It is time to find your own treasure
Hello Bright Blessings to you all !
I wanted to share the latest spread that was cast for this next new moon cycle .
After reading it I can see that the Aires influence is strong in this reading.
I am not surprised as the astrological forecasts have told us essentially the same thing.
Rejoice in the rebirth of our old self from the shoots of our inner garden that is emerging into our outer world.
As Above So Below.
As we unite with the Empress we see that there are times when broadcast seeding is great , however; there are other times when it is best to refine your work and develop what you have , rather then get spread too thin.
The miracle of our alchemy at this time is so powerful .
This lengthy reading speaks to me of taking what you obviously see taking shape and holding on to it as a precious boon from your highest self.
This work you see in you now or soon to see in yourself now.. is the miracle you have been asking for. Your deep cry for help.. Your certain aim you have been melding, Your masterpiece finally taking shape..
I would be curious to see what your thoughts are on this reading as I cast it with the intention of it applying to our entire group.
Bright Blessings..
In Her Name
Mana Youngbear HP " Sisters of The Starry Crown"
The Empress Key 3 Creation
If you would like to host a key for this group please write to me and let me know which energy you care to invoke and why and we will do our best to help you make that happen .
The Celtic Cross Reading for this New Moon Cycle
Intention Of Reading
With the Empress as our Guide ,
I ask for the clarity to see that which we are birthing into creation .
The Celtic Cross Lay out.
Card 1: The present Queen of Swords
Upright: Quick thinker, organised, perceptive, independent
Upright Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning
This card therefore represents the intellect’s ability to judge and discern impartially, without the influence of emotion or sentimentality. She likes to know the how, what, why, where, when and who of everything to help her make sense of her environment and to better understand others. It is not that she does not care about others but she connects to other people through an intellectual understanding rather than an emotional understanding.
The Queen of Swords is a sign that you need to be independent in thought and in judgement. You must use your unbiased intelligence in order to make a judgement of a particular situation, drawing upon every piece of information and fact that you have gathered along the way. Empathy or compassion towards others may distract you from the task at hand, so it is important that you think with your head and not with your heart at this particular time. Do not let emotion get in the way. Rather, use fact and logic to make your decisions.
The Queen of Swords also has an innate ability to tell it like it is. She is a quick thinker and highly perceptive, and as such, she can cut through the noise and confusion to get straight to the point. There is certainly no ‘beating about the bush’, or ‘softening’ of her comments, opinions and thoughts. She is upfront and honest about her opinions, and expects the same from others. The best way to interact with the Queen of Swords, therefore, is to remain as impartial as possible, and to present your thoughts and opinions concisely and honestly.
Card 2: The immediate challenge facing the querent. You will often pull a difficult card here, which will indicate an obstacle that must be overcome. When you pull a "good" card here, examine it carefully because it will still represent a challenge. The immediate challenge facing the querent
High Priestess
staying nonactive
allowing events to proceed without intervention
being receptive to influence
becoming calm
being passive
waiting patiently
seeking guidance from within
trusting your inner voice
opening to dreams and the imagination
being aware of a larger reality
opening to what could be
seeing your hidden talents
allowing development
letting what is there flower
approaching a closed off area
opening to the unknown
remembering something important
sensing the secret and hidden
seeking what is concealed
acknowledging the Shadow
Card 3: Distant past, foundation. This card should indicate the root of the subject matter of the question .
3 Wands
3 of Wands the Gilded Tarot Ciro Marchetti
The Three of Wands indicates that your plans are now well underway and you are starting to consider even more opportunities to expand your current plans and maximise on the potential of your future. Everything is progressing steadily and as expected, thanks to your solid planning and ongoing motivation to persist.
The Three of Wands indicates opportunities to expand your horizons, through study, travel, business enterprise and learning. You need to become more aware of the opportunities that exist for you right now as there may be more than you are aware of. To best see and take advantage of them you must concentrate, cooperate and remain open-minded. You may be more aware that your best opportunities lie outside of your current environment, so it is time to think BIG. Consider what you can do to open doors for yourself and create more development and self-exploration opportunities. It also signifies the changes and challenges that are up ahead and that are associated with expanding your horizons and entering new territories. Given the man in this card can see far ahead of himself, then you are likely to already be aware of the upcoming changes and challenges and can prepare for them ahead of time.
