions for eight day periods. We would assemble in the library in the morning and each person was required to read a paper on some relevant subject to FOI. In the afternoons, we made made pilgrimage to a sacred place to cooperate with the local energies.

At 6.00pm we would assemble to experience magical journeys of the soul, where each person would report on what they received spiritually. Here, some found the gift of Oracle, others of Healing and Counselling. We accepted the equality of Teacher and Candidate, demanded no violation of their private lives or asked for any binding vows. When we felt that the Candidate was accepted by the Goddess and her Consort the God, we would then give the Rite of Rebirth, followed by Ordination in our Temple of Isis in full ceremony. The new Priestess or Priest, in our experience, received a full flow of divine energy. They then, as was the custom of the ancient Priesthood, gave their Blessing to the world, with a declaration of their future spiritual intent.

A Long Heart Felt Word from the Inner Temple of the Muse

With These hands and This heart I offer what ever I have to the family of Isis and Osirus.
With my eyes I ask to see each one of us as the very gift from the royal family.
With my feet may I dance the step of tribulation and leave a trail of bliss behind ...for those to feed upon.
With my arms may I fold them to my heart and send the radiance of the divine family out to creation.
With my breath, may I sing the songs of love for our strong family of sound , light composed from love beauty , wisdom ...building Truth's gift brighter and stronger in every way.
May I remember the brilliant words of my inner teacher , lover, and Friend...
STOP< PAUSE< LISTEN ... You are loved beyond what you can comprehend and you are blessed to give out this never ending river of love to every person place and thing you encounter...
Everyone... EVERYONE... is the divine's greatest gift... we holding the Mirror of Hathor are enabled to hold up the reflection of this brilliance and remember... Re -member ... this ....
The Temple is Within the Golden Heart Chamber and resonates every where we set our love to be...
The Oracle tells us to remember we are the divinity we pray for..
We are the Miracle we ask for
We are the history we live and the future we create.
The present NOW is alive in each of us to take to our temple and serve as well as delight in.
The Great Mother Stands before us at all times... Never does she leave... Never does she falter ... always does she love, forgive and recreate for our pleasure...
I offer my most humble love and respect to all of us ... Who are living this manifesto.
I believe that ordination is something for everyone.
I have taken a turn toward the heart again and after these last few weeks of new and Old  news in the Fellowship, I see that to be ordained is not really about qualifying ... one is already qualified to be part of this perfect Love ... Beauty .... and Wisdom.
Perhaps the ordination is celebrating how one is wise enough to recognize their inner light and eternal love of Isis one is part of...
This by no means require sacrifice ( aside from ego perhaps ) , study or promise...
It does however suggest that when we are taking part in anything... We make a promise that needs continual fostering... like a garden of Love..
When we speak , act, breath... we represent those who are a part of our Fellowship...
To those who do not know the Fellowship... other then the Title... when they hear we are part of this..
What impression do we leave...?
One of Love Beauty , Wisdom... True Truth...
or an uncomfortable uncertainty.
Love is not ignorant, resting... asleep....
Love is alive and growing.. present in us and reflecting Their Radiance in all we do and see..
When one stops to judge others.. One is really being told to stop pause and listen to the sound of this real love within...
This message is not new age... nor new at all.
We all nod and say.. yes yes I know .. I hear ... this is obvious.
But if it is obvious why do we continue to struggle .. judge and separate.
Perhaps one might see that judgement is only a sign that our devotional heart needs more true food.
The kind of nourishment which can only come ...not from adoration.. but respecting the divinity in all souls and the kind of nourishment that comes from stilling the mind and moving into the place where nothing else exists but the gift from Her Divine Blessings...
These words come only from this daughter... who waits for the Call ...hoping to move in Her shadow under the love and blessings of Her Wings...
Blessings from Mana From the Temple of the Muse Of Isis.
 Temple of the Muse..
Thank you for taking this in...
Thank you for all you do to re member ... "Hu" we truly are.
Family of the House of Isis...
Mana Young
Priestess of Nephthys , Isis. Hathor...
Custodian / Librarian, Teacher From  the Temple of the Muse Of Isis...

The Fellowship of Isis Manifesto


                          Aset t fem. det. shm s w "go, walk" det. plural sign
                                      Aset Shemsu - The Retinue of Aset
                           Foundation Centre: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

                                         The Fellowship of Isis Manifesto

Growing numbers of people are rediscovering their love for the Goddess. At first, this love may seem to be no more than an inner feeling. But soon it develops; it becomes a longing to help the Goddess actively in the manifestation of Her divine plan. Thus, one hears such enquiries as, "How can I get initiated into the Mysteries of the Goddess? How can I experience a closer communion with her? Where are her nearest temples and devotees? How can I join the priesthood of the Goddess?", and many other such questions.

The Fellowship of Isis has been founded to answer these needs. Membership provides means of promoting a closer communion between the Goddess and each member, both singly and as part of a larger group. There are hundreds of Iseums and thousands of members all over the world, since the Fellowship was founded in 1976 by Lawrence, Pamela and Olivia Durdin-Robertson. Love, Beauty and Truth are expressed through a multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-racial Fellowship. The good in all faiths is honoured. The Fellowship of Isis has no particular affiliations.

The Fellowship is organized on a democratic basis. All members have equal privileges within it, whether as a single member or part of an Iseum or Lyceum. This manifesto applies also to the daughter societies: the College of Isis, the Spiral of the Adepti, the Spiral of Alchemy, the Noble Order of Tara and the Druid Clan of Dana.

