Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ancient Truths From The Past , Creating Our Future !

Ideal # 40
"I Achieve With Integrity" 

Our achievements, as we move up the ladder of success need to be accomplished by not undermining others. In our technological dog eat dog world the bigger business is now undermining the smaller operations so that achievements are hard to come by when trying to go into any business.  We all need to find ways to achieve in order to have shelter and food and the basics of life. If we would work together without feeling rivalry and jealousy a lot more could be accomplished. Some people steal ideas from others an copy those who are achieving success , which is certainly a lack of integrity.. Competition is a good thing but not if it is done by stealing ideas of others or using others in a way that is out of integrity. We must have goals and hopefully will be able to achieve them in an honorable way that will not hurt others. Each of us has a purpose in life and may we fulfill it with complete integrity. 
Rt. Rev. Lady Loreon Vigne'
The Temple of Isis / Fellowship Of Isis  / Isis Oasis Sanctuary

Mana's Musings 
A place of contentment 

Living with the Goddess is not something that you show up once a week for . Being a priestess of Isis , is being recognized or seen as one who loves and lives every moment of their life with the idea that they are a part of something greater then themselves.  

The Priest or Priestess of Isis knows deeply that their source comes from within their own inner shrine. The place where the Great Mother eternally radiates her love, beauty and truth in all of us. 

When we align with this trinity of eternal light we have no other place from which to exist from.  When one knows where one is from , then one can begin to understand who one is. 

We as Isians declare ourselves clear and open channels of the Great Mother Isis and all Her Love , Beauty and Truth to pour forth from.

This radiance is what connects each and every living being. 

Some souls are sleeping deeply, unaware of their birthright as a divine sentient being. Others are waking up gently to the lullaby of Auset  either by listening to the priesthood recite Her divine praises or in dreams or approaching their images cast in paper paint and stone.
To realize and touch Her love, brings one to a place where they  never want to be anywhere else. To wake up and find yourself wrapped in divinity's kind embrace, does happen and there is nothing else like it. It is not a fairytale or a notion of some idealism. It is truth . Simple , Beautiful Truth. 

When one decides to live with this , it is constant.
 All things become it, because you realize all things are Isis and ...

 Isis is in all things 

This good fortune of returning home to Love is enough to perhaps keep us in check well,  most of the time.

I believe if one can fill their day realistically with activities that enhance ones spiritual life, such as reading and reciting prayers, writing , dancing , creating artwork , helping others including the animal kingdom and journaling ones gratitude daily in their journal,  they are doing a good job trying to keep their connection. 

I also believe that when one finds they are supported by the good grace of the Goddess, they want to hang on to it because everything else seems stale. This is what it is to declare yourself a vehicle for the Divine. 

You are a chalice of sweet love. 

To appreciate the love one is capable of giving, means you accept that there is an endless supply coming out of you all day long. This notion will eventually move into everything one does.  They call it Bhakti Yoga. 

It is not idealistic to want to dedicate your life to Isis / Divinity.
 It is your true reality. 

Integrity comes from a place of contentment.

To be content , to be happy and appreciate the love and the grace you carry inside is life well lived. 

When one trys to take something from another, or slander another, or look down upon another, they have broken away from this connection of Isis, they have forgotten themselves. 

When a Priest or Priestess sees this happening , the very best thing they to do is pray for the light of divine love to heal that darkness which has somehow developed in this person , not to mention yourself for placing judgement. 

All we simply need to remember is ...
We are complete with the Love Of Isis.  
All we need is the opportunity to exhibit loving kindness to Her entire creation.
It is simple and it is beautiful .

So why do we slip ? 
Why do we find ourselves casting judgment , growing angry or tired of another ?

Well one reason , to begin with,  
might be 
that we are not taking care of ourselves .

Patience comes from faith in Love . 
It is never a waste of time contemplating why you've lost your temper, or why something is bothering you so much. 
This is usually a trigger for you to stop, pause and listen to the inner voice of Isis . 

The Voice of Divine Reason . It is a yoga. 

We can get streched out on the wrack of egotism.
When I stop and ask myself questions like 
Where I am right at the moment ?
Where is my own consciousness taking me ?
Is this part of my plan to bring myself closer to spirit or am I unconsciously pushing myself further way.

Time to reboot. Time to rest and Time to remember LOVE .

At times we do need to speak up for an obvious injustice which may occur. However, we can also take comfort in knowing that there are proper channels in our organization that handles these situations. 

If you feel that something is not being done properly, it is best not to cast judgement. It is best to ask those who are in charge of these regulative guidelines and ask them to please take care of the situation. 

These propers individuals are not policemen or even peace keepers. Our senior chosen Pillars of Foundation are spiritual elders looking out for the wellbeing of Everyone.  

