Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Meetings at the Reflection Pool #1 Isis Urania Speaks.

Isis Urania Speaks
Meeting at the Reflection Pool #1 
" I say to you. Take up the riches of you life and string them like precious pearls on your mala of wisdom. Use your teachings and experiences to unfold and radiate beauty around you. You are my children. The teachings you have been given are a culture and a way of life for you from the very beginning of your soul's divine birth. Use these rites to heal yourselves and the planet as you are both aspects of the other. You are my children , my priests and priestess, my painting and prose , my dance and my song.
 Radiate this in all you do and this truth will set you free. "

I was watching this video on Sun in Sag and looking at videos for Moon in Virgo today . I found this video for all my Sag friends like me.  I am performing the Awakening Ritual on the New Moon for Bast in my temple. She loves the new moon and with her black beautiful eyes and body, I am want to embrace her aspect at that time . It seems fitting . I was excited to hear about this New Moon's importance . Take a listen.

 Soon I will be introducing a new performance art project that will be a collection of women's experiences with the Dark Goddess. I am inviting 13 women to meet once a month with me via the internet for the next 13 months and make a collective experience.

 I will also invite 13 Grandmothers to come and speak each month as elders of our community and its concerns  to do the same.  With all of this documented I will create ritual for 2015. The balance of the Darkness and the Light of Wisdom I want to make this offering of Harmony to 2015 .  This by the way adds up to 8 . Infinity. :)

If your interested in this project please write to me . I will begin sending out emails soon and we will begin the process around Imbolc.  Your work will be presented on a blog that will capture all our writing and experiences. ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL BE EXPECTED TO SHARE THEIR WORK ON A BLOG and it will be used as material for the ritual in 2015.  The Meeting at the Reflection Pool . An experience to share and remember. To reclaim and renew.

With our recent blessings from the New Moon lunar Eclipse we have found a great deal of wisdom in the darkest corners of our being. This new strength is pushing us toward higher ground . The light of the Hermit , like our recent Full Moon In Taurus brings us confirmation of our new findings. I hear my inner voice saying .. Oh here that is.. I thought I lost that. ! " Cleaning out the cluttered closet and find old things we forget we had and new things also magically appear .  As Stargazer li mentions in her Moon 5 podcasts. Now is the perfect time to make things with your hands. Blend things together and create new from old or new from new. Paint , sew , write, play new music. Create offerings for the Sun King's arrival this Solstice. ( Or the new birth of summer depending on where you are. ) :)
Temperance is the Card for Sagittarius. I love love love this card. It takes all we perceive in our lives and makes it better medicine. It is productive optimism.  It is alchemy and it is High High Magic when we continue to master our Great Work for the Good of All . To manifest more of the same Goodness we all are made of.
I also like to think that I am beginning yet a new quest . So the Fool Card comes in to join the Hermit on his ledge just as the Fool begins to walk off.  The Fool is the Hermit. He looks down from where he took that leap of faith before with new insight lighting up his Lantern.  Temperance is winged and filled with the intuitive light of the Inner Sun.

Looking at Temperance Key 14 with the Hermit Key 9 both keys situated on the avenue of laws and agencies.  How do we blend the knowledge we light our path with. The wisdom of the old is a light that is being blended with new awakenings and new findings from the Hermit as he looks down at his past.
I like to think that the Hermit is also a being that holds up the star of contemplation. He is using the help of Temperance in the future to blend the past with his future manifestations in the world  Chiron will hit the sky direct on the 19th of December. This is a great opportunity to confirm the voice you have with your spirit and speak your truth with confidence.  Today for me is a day of viewing from within and seeing the lay out of my life. Who is there for me . Who am I there for ? What am I doing today and how is it significant to my unfoldment as a higher minded being.  Stop Pause and Listen to the still and loving voice within.

I am embracing these changes in my life. I am not certain what is coming next. Who is ? The certainty comes from knowing who you are. This too is an unfoldment and this month in December will bring a benediction to that notion .  Make a declaration. Perfect timing for New Years Resolution. The Magic Mirror has been cleaned and it is time to take another look at the person you really are.  Hold up the Mirror of Truth and look within. Ask yourself a few questions.
What do I want in this lifetime
For myself
For my family
For my Community
For my planet and star system.
How can I blend these desires together to move about in the world with Truth Strength ( courage ) and Balance ?

With Gratitude Day upon us only in two days. I am making my lists of what I am grateful for and sending out thank you cards to those I love . Thank you for this.. or that.. Making a mark on a great day to remember to count your blessing and explore the power of gratitude.

I am very grateful for the friends in my life who happen to also be my greatest teachers.. Well , of course they are. Why wouldn't they be ? Aren't Yours ?

Make you mark in the world of beauty , Truth and Wisdom. Embrace the eternal Goodness and Primal Will To Good we are all meant to foster in this lifetime.

Remember you are accompanied by so many allies. The Hermit holds up the Light of Goodness for you to see these blessings you now begin to blend and transform into new life yet again.

Remember what the Singer songwriter Ani DeFranco Says.. What doesn't Bend Breaks .

Be bendable yet strong like the Willow .  Be creative with your life , your devotion , your love and trust in the unfoldment of your inner knowing .

Brightest Blessings
Mana From The Muse

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