The Fellowship respects the freedom of conscience of each member. There are no vows required or commitments to secrecy. All Fellowship activities are optional and members are free to resign without question. Membership is free.

The Fellowship reverences all manifestations of Life. The God also is venerated. The Rites exclude any form of sacrifice, whether actual or symbolic. Nature is revered and conserved. The work of the Noble Order of Tara is for conservation of Nature.

The Fellowship accepts religious toleration, and is not exclusivist. Members are free to maintain other religious allegiances. Membership is open to all of every religion, tradition and race. Children, listed as "Children of Isis", are welcomed, subject to parental consent. The “Animal Family of Isis” accepts members’ animal and bird friends through centres.

The Fellowship believes in the promotion of Love, Beauty and Abundance. No encouragement is given to asceticism. The Fellowship seeks to develop friendliness, psychic gifts, happiness, and compassion for all life. The Druid Clan of Dana develops Nature's psychic gifts.

The College of Isis has been revived after its suppression 1,500 years ago. Like Aset Shemsu, The F.O.I. itself, it has always been alive in the Inner Planes. It is from these Inner Planes that its return has been inspired. Magi degrees may be conferred through Lyceums of the College. Correspondence courses are offered. There are no vows nor secrecy.

Iseums are the very Hearths of the Goddess, or Goddess and God to Whom they are dedicated. These are listed, along with Lyceums in every Isian News. Tara Priories and Dana Groves are also listed regularly. All these centers and Isian News are for FOI members only.

The Archpriesthood Union of the FOI Priesthood, together with the ArchDruid Union of the Druid Clan of Dana and the Grand Commander Union of the Noble Order of Tara (FOI Foundation Union Triad) are Guardians to inspire the ideals of The Fellowship of Isis. All members are equal, and are not subject to anyone. All work with the Goddess - or Goddess and God - of their own Faith. Every Being - human, animal, bird, tree - element - is an eternal offspring of the Divine Family of the Mother Goddess.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Wonder of It All

Have you ever heard of Where is the Wonder of it all?
 Have you lost your spark somewhere ?
 Do you feel you do not know what is the next step or the next destination....???
Do not loose hope... !
 Many feel this way..
 In fact most do.
This is a natural feeling from so many. Esp. for the Muse.
When you begin to feel alone or lonely or with out a creative drive,
 it simply means your turning the page.
New inspiration is soon to follow.
Like a child preparing to be born.

Drink a lot of water
Get a lot of rest.
Take a long hot shower or bath
Eat good foods high in Amino Acids and rich in vit D, B , C and E.
And do not forget to make your daily attunement to what ever source you call Divine...

As we cycle through our lives we have "resting" periods.
They are times when one is in a pre birth period for inspiration.
When one is feeling 'out of it', it is a sure sign, that it is time to rest and wait.

There is and always will be a divine voice inside....
You just have to be willing to hear it.
If your not nurturing your self properly... this may get in the way.

Summer also has a way of boosting our drive...Esp. when we are so close to a solstice.
Be sure to manage your energy and time and take in the goodness of the Earth , the Sun , the Stars and Sky. Find Time to sing a gratitude song of some kind every day.
The world around us is a combination of the work of the goddess and our own manifestation.
We can recreate and do recreate our worlds at every moment.
When we come to see this we can take responsibility for our actions as well as move through them without fear.

Trust in the love of the Divine...
In times of goodness and in times of strife...
Know you are the best you can be and love that...
Mana From the Temple of the Muse

Khufu’s second solar boat revealed - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online

This was posted from our dear sister in San Diego Linda from the Lotus of Alexandria Temple and Lyceum
Khufu’s second solar boat revealed - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Egyptian Holidays
March 5Ploiaphaesia: The Festival of Navigation, a celebration of Isis as the ruler over safe navigation, boats, fishing, and the final journey of life
March 20The Spring harvest festival honoring Isis
April 1Day of Hathor
June 16
(or June 14)
Night of the Teardrop, Feast of the Waters of the Nile celebrating Isis and her sorrows
June 24Burning of the Lamps in Egypt at Sais, a celebration of Isis and Neith
July 17Birthday of Isis*
July 18Birthday of Nephthys *
July 19Egyptian New Year.  The Opet Festival or Marriage of Isis and Osiris* 
July 27
1st Epagomenal Day♦  Birthday of Osiris**
July 28
2nd Epagomenal Day♦  Birthday of Horus**
July 29
3rd Epagomenal Day♦  Birthday of Set**
July 30
4th Epagomenal Day♦  Birthday of Isis**
July 31
5th Epagomenal Day♦  Birthday of Nephthys**
August 1Egyptian New Year**
August 6Festival of Thoth
August 7Breaking of the Nile, dedicated to Hathor
August 12The Blessing of the Boats
September 13-14Ceremony of Lighting the Fire, honoring Nephthys and the spirits of the dead
October 7The Going-Forth of Isis
October 26Full Moon festival of Hathor
October 28 -
November 2
The Isia, a six-day festival of Isis celebrating the search and recovery of Osiris, concludes on November 3
October 31Feast of Sekhmet and Bast
November 3The last day of Isia - the rebirth of Osiris
November 24Feast of the Burning Lamps for Isis and Osiris
December 8Festival of Neith
December 21Osiris' return to Isis in Egypt

What Will ItTake? A Poem

A Poem From Soul to Self An Eight Part Sage of Self  I What will it take To take a chance To try on one’s life again?  Time has touched us  ...