Similarly, this card is also about embracing change and adopting a longer-term view. It indicates you are in a position of strength as you control what happens around you. Thus, this is a card of vision and foresight and looking for greater possibilities. You are being encouraged to become a visionary and to dream beyond your current limitations. Now is the time to accept your vision and be confident that you will achieve it. Move fearlessly into new areas.
Given the expanse of the water in the card, the Three of Wands often depicts travel. This card encourages you to think big in terms of where you want to travel to and what you will discover along the way. This card sees you travelling over water to a far-away country, where you will then have the opportunity to fully develop yourself and learn many new things. I see this as a wonderful card of opportunity that encourages you to be bold and take this leap of faith to truly develop who you are.
Card 4: More recent past, including events. This will indicate events taking place, not necessarily directly connected to the question. For example, if a love affair going wrong Card 3 would show the root of why it is going wrong, whereas Card 4 will show something that recently happened to reflect this. You could see this as a "check comment" card - a way of seeing that the reading is sound.
Queen of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings Keywords
Upright: Practical, homely, motherly, down-to-earth, security
The Queen of Pentacles depicts a solitary woman who sits upon a throne decorated with carvings of fruit trees, goats, angels, and other symbols of material success and sensual pleasure. The tree above her and the ground beneath her feet are rich with flowers and ripe plants of all sorts and she holds in her hand a single golden pentacle, which represents her material richness. At the very lower right-hand corner of the card a rabbit, the symbol of reproduction and fertility, leaps out from behind some bushes.The rabbit also hops into our awareness, symbolising that it is a good time to look before we leap and exercise good judgement as the Queen of Pentacles does
Upright Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings
The Queen of Pentacles is a very ‘motherly’ card, expressing practical energy. She is the original Earth Mother. She shows her love for others by cooking, cleaning, keeping a warm and inviting home and bringing in a decent income to support the family financially. She is also able to work a full-time job, take care of the children, keep the house clean, and still have time to read the business section of the newspaper. She probably has her very own bank account or investment portfolio that nobody else knows about. She strives to create a warm and secure environment for her family and loved ones, and gives love and support freely.
The Queen of Pentacles may represent a mother figure in your life who can provide you with loving support and nurturing to help you get through the influences of your past. She may be a teacher, a counsellor, a mentor, or someone who you are very close to. Alternatively, she may represent a part of yourself, particularly if you are investing a lot of yourself into nurturing and caring for others and creating an established and comfortable lifestyle.
The Queen of Pentacles suggests that it is important to you that you are able to live independently, with a stable income and with enough time and space to also nurture your family and loved ones. You may be trying to create a better balance between your home and work lives, giving it your all in both domains and trying not to compensate one for the other. At the same time, you are also able to find time to invest in yourself and ensure that you have enough ‘me’ time in between all of your other commitments.
The Queen of Pentacles represents prosperity and security. She suggests that you have worked hard to generate a level of financial or physical security which, in turn, gives you the ability to be generous with others and to share your wealth and prosperity with those you love. You have used your financial prosperity to build a comfortable home environment and you are focused on investing in your family, as well as your personal wealth.
This Queen asks you to maintain a compassionate, nurturing, practical and down-to-earth attitude when it comes to dealing with others and your present circumstances. You need to focus on creating a calm and balanced life for yourself. You need to be resourceful and practical, dealing with issues as they arise and coming up with realistic and simple solutions that fix the problem with minimal fuss. The Queen of Pentacles is also able to find a use for everything in the home, and is very handy and versatile.
Card 5: The best that can be achieved. This is directly related to the question. Note that this may not necessarily gel against Card 10 - it depends whether you are able to get the best. However, a negative card here probably means that it is worth cutting your losses rather than putting any more effort into the situation.
Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings Keywords
Upright: Romance, charm, ‘Knight in shining armour’, imagination
The Knight of Cups is seen as a young knight, riding along on his white horse, holding a cup as if he is a messenger of some type. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, the Knight of Cups is not charging along but rather his horse moves slowly forward, giving an impression of calmness and peace. The horse represents power, energy, and drive, and of course the colour white is a symbol of purity, spirituality, and light. The Knight wears a cloak covered with images of fish, the symbol of the spirit, consciousness and creativity. His helmet and feet are winged, a symbol of an active and creative imagination.
