Here at the ISIS Temple, we have many exotic cats and a huge amount of birds and a collection of insects and reptiles. We like to show our creatures to those passing so that they may learn to know them more intimately. Each has it's own personality, and it's own exquisite beauty. Look into the eyes of any creature and you will see a whole world within the species y ou are observing. We humans are also creatures, with perhaps a more developed brain, but to observe the feats possible to some insects, to speak with some birds, to realize that a snake can show affection, to play with a charming cat is to understand the connections of all nature. We honor and pray each noon a prayer that declares us the protector and preserver of all life. It is our intention to uphold this prayer; heal all creatures when needing this, feed all creatures who are hungry, admire the beauty in each one, and generally care for them all with reverence.
Lady Loreon Vigne and her priestess traveling to Egypt in the 1990's collected in the Temple of Philae and wrote these 42 Ideals inspired by the 42 Laws of Maat. Since then they have been recited world wide and developed into a booklet you can purchase from the Temple of Isis in Geyserville, California. You can find their information by looking up Isis Oasis Temple of Isis and you may also try calling them at 707 857-4747 ( ISIS).
Looking at this entry, I remember Lady Loreon telling me many years ago her true love was for animals. She bought the Isis Oasis to continue her desire to protect endangered cats and to care for other animals like large birds and reptiles and insects. Lady Loreon was fascinated by insects; She loved spiders and all types of creepy crawlers. If you visit the Isis Oasis, you can sign up for their animals tours. The Isis Oasis Sanctuary is home to the Temple of Isis a nonprofit church that offers Sunday programs and week day noon time prayers and rites. They have unique lodging and delightful staff. You can receive tarot care readings, astrology readings, healings and counsel of many forms. With spring time here for us to enjoy, I encourage you to call the Isis Oasis for a visit . You will be glad you did.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Number 12 / I Relate in Peace.
Convocation for Hecate the Words and Misstress of Magic
The Late Lady Olivia Robertson and The Late Loreon Vigne'
Written on the 40th Anniversary of the Fellowship of Isis
Ideal #12 I Relate In Peace
Do you have a peaceful aura? We can exude peace from your very persona. People we relate to knowing that there will be no anger, resentment, insults, sarcasm and most definitely not the raisin of the voice. This is one of the most absurd ways of resolving issues. There are always times when a disagreement might take place with those you live with or just in passing with another human being See those that you must associate with as sacred being ti be honored and respected. Do not speak unpleasantly to them or to anybody you meet on your path.
Our language can be put to good use and we have many words to choose from. Do not use swear words as they will only make matters worse. Make it a habit to speak pleasently and honestly with others with a well modulated voice. This is the most sane way to get your point across. Never use violence physically or verbally, and speak kindly and gently with discernment and honesty.
Arch Priestess Rev.Lady Loreon Vigne'
Words are important. We often times remember the negative words more so then the positive words that others, besides ourselves, say.
Communicating often times takes a lifetime to master and sometimes it never is fully experienced.
The late Olivia Robertson and myself were having tea one day at the Isis Oasis. She told me that I was a good listener. I told her that I have always had difficulty communicating with others. I often times has become misunderstood. She told me that it is far better to be a good listener then an excellent speaker. Anyone can talk she said. "Few know how to listen. Be a good listener."
On this day of our 40th Anniversary of the FOI and the comming of Spring I ask for a healing of all the misunderstandings I , let me ask for all of us .. to mend.
Let us fill this new space of forgivness with clarity and patience and continued gratitude for one another .
Gratitude for our commonalities and our differences.
Gratitude for our faith in the Great Mother Auset who awards us all with each othere.
Spring is a time when many create spells and incantations for forgivness and for healing relationships as well as for creating more abundance in their lives.
Money spells , love spells, healing spells. all of that nature.
I contemplate on Healing .. healing our hearts and our minds and souls allowing a trinity of strength to continue to foster this creeper of devotion we have growing with Auset / Isis.
We are Her children and we are each others family.
May all be forgiven and may all our endeavors continue to grow and to manifest more of her divine beautiy and loving light.
Rev. Arch Druidess M. Youngbear. ISFIS, DCD, NOT, TOI, FOI, Lyseum of Isis Society For Inspirational Studies and Iseum for the Temple of the Muse, Priory for the Noble Sword of Truth and The Redwood Grove of Tuatha Dea Danann.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
42 Ideals of Maat By Lady Loreon Vigne' #11 I Have Only Good Intentions.
Today, as I open the 42 Ideals of Maat,
I remember how important it is to preserve our teachers writings. This tiny booklet has meant so much to me over the past few years and even more so now that my dear friend and teacher has moved on to the ancestors.
