The 29th Ideal of Ma’at
Approaching all things with kindness is another way to reach the highest realms. It is easy to become angry. Impatient , short - tempered, but try a regular program of being kind and see where it leads you. Think of the words, I am kind , and so you shall be, for that is the best form of interacting with others. Give appreciation to those who earn it. and treat everyone with kindness and respect and you will have that given to you for you can be the mirror of this behavior in others . Never think thoughts that are the antithesis of kindness and keep your mind in the light of gentle good will to all.
This ideal was given to us by a young Mexican boy who we took in till he graduated from high school . I believe he experienced lots of kindness from us , as he had no close family in this country. It was special to go to his graduation. He is an excellent artist and I know he will do good in his life. His name is Angel , so thanks to Angel we have this simple ideal.
This ideal was given to us by a young Mexican boy who we took in till he graduated from high school . I believe he experienced lots of kindness from us , as he had no close family in this country. It was special to go to his graduation. He is an excellent artist and I know he will do good in his life. His name is Angel , so thanks to Angel we have this simple ideal.
These are Ideals inspired from the 42 Laws of Ma’at.
Written by a group of Priestess who accompanied Lady Loreon Vigne’ while sailing on a pilgrimage along the Sacred River Nile . If you wish to hear more of Lady Loreon’s experiences with her Isian Family you can purchase her autobiography from Isis House Publishing at
Mana from The Temple of the Muse
Treat everyone you know with Kindness, for kindness is not a weakness , it is an invincible strength. Those with wisdom of who they are and how we are all connected see the uselessness of anything other then Kindness and respect.
There is no rush or hurry in the work of Isis as she is perfectly situated in each of our hearts. She is the original mother of this great planet and our grandmother is the Queen of the stars. Shine brightly as all our ancestors shine above us. Each radiate the most perfect and original glow, The Night Sky .. the river of sound and light .. the origin of us all lies within our hearts and above our heads. Look deeper within and you will see the Magic Mirror.
Shine Bright dear ones as you experience your fullest Potential in this New Moon in Sagittarius. Speak your truth with confidence and love your work . Love your life and be in the joyful state your soul's identity resides in.
With this being the last quarter of the Moon cycle , I am clearing all old emotional dirt from the urn I leave outside my inner and outer shrines. The banishing rituals are mostly for use of clearing what we no longer need in our lives so we can make room energetically for more of the greatness of who we are to come into our lives. Afterall this is what our life is about. The realization of our divine connection to each other and that original source. The different avenues we travel with such as prayer, mediation, contemplation, dance, poetry, the arts , music.. it all connects us deeply to spirit , to Isis, to what the spark of the flame of Isis is. Love. Why would we take birth in an earthly form for anything else other than the opportunity to experience our relationship to Spirit to Isis to Divinity ?
The late Jason Lotterhand has a beautiful talk in his lecture on key 6 from the website .
We as humans are miraculous and we have the ability to take birth from a single notion of love , enter the material universe, take birth from another human form and then live breath and think . This to me is amazing and from this we have the gift to feel separation from spirit as well as connection to that divine relationship to Source and each other.
Here is a beautiful meditation with Lady Olivia. I invite you to participate in this meditation this new moon.
Just give love that is all the Goddess wants from us.
See this great clip from Lady Olivia shortly after the Fall Equinox September 26th 2009
The Goddess Conference in Chicago. Thank you so much for this offering which can be found on you tube at this address. You can also click the address below to view and listen to this beautiful meditation.
In conclusion i would like to remind you that the precious conversations, instructions and literature / teachings we have been gifted with from all ALL our teachers are gifts to be used NOW. Press on dear Isians for now is the time of the
Arcadian Awakening. It is the aspects of Her beauty that are the link that connect us all.
Brightest Blessings
Rev. Mana Youngbear
Lyceum of the Isian Society For Integrated Studies I.S.I.S.
Temple of the Muse
Shine be the Star you really are at the Temple of the Muse
Correspondance course work is opening in 2014 for 4 new students.
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