The Knight of Cups is the most feminine of the Knights; although that does not mean that he is any less of a Knight. It simply implies that he is in touch with his intuition and emotions, and he uses them for his own good during his quests of romance and seduction. He is charming and attractive to others, regardless of their sex, while still expressing the romantic, poetic view of life in his unique way. He may be in love with love itself. This Knight also looks to his emotions to provide a map for his life direction. He is someone who is ruled by his heart rather than his head. When faced with a decision, he will always go with what his heart tells him, whether it is logical or not. Decisions will be made without much thought and instead they are made drawing upon inner direction, with the experience of warmth, friendliness, love and the need to share these qualities with everyone.
As with all Court Cards, the Knight of Cups can manifest as an event, a person in your life, or as a part of yourself.
The Knight of the Cups often appears as a messenger, an invitation or the arrival of someone or something with an emotional benefit. He offers an interesting invitation, which will result in an emotional experience that will bring high energy and lift you to an exhilarating state as new situations appear from nowhere. In addition to the physical sources of information, the Knight of Cups can also represent wisdom that comes from your dreams and that helps you to surmount life’s obstacles.
The Knight of Cups represents the undertaking of the creative adventure hinted at in the Page of Cups. Whereas the Page encounters the mystical fish out of the golden cup and is thus initially inspired with creativity, the Knight has already encountered his inspiration and is about to undertake the journey of imagination and creativity to which the unconscious has impelled him. If you are about to start a new creative project, direct your imagination into the ‘real’ world. True imagination feeds on ‘action’ thus if you do nothing with your dreams they will remain vague and unrelated to the rest of your life. The Knight of Cups brings a warning about getting too caught up in fantasy and the romanticism of life. Fantasy excites but it lacks any real meaning as you deny your basic commitment to the world and your imagination produces nothing.
Be open to exploring your passions and your grand ideas at this time. You may find that you have been drawn to a particular passion or hobby and now is the time to start turning into ‘something’. You do not need to go at a cracking pace but it is important to balance your with action and ensure that you are taking proactive steps to achieve your goals and ambitions.
Card 6: Immediate Future. This indicates events in the next few days or week(s). This reading does not cover months.
Page of Sword
Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings Keywords
Upright: Talkative, curious, mentally restless, energetic The Page of Swords reflects an abundance of energy, passion and enthusiasm. You cannot wait to get started on a new project or an idea, and to share that with others. You start all new projects, ventures and journeys with a huge amount of energy and excitement. The challenge, however, is whether you can keep it up! As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising but something else is needed in order to maintain the pace.
The Page of Swords is almost like a green light to say, “Go for it”. There are always going to be challenges with whatever option you choose and not everyone is going to be happy with your choices but when it comes down to it, you need to follow your passions and go where your true energy lies. This Page encourages you to move forward and to get the wheels in motion, despite any challenges or setbacks that may potentially stand in the way.
This card shows you as a young and idealistic person, with lots of plans and ideas for the future. At this moment, you feel as though you could do almost anything. As a Page, you are just beginning to make your way in life, and it is important that you align with others who will not overwhelm you or stifle your direction and ideas. Instead, seek to align yourself with people who will nurture your ideas and will help you to manifest them in an organised manner. Choose a relationship that feels natural, with someone who will learn and grow along with you and give you a chance to develop your own personality and expression. You have an intelligent and sensitive nature, and you may suffer a lot if there is no outlet for your ideas and feelings.
The Page of Swords is as perceptive as the Queen of Swords. He has the ability to find out the truth regarding all matters by asking all the important questions. However, what makes him different to the Queen is that he lacks experience and maturity, so his questioning and probing may become annoying to others as he constantly asks “Why?” Nonetheless, he has both mental and physical agility and is full of anticipation, making him an avid learner and an excellent student.
The Page of Swords is also all about communication, information and ideas. This card is an indication that you need to appreciate and communicate ideas, information and theories. These ideas, information and theories may be your own or someone else’s. It does not really matter, so long as you are involved in talking, sharing and conversing with others about these ideas. You are always coming up with something new and then finding someone to share it with. You also have a way with words, being a good writer or speaker, and you are passionate about what you are doing. However, be careful that you do not engage in gossip. While this Page loves to talk and to be ‘in the know’, it is important that you use this talent to benefit others, rather than to create negativity. You may also want to be careful about what you say to whom, as you may be more prone to sharing confidential information about yourself. So, protect your privacy. And you may need to first ground your thoughts, before speaking, in order to ensure that you do not later regret what you have said.
