Saturday, February 27, 2016

9th Ideal of Maat, Wisdom Shared by The 42 Ideals of Maat by Lady Loreon Vigne'

#9 I am Sincere

May you be sincere in all you do and say.
May you know yourself enough to respect others and speak with sincerity and authenticity.
Look into the eyes of the one you are addressing, as eyes speak deeply without saying a word.
Weigh your actions and evoke your genuine feelings and thoughts before you speak so that only sincere words come from your lips. Those that you are talking with will appreciate the feeling that you are a truly sincere and honest person. This is essential in a relationship and will keep you in harmony with all who you meet. Oddly enough it may take a bit of work to arrive at a place where you are a totally sincere person. Many people play games and there is no way of believing them. Thier hidden agendas show and they become suspect of having a false person. Always remember to be sincere in all you think and do and others will respond to you mirroring your sincerity and making for a divine connection. 

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