# 11
"I Have Only Good Intentions"
Intentions equal concepts that you may be planning. Look at them carefully and make sure they are of a higher order. If you have any intention, make sure there is a lofty reason to follow through with your idea. It is in this way that the people of the world will move forward in a positive way. Take time to be certain that your motives are pure for that which you desire to accomplish. There are always those who have nefarious concepts that must be avoided, and we must be on our guard. Just think if it might be possible if all the intentions of our government were good rather than having a hidden agenda. One thing leads to another and our intentions must be thought out on a deep level to make certain that the outcome is going to be of the highest order."
Arch Priestess Lady Loreon Vigne'
We may not always have the greatest skill in communicating our needs or our feelings. It is for this reason why we must know what our purpose is. Make your intentions resonate with your purpose as best as you know how. If you seem to fall from your purpose, stand up and start walking towards it again.
Here at the Temple of the Muse, we do our best to act on kindness and also honestly, for it has been proven over and over again, when you are not coming from the heart, and you will not be able to communicate your feelings, with this you may never continue to grow.
Here at the Temple of the Muse, we do our best to act on kindness and also honestly, for it has been proven over and over again, when you are not coming from the heart, and you will not be able to communicate your feelings, with this you may never continue to grow.
We make mistakes in our life to learn from, and we have the great ability to forgive and to take a humble viewpoint. Being a priestess is about revealing your feelings at any cost with others and keeping your heart open to your spiritual family and the Goddess. When those doors appear shut, or you feel like you have been shut down, it is best to start over again at the hem of the mothers celestial gown. Humility.. find the worth of admitting perhaps you might have been wrong. Move on .. do not dwell. Continue along your beauty way. Along the path of love.
We are offered to each other the gift of these qualities.
To forgive, to Bless and to Share our spiritual lives together.
To Cherish the association of one another.. There are so many the Great Mother awards us.
To forgive, to Bless and to Share our spiritual lives together.
To Cherish the association of one another.. There are so many the Great Mother awards us.
"I am at the mercy of Love; for I come from Her Love and return to Her love and Her love is all I am put here to be. "
May I grow closer to that place of warm conception.
May I practice every day to try to aim closer to the center of the heart of Grace itself.
May I learn to forgive not only others, but myself.
And in my blindness birthed from a false ego, may I find the clarity to begin again.
May the mask of loneliness reveal the sweet embrace of the ever after.
May I always return to love and know my place in love, for this is where the Universe wants me to be. "
Many Blessings,
Arch Druidess Miss Mana Youngbear
The Druid Clann of Dana / Noble Order of Tara and the Fellowship of Isis Central.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Wisdom of the 42 Ideals of Maat #10 I Consume Only My Fair Share.
#10 I Consume Only My Fair Share.
"The concept of being fair to others and to the world is an important ingredient today as humans have begun to overpopulate the earth.
In our country, the United States of America, we now have the 99% opposed to the 1%. There are a small amount of those who control everything because they have more than their fair share. How did this happen?
We live in a world of consumerism and we see the huge corporations gobbling up all those that are small so that individuals cannot seem to move ahead as long as corporations overcome them.
I went to visit the place I once had my gallery in San Fransico only to find Starbucks was there now. The rent had been doubled so I left that part of my life behind. It would be so much better for everyone if there was a more even distrubution of wealth so none could overpower the ones who have less."
10th Ideal from the 42 Ideals of Maat by Lady Loreon Vigne'
Lady Loreon was always a charitable personality. She had plenty and yet she was so careful with her money, her time and her words and actions. She was always helping others who were in need of a place to lay their head and offer their hearts and hands in service. She once told me that Isis sends those who come to Isis Oasis to her and this is what she is told to do. Offer them some service and a place to rest. A chance to find the love of the Goddess expand in their hearts and minds.
I believe that by saving our time money energy and actions, we can spend more time living in a mindful way. Caring for others and caring or what is important in our selves. It is only when we forget Our "Selves". When goddess steps in with her little spanking to show us. Now see how painful it is when you forget the blessings of your life? As soon as you look outside your heart to try to help someone else your forgetting yourself. Alway bring your heart with you. Always ask yourself if your actions are kind and if they are substantial. If this will be something that will be worth remembering. I am honestly admitting that I forget myself for time to time as we all must do. It is human to error. Forgiveness is the real key to setting yourself free.
Learn to live in that unexpendable place of Love you were born in. Learn to claim the love that makes you who you are and you will soon see that you have enough of everything for everyone.
Thank you so much.
On this 8th Day of March on the Solar Eclipse, I pray for forgiveness and for more inner reflection on the real importance of serving others .. the real meaning of my breath and my walk in this very short lifetime
May you all find yourselves wrapped in the Love her endless Wings. Carrying your light soul wherever she bids it be.
I send you my love and divine blessings,
Good Evening,
Never forget Auset/Isis,
the Great Mother Goddess,
is For All !
Rev. Mana Youngbear H.P.
Isis Society for Inspirational Studies
Temple of the Muse
Arch Druid/ Grand Dame Commander/Hierophant Priestess of the Lyceum of the Isis Society for Inspirational Studies.
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