According to my favorite Magician Jason Lotterhand ,
The Magician is all about Doing it !
He speaks to this in one of his Thursday Night Tarot Talks in 1990.
Here are some notes I took from the recording ..
You can find all his recordings and all the Major Tarot discussion from Jason Lotterhand
You can also donate to this page for the time and energy it took to make these downloads available to the public. Yes you can download them for free on your “itunes" and listen to them anytime you want.
Here are notes from 1990 I keep a journal for my Tarot it is very helpful.
Jason Lotterhand and the Thursday Night Tarot Club
Keep a Journal of personal thoughts from here on.
Keep a workbook of things you find about the Tarot by accident
If your gonna start something
then start it
intimate it
Direct some energy into something.
The Magician is yourself
The Entire Tarot is about yourself
Keep a Workbook/ loose leaf
Keep things you find out about accidentally
Don;t copy word for word
You might CopyPaul Foster Cases’ Highlights of the Tarot.
It is very good .That is worth remembering.
Color your keys
22 major keys You can find black and White copies on the internet
Key 1
Magician initiates whatever action we want to get into
All magic is in the will
Behind the sill stands desire
If you really want something you have to act on it
I think that’s certain, if you don’t want anything your not going to get it
If you do not act on something you may experience some negative effect.
The Magician does not hesitate . They Act !
If you really want something you have to act on it.
Invoke the world the way you’d like to have it.
As an individual you have the responsibility to get up and get to it
Whatever it is you want to do. Do it.
The Red Robe signifies action and desire
You have to be very patient with yourself and you can choose something that you would really like to do.
Something you really enjoy for a month a year 5 years it is the same
Key one relates to concentration !
Focus = Acceptance and Clarity
To know what you want
Take that focus and Manifest something !
This is true for oneself and very true for these teachings.
All of our powers which we could well pride ourselves in are derived powers .
We are simply the recipient of all the powers that we can exercise.
We saluting the power that is
I realize my powers are completely derived from the source of everything, not just me but everyone else too. This concept should protect us from egotisim.
The Magician helps with understanding all the nice things we can do without material possessions.
More notes from April 11th 1991
Jason Lotterhand TNT Talks 4-11-91
Key one in the serious initiates the serious our teachers who were friendly or greedy.
All my powers are derived under no circumstances will I never never never forget this .
Always remember this key.
Buddhism Endowments Empowerments Priest with Tarot if you stay with it but remember all power is derived from all souls not just your own. All souls have equal rights.
Magician Paul Foster Case was a member of The American Society of Magicians Wizards
“A lot of them were greedy to make gold and the other kind of Alchemist wanted to see if they could become better people”
Most heads of states have alchemists for more money
People interested in Spiritual transformation of mankind and the church didn’t like it
Doctrines of Mystics were against church doctrines.
They believed in Jesus but in a very special way. People don’t change .
Individuality was against church doctrine
Summing up the meaning of Key 1
Self consciousness is the primary human expression of Life Power
It constitutes your awareness of your environment and this is really awareness of mental impression you receiver rom the world round you through the channels of sensation..
The activities of your environment are manifestations of various power of sub consciousness but your intelligent awareness of these manifestation is prerequisite to gaining controls over self consciousness .
Self Consciousness is consciousness of being one ,
standing in relation to others .
standing in relation to others .
“ I am I , and tat is not I “
At a ligher level of unfoldment what is usually called “ myself” that is the physical body is included among the things which are “ Not I “.
Personality is where one Force ( the Fool ) finds expression through the body
Your True Will is irresistible .
4 tools of the Magician
are the 4 Aces of the Tarot
Pentacles or Coins
They carry the symbols of the silent name of God/dess IHVH or Jehovah or Jaweh Yahve
Desire and knowledge
2 principle forms of the subconscious
Activated desire for knowledge
5 roses 5 is the number of Man
We are soul
Soul is joyful
Live in the Now
The Truth is always in the Now’ Ann Davies
Mythopoetic Approach on The Magican Key 1 Wikipedia
The infinity sign above the Magicians head is also the symbol for eternity as well as the silent name of God..
” that which was and always will be.”
Solar consciousness is taking what is in darkness and bringing it into the light
The Magician embodies
As above so below
Mercury / logic and intellect
He uses the Mind heart body and soul in the process of manifestation
create new cycles for your self
shed your skin like the belt around the Magician illustrates.
