#10 I Consume Only My Fair Share.
"The concept of being fair to others and to the world is an important ingredient today as humans have begun to overpopulate the earth.
In our country, the United States of America, we now have the 99% opposed to the 1%. There are a small amount of those who control everything because they have more than their fair share. How did this happen?
We live in a world of consumerism and we see the huge corporations gobbling up all those that are small so that individuals cannot seem to move ahead as long as corporations overcome them.
I went to visit the place I once had my gallery in San Fransico only to find Starbucks was there now. The rent had been doubled so I left that part of my life behind. It would be so much better for everyone if there was a more even distrubution of wealth so none could overpower the ones who have less."
10th Ideal from the 42 Ideals of Maat by Lady Loreon Vigne'
Lady Loreon was always a charitable personality. She had plenty and yet she was so careful with her money, her time and her words and actions. She was always helping others who were in need of a place to lay their head and offer their hearts and hands in service. She once told me that Isis sends those who come to Isis Oasis to her and this is what she is told to do. Offer them some service and a place to rest. A chance to find the love of the Goddess expand in their hearts and minds.
I believe that by saving our time money energy and actions, we can spend more time living in a mindful way. Caring for others and caring or what is important in our selves. It is only when we forget Our "Selves". When goddess steps in with her little spanking to show us. Now see how painful it is when you forget the blessings of your life? As soon as you look outside your heart to try to help someone else your forgetting yourself. Alway bring your heart with you. Always ask yourself if your actions are kind and if they are substantial. If this will be something that will be worth remembering. I am honestly admitting that I forget myself for time to time as we all must do. It is human to error. Forgiveness is the real key to setting yourself free.
Learn to live in that unexpendable place of Love you were born in. Learn to claim the love that makes you who you are and you will soon see that you have enough of everything for everyone.
Thank you so much.
On this 8th Day of March on the Solar Eclipse, I pray for forgiveness and for more inner reflection on the real importance of serving others .. the real meaning of my breath and my walk in this very short lifetime
May you all find yourselves wrapped in the Love her endless Wings. Carrying your light soul wherever she bids it be.
I send you my love and divine blessings,
Good Evening,
Never forget Auset/Isis,
the Great Mother Goddess,
is For All !
Rev. Mana Youngbear H.P.
Isis Society for Inspirational Studies
Temple of the Muse
Arch Druid/ Grand Dame Commander/Hierophant Priestess of the Lyceum of the Isis Society for Inspirational Studies.
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