The Page of Swords can also stand for a child or young-at-heart adult whose relationship to you involves truthfulness, the search for information and new ideas, or matters of the mind and intellect. You may have your moments with this Page, as the Swords often indicate a level of tension or conflict, and this bundle of energy may sometimes prove too much to handle. If you need to, give yourself a break from this youthful person, and return with fresh eyes. They do have a lot to share with you, and despite their inexperience, they may actually teach you something about yourself. You need to remain open to their high levels of energy and enthusiasm to learn more about the world. As a child, the Page of Swords encourages you to have fun with mental activities of all kinds, including learning, exploring, and researching. Enjoy the world of thought your mind can open to you.
The downside of the Page of Swords is the turbulent nature of intellectual discovery and inspiration unchecked by experience or wisdom. This Page seems to be either on the defensive, protecting his ideas, or on the offensive, looking for some victim of the double-edged sword of his mind. Perhaps he is seeking a confrontation in the intellectual sense or has the desire to prove himself mentally superior to others. The trouble is that he does not yet have the maturity to express himself in a way that is always constructive, and may come across as oppositional or just too ‘in your face’.
Card 7: Factors or inner feelings affecting the situation. Compare this against Card 1 in order to understand underlying forces/trends. If there is conflict between them this tends to indicate that the querent is going in the wrong direction.
King of Rods
King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings Keywords
Upright: Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honour
The King of Wands represents pure fire energy. Unlike the other Wands court cards, he is not so interesting in actual creation and creativity, or in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself. Instead, he is more inclined to take an idea and change the world to match his vision. As such he is a natural-born leader of all kinds of people, and he is very visionary. Once he sets himself a goal, he sticks to it and ensures that he can make it happen with the support of those around him. People naturally gravitate towards this King as they know he will get things done and will do it very well. He is a master, too, at being able to get other people to do his work for him, and keep them on-side throughout the process.
The King of Wands looks forward to challenges because he enjoys the natural rush of adrenalin associated with solving a difficult problem and coming to a solution that will benefit not just one person but many people. In the process, he not only rids himself of his own fear but that of others, by reassuring them that they shall all succeed. He is not all talk, either, and when the going gets tough, he is prepared to do the hard yards to see something through to the end. The King of Wands has a deep and innate respect for other people, and his compassion extends far. He knows how to bring out the best in others and to empower them to deliver his visions and goals, which he knows will be of benefit to the greater population.
The King of Wands is an indication that you are someone who is very visionary and goal-oriented. You achieve a lot because you are very clear about your future direction and how you will get there. You do not waste your time on activities or relationships that you believe will lead no-where. You never just go with the flow, instead you prefer to embark on a strong and direct course of action.
The King of Wands reminds you to lead your life with intent, vision and a long-term view. Know that even though you are experiencing challenges now this is just a part of your journey to something much more positive. Eventually, you will see this time as just a little blip on the radar and it will have simply served to make you stronger. Stay focused on your long-term goals.
The appearance of the King of Wands also suggests that an opportunity is presenting itself to you, and you now have the power to accept the opportunity and take on the challenge. You are the determining factor in this situation, and circumstances will navigate in the direction you steer them. Indecision or doubt will not be appropriate responses when clarity and confidence are required. However, as you progress in this new role, it will begin to feel more comfortable.
The negative aspect of the King of Wands is that he can be arrogant and even aggressive in his pursuit of his goals. He may be conscious or unconscious of this. For example, most of the time he does not show enough restraint to know when assistance is not needed or wanted, and he can sometimes make things worse by doing what he thinks is the right thing. Furthermore, once successful, he may become easily carried away with his newfound status and grandeur. He shows determination and vision to accomplish his goals at any cost, and while he is often a respected leader, there can be instances where he is prepared to go above the heads of others in order to fulfil his own dreams and agendas, potentially putting others off-side. This King can also become easily distracted by bigger and better things and he can become so accustomed to attention that he can take other people for granted.
