Saturday, January 11, 2014

From the 42 Ideals of Ma'at #35 and # 36 Written By Lady Loreon Vigne' A visit from Lama Loda Rimpoche at The Temple of The Muse

From the 42 Ideals of Ma'at 
Rev. Lady Loreon Vigne'

# 35  I Give Blessings
I sign all letters with the word Blessings . I notice that many others are doing this too.  It is a nice difference from the word Sincerely that was usual in the past.. This is an example of how our consciousness is becoming more enlightened.  Giving a blessings is a way of offering something of a spiritual nature to another.  It is a way of helping those who you know receive something special through your blessings.  It is as though you are offering a gift to those to whom you give a blessing.  I also use the word blessings on my telephone message as I feel it is somehow important to do .. It is somehow a high magical word and actually offers something extra powerful to those who are given a blessings.  So bless your friends, your family and others with whom you come in contact and know that you are offering good will to all.

# 36 I Keep the Waters Pure

A wise old Egyptian shaman once told me that the symbol of the Ankh meant fresh water.  Water is a sacred element that we would not be alive without.. Today we consider that symbol to mean eternal life, and in reality both meanings are the same.. We must be aware of this scared fluid and utilize it with the utmost care and restraint.. Never use more water then you need and always consider ways t prevent waste.  Just one simple suggest to save water is this.. When you brush your teeth shut off the water while you are brushing when it is not needed and a lot of water will be saved. If we humans keep expanding as we are, we will run out of water in the future.. Let us consider this situation with the knowledge that we must not over populate the world with our species . Water is alive and like Dr, Emoto proved , can be sensitive to how we treat it.  Let us bow to keep the waters pure ! 

Mana’s Musings 

It is interesting that we have all been praying, chanting, asking and envisioning rain in all the most earnest ways possible. Today we had rain in our community off and on all day.  I immediately went outside and stood in the rain , washed my face in the rain and thanked the rain for coming to visit me and my community . I took in the rain as a part of my body. As I took a breath in , I envisioned myself as a container and the rain being collected in me. This rain is the most precious rain I have ever felt in my 53 years of life. It was like a baptism . My actions now are a reflection of that rain. 

Water sustains us. We are made mostly of water. For us to pray to keep the waters pure is very important . It is equally important for us to identify with keeping our own bodies of water within us treasured in just the same way. 
When our inner wells of water are not clear we grow ill. Just as our planet outside us has the same dilemma.  For us to appreciate water with in us as well as without us is a balance of the element that sustains all of creation. 

Drinking good water and often through out the day, eating healthy foods and taking peaceful walks of gratitude in nature are all essential to the vow .. I keep the waters Pure. 
We all are sacred vessels and the water within us is no different then that with out. 
If you find yourself in a conversation that is not serving you , walk away from it. If someone asks you something that you find you can not answer in a positive way. Don't answer at all.  We are magicians of goodness .  We can cleanse our selves and those around us by the words and actions of our deep wells. The waters of divine expression . 

Let us all share these waters that run deep in ourselves by the actions we demonstrate in our daily lives.  Let us all try to make offering blessing of joy and gratitude. Recognizing the beauty and truth in others and seeing that we are all reflections of one great beautiful stream of divine consciousness.  A gentle river of light and sound that creates beauty and peace through out creation.  

Giving blessings as Lady Loreon mentions in her Ideal # 35 is very good. I believe it is equally as important to see that we are those blessings themselves. To see the importance of sharing our truth and our joy with each other . Our gratitude for having association of like minded kind hearted people. To understand that it is love that is the origin of all blessings .

In the ancient texts of India called The Upanishads, there is a passages that describes soul’s decent to earth.  Great Soul’s are sent to earth to take birth in grain to be eaten by Man and manifested in their bodies so that this soul can then take a human form. Every time you see a rain drop know that a soul is potentially manifesting itself in that rain drop. 

The message for This Week comes from the Book of Doors Divination Deck by Athon Veggi and Alison Davidson. 

Shen Ur 
Family Pet ( The family of Heaven ) 
Circuit of Heaven, Cosmos Page 63 

There is a reference to this from page 65 in the Veggi and Davidsons Book of Doors .

The divination Meaning for this week from the Shen Ur reads 

The establishment of order . Harmony restored . Integration and wholeness .

New News From the Muse. 

This weekend the Lama Loda Rimpoche was visiting from the Bay Area.
His talks have been wonderful and the largest thing I gleaned from his visit so far is that soul is naturally in a joyful state. 
Work hard to spread joy and live in joy . 
Share your joy with others. Be happy and strive to do your best.
This blessing he gave to all of us today was very tender and I truly relish this simplicity .

Please to not forget that harmony is a birthright . We should not need to work for harmony . 
We might consider that we return to Harmony for it is our natural state. bliss , beauty, Joy and wisdom breed truth , all birthed from Eternal Love.

Perhaps we may even consider that all our actions, all our offerings , our prescribed spiritual duties are not the actually spiritual essence of our nature. They are to remind re - mind. Our Selves of who we truly are.. That is to know Thyself as Love itself.  We are creations of Divine Love . We are a result of the Primal Will To Good. We are Goodness.  

Accepting the baptism I experienced this morning in the First Rain of 2014, I do feel harmony
I do acknowledge the blessings of keeping the waters of the world Pure. Gratitude for this joy and beauty. This is my life I am grateful for. Gratitude and Beauty.  

May all those who are suffering find peace 
May all who are wrongfully imprisoned be released
May all who are sick be healed
May all who are in fear find courage 
May all who are lost find Love. 

May you find all good things in your life.
Divine Blessings ,

Special Note
First Meeting of 2014 for members of the 
I.S.I.S. / Temple of the Muse.  
January 13th Monday 7 PM 
The Fool Key 0 

This week at the Center for I.S.I.S. The Isian Society for Integrated Studies, we begin our first meeting of Cabala inspired by the book The Spoken Cabala  of Jason Lotterhand Edited by Arisa Victor.  These meetings will continue the second Monday of the Month . 

We will be exploring every month a Key in the Rota and its relationship to the Cabala . 
This Monday we will begin with Key 0 The Fool . 
You are all welcome to join us at The Temple of the Muse Of Isis on the Third Monday of the Month for our work . We meet at 7 PM and our gather lasts 90 mins. 
This is a meeting open to those who are interested in the Cabala and Tarot from the teachings of Paul Foster Case, the Golden Dawn and Jason Lotterhand and Arisa Victor. Please join us if you wish . 
We ask for small donations at the Door.

The Temple of the Muse Of Isis is located at 30 E. San Francisco Ave
Willits, California 95490

All comments are given sent from my inner shrine to yours. They are my own personal feelings and are  offered for you contemplation only. One must always find their own pathway, their own truth. These are mine.  Thank you for visiting my blog and may the love of the Goddess stay forever in your hearts. 

Rev .Mana Youngbear
I.S.I.S The Isian Society For Integrated Studies. 

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