Call on all elements to manifest in you and in your ambition
The illustrated Key to the Tarot The Veil of Divination
by Arthur E Waite
Magician - consciousness of Apollo
His smile is confidence and shining the windows of the soul through his eyes
Above his head mysterious sing of the figure 8 or holy spirit sign of life the endless cord.
Around his waist the serpent cincture conventional symbol of eternity
The decent of Grace virtue and light drawn from the inner ( above ) and derived to things below. the earth. Manifestation…
The Magician has possession and communication with the Powers and Gifts of Spirit
The Table holds the symbols of the tarots 4 suites
Elements of Natural life
The Magician adapts them at his will
Roses and lilies are the garden flowers representing culture and aspiration
The illustrated Key to the Tarot The Veil of Divination
by Arthur E Waite
The divine motive in man is what drives the Magician’s will
what would be better to learn first but mans divine motive ?
This is the lesson on the table which the Magician teaches the Fool
All the tools needed for his journey about himself.
All the tools needed for his journey about himself.
To Know thyself
Follow the liberation of ones true divine motivation
The will in liberation is the union of above and below.
The union of ones being present and in balance on all planes
It is also thought and the fixation thereof.
Common information on dedication ceremonies and working with manifestations
Write on your paper this statement and complete it with your chosen manifestation .
“I will apply all my powers to achieve the following aim _______________________
This is my single purpose at this time”
Keep your dedication to yourselves
Do not share it with anyone
Every night before bed and every morning before rising ,
recite the dedication your are about to write down in ceremony
Remember the laws of manifestation
The AC Current. acceptance and Clarity bring about Manifestation !
Know what you want
Believe in your Will to accomplish it
Dare to aspire to it
Work for it
Remain Silent about it until you attain your goal then you can celebrate it.
After you have achieved this aim do the same exercise again and again.
Notes on the Magician from Mary Greer’s Book
The Essence of Magic
Magician represents focused concentration , the awareness of yourself as a unique creative individual who uses their mind and will to channel their intent into actuality , manifesting ideas into form.
When you embody the ability to innovate concentrate and communicate your thoughts you can transform mundane situations into magical ones.
When you embody this key other see you as an independent leader working solon on your own initiative.
The other side of the Magician is the one of the trickster or juggler.
One who can be unscrupulous with getting others to think like them but you can be net workers and facilitators and a atavist for change as well.
Imaginative, skillful, the power to do things for yourself.
Here are a few herbs for the Magician
Dill : Dill sharpens the senses used by Roman Gladiators it heightens your awareness of your environment it also stimulates appetite
Dill can bring objectivity into a situation where you must digest psychic and mental influences
It also surprises sexual impulses ( Hildegard of Binben)
Lemongrass: Lemongrass rules the Air and Mercury Gemini
Is has a sedating action on the nervous system it soothes headaches fights ensign and stimulates the thyroid and the left side of the brain. It helps with logical thinking , it tightens cognitive tissues and helps to process new ideas
Lemongrass is also used in spirit communication
Stroax also rules air mercury and gemini
It is used to fumigate rooms, fix perfumes and A. Crowly said it is chiefly a mercurial non descriptive nature
Stroax is a mental stimulent a nervine
Magically it is used to make money enhance business and creative work
Benzoin : is related to storax . other names Friars Balsam, Gum Benjamin
It is used as holy smoke incense in Malaysia and used to ward off Devils and bad energies.
They burn it during the rice festivals in Malaysia
It is used as a tonic for respiratory system and itching skin.
Physically it creates protective shield and brings dreams and enhances poetry,
Benzoin also energizes and warms us . It provokes sensual thoughts and releases tensions and resentments. It helps you to look at things from a sub conscious level.. sounds a little bit like MDA…
Notes from Paul Foster Case Key 1
The Key 1 is the most important Key it summarizes his work
“The primary manifestation of Spirit is Will, of which attention = wand is the essence and to which memory = the wallet is closely linked .
Wisdom having for it’s essence Imagination The rose is the secondary expression .
Upon progress of this vital principle of humanity depends the advancement of the sub human forms represented by the dog at the Fools feet.”
Upon progress of this vital principle of humanity depends the advancement of the sub human forms represented by the dog at the Fools feet.”
“ The Fool may be represented as a circle
The Magician as the center
The High Priestess as the diameter dividing the circle into equal parts.
Circle is infinite Intelligence
Center is the Primal Will To Good
ADN the extension of that well toward the limitless Circumference is the line.