 Our fellowship is a garden which needs careful tending. 
Too many gardeners in the grove can make a mess of things.

Trusting that Isis moves in her own divine way and that our senior pillars of our Isian Family were chosen by Lady Olivia herself , is enough for me. Those individuals know the best course of action and were appointed by her to care for and nurture the future of our Isian Community for lifetimes to come. 

It is not like anyone is putting their head in the sand. Actually these pillars of senior advisors are pulling the other pour souls head out of the sand .  Saying " Hey, Remember the Magic Mirror of Isis ? Here take a look. She is telling you something... Listen. 

I personally believe that this is what we must focus ourselves upon. 
Our seeds for the future. 
Not who is doing what to whom, 
What was done to so and so.
Who is planning the next big revolution. 
Organizations have a big scale of purity to balance out. Lots of people lots of egos lots of time to sort it out. 

If you are reading the manifesto weekly or monthly , as Lady Olivia has asked us to do, and you see that the integrity of our organization is being threatened, write to the Office. 

Do not publicly announce that this is being done by whom and openly humiliate someone who is perhaps simply not in balance with the Manifesto.

There are many reasons why people act out and most of these reason are not due to intentional deceit. They are mostly due to an imbalance on that persons part to care for themselves properly.

Therefore, I request, that we pray deeply and rely upon our faith to see these issues in our organization are clearly being taken care of by Isis, through those appointed to hold safe  our Isian family.

I leave you with the quotes below taken from the Fellowship of Isis Central site. 

“The Queen’s regulations are handrails, not handcuffs.” 
- General Sir Lawrence Parsons, 
grandfather of Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Olivia Robertson. 
He burnt mounds of red tape in his day!

Received November 6, 2012
From FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson 
Ethics within the Fellowship

"In ISIS we rely not on rules and regulations,

But on the Divine Power of Her Winnowing Wings of Protection.

In Her we trust.”

There is an duty of integrity and responsibility upon every individual member to uphold and adhere to the principles and ideals of the Fellowship, as set out in this Manifesto, including prevention of abuse and exploitation of humans, animals, and our environment.

No secrecy or binding vow is sanctioned in the Fellowship.

Any member has the right, at any time, to seek assistance from outside authorities.

Oracle of Isis

“I am She Who Was and Is and Is to Be. No mortal man hath lifted my veil.”

Isis lifts her veil to those with loving hearts,
Who seek the truth.

The balance between Love and Truth, divine feminine and sacred masculine, Isis and Osiris, brings forth harmony.

Remember This As Well Dear Ones,

Excerpt from 
Isis Is For All 
by Lady Olivia Roberston

Introduction to the Book Isis is For All
Aims and Ideals of The Fellowship of Isis 
By Olivia Robertson // Printed by Isis House Publishing.

" All that we call real in this transient world is a hologram, deliberately created to teach us to become our true selves. Our souls are born of Deity , and we have within us an individual Divine Being. Each being whether star or atom is original, unique .  The reason we come to planetary schools is that we wish to share with others our own special gifts. There is no automation or cloning in Divine Reality.  This life is only a hologram as in a computer game.
All that we are comes fem Above , the Divine Realm of Perfection. This spiritual realm is in harmony with that which is Below, Which is an evolutionary cycle. The growth of crystals of plants of families show forth the desires of Cosmic Deity to show forth joyful perfection in each unique birth. Divine Union comes from the Love of Goddess and God Woman and man, throughout the cosmos. We from below can teach the God what it is to suffer and struggle and gain victory over failure. But we need help from above for inspiration , vision and creativity. "

Lady Olivia goes on to conclude this introduction with this last quote ...

" We honor the Real in all true faiths and paths. May a ray of inspiration reach you and each reader in a way attune to each one of you ! 
Blessings Of Isis Who is For all !

Olivia Robertson / August 2011 


I want to thank Isis House Publishing for this great book Isis is For All. 
The members of the editing team and the Isians who practice these teachings in their everyday life. 

One of my vedic teachers told me that if you are ever in doubt of what to do, pick up a sacred text and start reading. I am beyond grateful for all the liturgy we have been left with . Keys or guidelines of beloved inspiration which we can base our direction while we live this cherish and gifted life with Isis .

May you always find your way home under the Wings of the Great Mother

Divine Blessings
Rev. Mana Youngbear 

I.S.I.S. The Isian Society For Integrated Studies 
Temple Of Isis / Fellowship of Isis.
 A Human Being deeply in love with Love Itself. 

Isis Is For All !

My commentary is my own. You must find your own path and your own realization of what how Truth speaks to you. I offer this in love and trust. No more and no less. 
I invite your comments please feel free to write to me at

Divine Blessings ,

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