Convocation for Hecate the Words and Misstress of Magic
The Late Lady Olivia Robertson and The Late Loreon Vigne'
Written on the 40th Anniversary of the Fellowship of Isis
Ideal #12 I Relate In Peace
Do you have a peaceful aura? We can exude peace from your very persona. People we relate to knowing that there will be no anger, resentment, insults, sarcasm and most definitely not the raisin of the voice. This is one of the most absurd ways of resolving issues. There are always times when a disagreement might take place with those you live with or just in passing with another human being See those that you must associate with as sacred being ti be honored and respected. Do not speak unpleasantly to them or to anybody you meet on your path.
Our language can be put to good use and we have many words to choose from. Do not use swear words as they will only make matters worse. Make it a habit to speak pleasently and honestly with others with a well modulated voice. This is the most sane way to get your point across. Never use violence physically or verbally, and speak kindly and gently with discernment and honesty.
Arch Priestess Rev.Lady Loreon Vigne'
Words are important. We often times remember the negative words more so then the positive words that others, besides ourselves, say.
Communicating often times takes a lifetime to master and sometimes it never is fully experienced.
The late Olivia Robertson and myself were having tea one day at the Isis Oasis. She told me that I was a good listener. I told her that I have always had difficulty communicating with others. I often times has become misunderstood. She told me that it is far better to be a good listener then an excellent speaker. Anyone can talk she said. "Few know how to listen. Be a good listener."
On this day of our 40th Anniversary of the FOI and the comming of Spring I ask for a healing of all the misunderstandings I , let me ask for all of us .. to mend.
Let us fill this new space of forgivness with clarity and patience and continued gratitude for one another .
Gratitude for our commonalities and our differences.
Gratitude for our faith in the Great Mother Auset who awards us all with each othere.
Spring is a time when many create spells and incantations for forgivness and for healing relationships as well as for creating more abundance in their lives.
Money spells , love spells, healing spells. all of that nature.
I contemplate on Healing .. healing our hearts and our minds and souls allowing a trinity of strength to continue to foster this creeper of devotion we have growing with Auset / Isis.
We are Her children and we are each others family.
May all be forgiven and may all our endeavors continue to grow and to manifest more of her divine beautiy and loving light.
Rev. Arch Druidess M. Youngbear. ISFIS, DCD, NOT, TOI, FOI, Lyseum of Isis Society For Inspirational Studies and Iseum for the Temple of the Muse, Priory for the Noble Sword of Truth and The Redwood Grove of Tuatha Dea Danann.
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