Loving our existing life.
Exercising our love for the Arts and Nature ..
Believing in the Eternity of Love Itself....
I received this message from spirit today and was moved to share it.
" I feel your sorrow of the loss of so many in your lives right now.
Please try to accept that it is our own mind frame that causes us pain .
Our soul is always joyful and aware of our full potential.
Perhaps there is a reason why we are limited to remembering our precious lifetimes together
Love does not need memories. It's eternal existence is perfectly aligned to the Core principle so many call upon in " perfect love and perfect trust." .
Olivia , expressed this with Isis to me after I performed the Rite
"The Soul Returns Home " on the early eve of our last full moon .
"The Soul Returns Home " on the early eve of our last full moon .
We all grow more alive and more potent after death .
Like adding holy water to the pitcher filled with tap water..
It makes this alchemy more potent !
Spirit can only grow , not dilute itself. "
For many of us, sorrow for the loss of those we love is a way of letting go .
This is as important as a small dose of fear or a small does of ego.
It is part on integrating for those who do not understand the nature of eternal love.
However the other side of the coin is just this.
Soul never dies. It is eternally bright and filled with Joy .
Many of you are concerned about the planet's changes .
Some may see is the descent of man.
Man is not descending !
He is ascending.
More souls arrive on this planet.
They are high beings , agents of Truth and Goodness and they are here to help all of you to make the next shift in your consciousness.
Some may see is the descent of man.
Man is not descending !
He is ascending.
More souls arrive on this planet.
They are high beings , agents of Truth and Goodness and they are here to help all of you to make the next shift in your consciousness.
Breath in the memories of all those we love who have passed and know without a doubt that you are part of them and they are a part of you in a far larger plan of Eternal Goodness.
Perhaps the gift of death comes when soul releases itself to become a larger part of the whole . Free and perfect .
All of us are a part of that whole .
The more we embrace our relationship to Goodness ,Truth and Beauty , the more we make High Magic around us.
We can exist in our divine nature as Divine Muses .. Chalices of Inspiration . Custodians of Truth , Beauty and Wisdom . Caretakers of Grace .
Perfection needs no protection as it is just that Perfect .
Do you know your Self ?
Those who practice these teachings, ARE the teachings; and should be treated as such .
" Love thy neighbor as thyself. "Time to quiet the outside world and listen to the Inner voice of freedom . Everything you need is within you . Step inside and take what EVER you need. With us being like the water particles in the pitcher I mentioned earlier, we are all part of the sacred. WE are the Sacred . The more we embrace our true nature the more we see the beauty and reflection of this nature in others.
Like Isis Holding up the Magic Mirror.
" Mirror Mirror on the Wall Who's the fairest of them All ? We all are. "
Like Isis Holding up the Magic Mirror.
" Mirror Mirror on the Wall Who's the fairest of them All ? We all are. "
Please do not place fear in front of preservation.
It is far better to absorb your mind in the practice of goodness,
then the protection of a myth.
Myths are made by man and Truth is spoken by the Gods .
The Oracles are messages given to you to remind you of your potential
Your identity as Children of the Mother of 10,000 Names .
Be of Isis . Be in joy .
Truth is simple and powerful .
Exercise joy in the Mysteries I have left for you. Let the spirit move through you .
Why should you need to allow fear to place your ego at the altar with the delusion that perfection needs protection ?
Goodness goes where it needs to go. Those who are in that alignment follow that Nature.
Missing those we love who have gone before us.
It is easy to believe that we are touched and spoken to by those who have passed on.
In the same fashion that a Shaman or priest can travel through time and space to give us a message.

Grandfather Edison used to come to me in the form of a Raven quite often. Now at my house in Willits, I am surrounded by Ravens. Nearly everywhere I go I see Ravens..so I know that Edison is certainly watching over me. Maybe to see that I carry out his message of love for the earth and respect for each other.
Ileya's mom Bea still sends me messages in her laugh she had. I hear her so often as clear as a bell. just out of the blue..laughing . Reminding me to love my life and laugh and lighten up.. My godson Cal comes to me in the wind usually from the south west.. He touches me and tells me things like to call you or to go see the boys … his message is about the strength of family. My godfather.

Paul is always traveling in light . white golden and rainbow light. He is never in darkness . He is never worried of concerned. . He sends me messages to remind Loreon how powerful she can be in her faith of Isis. Not to stop her daily prayers and to be happy. I get messages from those who are not with us anymore all the time. it is endless.
They all speak to me and sometimes they even speak to me on another level with deep instructions or just conversations. Never in English.. It is always in spirit talk.
I am always here with you . As Close as your heartbeat.
My friend Jane 95. She told me this.
I never cry for my parents or my husband who have gone. Because I know this is the place that we are all are destined to return to.
I do not fear it. I miss my family but I am not sad they are gone because this is how it is going to be for all of us. We all get to move onto something different .something we do not know perhaps. But if we love this life deeply and trust that we are moving to the next part of this love and goodness.. there is no need for sadness or fear.
Jane is an amazing being and I am lucky to spend time with her. She always thanks me for helping her and she is always in a very good place in her heart with faith and love for life itself.
I have noticed more and more of these messages coming to me from young children and our elders.
I invite it and drink it in.
It moves me and fills me up . Like rainbow light filling the golden Grail.
Our loved ones NEVER leave us . They become more of us as they also take our prayers and our love closer to the source as well.
Be like the "Fool"
…Lift your head up to the sky and know you have Godhead wrapped around you like a warm blanket and the ground of Mother Nature to hold you up. The Beauty of Truth is as constant as the White Bright Sun that shines down on us . Our love is tucked away ready to be invoked by our inspiration to create more beauty , truth and wisdom from the art we offer to the world. The little dog at your heals is your earthly self consciousness nature trusting in your higher soul nature to lead the way . You are not aware of anything more then the beauty and love around you and you are complete in this .As the saying goes… keep your head up !Open your eyes ( all three of them ) look up and out to the endless mountains of adventures and possibilities that in the distance.

Simply being a part of LOVE itself is comfort for me.
Being in an earthly body to recognize this and remind others of their miraculous perfection is another bonus in my book of life.
We are miracles.
We first come from an idea
That idea creates a union where we become a seed.
This seed is carried inside another Idea and is birthed to express ,yet ,another idea. All , of which , come from an original source humans call Goodness .
Just the fact that we are beings .. matter… and have free will and can express our relationship to Godhead is pretty miraculous.
You are wonderful ! Filled with Wonder . You are filled with your very own creative aspects to inspire others to love their lives. A Muse !
Take drink of spirit and feel that love you are so much a part of.
TOI Meditation
Inner Sanctum Infinite Space.
Close your eyes and breath spirit and all of its creation in breath out that perfect part of you that makes it whole.
I love you dear one so, so , much.
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