The Four Tools of the Magician
Four Aces ( Notes from
a great site btw
The Four Aces represent our gifts from the Divine
we come in with them when we are born
The 4 aces reside in the Kether on the Tree of Life . The Crown / Divine Source
Boundless possibilities energies waiting to be used.
To initiate anything in life we begin with the aces without their presence nothing will happen life wills stand still and be meaningless
They represent therapy states of something
Fire = wands = explosive activity and excitement
Water = Cups = Feeling through our emotions
Air = Swords = the power to thing and plan
Earth = Pentacles or coins ) the ability to build and make form
The energy that accompanies the 4 aces is abstract in form
It is not yet manifested
It is potential not yet realized. .. like the Fool Key 0
The 4 Aces energies are ready and waiting , All we have to do is grab them and they will work !
Hope , new star fresh beginnings
“Remember before anything can manifest , it first must exist as potential .”
0 Fool bursts with potential yet he’s not quite aware of how to use it. The Knapsack on his back is there but he does not know how to use it.
1 Magician unpacks the knapsack .; See here.. look at this Fool these are for you to use. They belong to you. take a look. The tools that have been given to you for your journey. Let me show you how they work.
#1 stands for independent unique and beginning ,, birthplace ,,,
The clouds around the hands ( aces ) is the spirit of God.
Aces also represent the coming of news
Sometimes old news or old commitments must be cleared up before for the new initiating news can take place.
The Four Tools of the Magician
Four Aces ( Notes from
a great site btw
3 reversed or more aces = delays .. you have unfinished business you need to clear up first before advancing.
0 aces in a reading means your direction is steady and predictable.
2 aces in a reading show strong bond and or relationship
Aces mean to act quickly and don’t wait.
Ace of wands thumbs up card
Full speed ahead don’t delay
New lease on life
New start new cycle Busy
Firm Grasp on situation
Firm knowledge
The power is now in your hands
Immediate action is required !
The aces walk from the Kether Crown to the Binah .. the Supernal Mother
Binah is a place of understanding and contemplation
The magician teaches the fool his skills needed for his journey he remains with the fool his entire life and he teaches the fool the art of communication through the medium of language and speech and written word.
Magician is unique talented and self aware . He stand stall with his awareness of the connection of his divine source.
Power does not come from him but from the inner life force or light that runs through him and all creations
The Magician grounds intentions, ideas and energy into something useful
The Magician demands action . He reminds us of our own power and our own tools.
The Magician also understands the tools on the table and how to use them and how to blend their energies elements and qualities. He finds the proper balance of each element .
The Magician is Gemini and Virgo ruled
The Four Tools of the Magician
Four Aces ( Notes from
a great site btw
The Gemini energy of the Fool is often called the Trickster
the smooth talking salesmen aspect of the Magician
the smooth talking salesmen aspect of the Magician
He can dupe people easily and be far from them
before they realize they have been taken. He is a great debater.
He can appear and disappear in a flash and he has sudden inspiration
sudden solutions to problems
They love to travel for educational as well as business purposes.
The Magician can remind that you can make any situation work for you.
The Magician can remind that you can make any situation work for you.
He is the TRUE PROFESSIONAL brilliant in all he does
Notes from
8 wands mercury in Sag Healing through slowing down
3 cups mercury in Cancer Aligning the heart and mind
6 swords Mercury in Aquarius detachment and moving on
5 discs or pentacles Mercury in Taurus Healing though taking action and possible seeking help also helps with those trying to change their diet.
10 discs Mercury in Virgo Healing through focusing on how to provide firm foundation for future generations.
More notes from this new site
Sanna Starrs Blog
Order of the Golden Dawn
The attribution for the Magician card is Mercury
Ruler of Gemini Air and Virgo Earth
Ruler of Gemini Air and Virgo Earth
The Mandala Astrological Tarot by A.T. Mann
“ The Magician is associated with the Planet Mercury and the Zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo. Mann explains that mercury is the planet of instinctive mind which may either be discriminating in Virgo or adaptable and versatile in Gemini.
The Magician creates the Future with One Word…
Let us create our future on the 10th of Feb With Ann Maglinte
I look forward to growing with you all on this journey of the Self.
Please meet at the Muse this Feb 10th at 6:45 PM
Ritual begins at 7 PM and ends at 8:30 Sharp !
Ritual begins at 7 PM and ends at 8:30 Sharp !
Everyone home by 9 - 9:30 PM Yeah !
Divine Blessings.
Rev .Mana Youngbear
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