Here is yet another image from Pinterest that I found.. No real reference to the card. If you know the artist or deck.. Let us know.
Card 8: External influences. People, energies or events which will affect the outcome of the question and are beyond the querent's control.
Upright: Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion#8 Strength
The Strength Tarot card represents strength, determination, and power in a manner similar to the Chariot. However, the differences between the two Tarot cards are obvious. Where the Chariot represents outer strength and will, the Strength card represents inner strength and the power of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle. The meaning of the Strength Tarot card is about knowing that you can endure life’s obstacles by drawing upon your inner strength and confidence. You have great stamina and persistence, tempered by an underlying patience and inner calm. You are focused on what you need to do, and you go about it in a way that demonstrates great composure and maturity.
The Strength Tarot card also reflects a compassionate approach. You are like the woman in this card who offers love and patience to the ferocious lion in order to be able to tame him. You give others space and you are tolerant of their needs. You are accepting and can easily forgive any imperfections. In doing this, you create a safe and trusting environment where you can then gently influence others. This demonstrates a level of ‘soft’ control, persuading and coaxing others to your way of thinking.
The qualities of Strength Tarot card are already in you, waiting to appear once you have mastered all your raw, foundational emotions and when you are ready to move on to the spiritual tasks that lie ahead. Its main lesson is that emotions must be transcended if spiritual wisdom and intuition are to be awakened. Your inner voice is often drowned out by the constant noise of emotion and preoccupation with fear. Only once you have eliminated these raw emotions can you begin to create the silence you need. So conquer your fears, control your impulses, and never lose patience with yourself or what you are doing. Eventually you will see the wisdom of letting go of your lower self. The Strength archetype teaches you that you have the strength to tame the beasts within yourself. Meditating on this card can assist your process of honouring and experiencing the inherent strength that is within your nature.
The Strength Tarot card shows a balance of the aspects of you that are human, animal and divine. It may seem impossible but love, kindness and a brave heart can bring them into balance. In a Tarot reading, the appearance of the Strength Tarot card indicates a time when you need to be very conscious of your instinctual urges and reactions, and bring them into balance with the greater good and meaning in life. This is not a time to act out in rage or in hatred but instead to look at the situation from a place of love and compassion.
The Strength Tarot card represents a higher level of consciousness that allows you to take responsibility for yourself, so that you can master yourself and your world. The Strength card reminds us that inside each of us is a passionate and instinctual side that, depending on the person, will either burst out frequently or infrequently. If you are one of those people who acts impulsively or irrationally, and who blurts out angry comments or negative things to others, the Strength Tarot card calls on you to try to tame yourself. The woman in this card is calmly subduing the lion by offering peace, love, and warmth. You may need to do the same to prevent yourself from leaping out at others and saying some things you might later regret.
In a Tarot reading, Strength offers you the hope of connecting with both your inner and outer strength. It asks you to find the confidence within yourself to present yourself to the world as strong, assertive, and persevering. If you have been self-doubting, the Strength Tarot card gives you the confidence to fight those doubts. Additionally, if you are feeling worn out or stressed, Strength says to you, “Things are going to get better! You are going to find the strength within yourself and within others to keep going!” When Strength appears in a Tarot reading, you can be assured that you have enough endurance to see this task through to its eventual end. If you are pushing too hard, Strength shows the need to withdraw for the moment, and to be patient. Enlightenment will come only when the time is right – it cannot be rushed.
With the Strength Tarot card, it is clear that strength and courage will be applied to all your endeavours. Results may be slow in coming but you will hold your own, get a lot accomplished and summon up enough energy to do what it takes to get the job done. One way or another, you will be recognised or rewarded for your efforts.
Does this card keep reappearing in your Tarot readings? Perhaps the Universe is trying to tell you something.
Card 9: Hopes or fears around the situation. This may produce a card that confuses us badly. Always bear in mind that hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen. Sometimes it is useful to draw a second card for clarification after the reading has been laid, and to read the two together.
#13 Death
Upright: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transitionUpright: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition
The Death card is probably the most feared and misunderstood of all the cards in the Tarot deck. Just the mention of the card’s name has people shaking in their boots! In general, people tend to take the meaning of this card far too literally and fear that the indication is for the death of either themselves or others. Relax! The card of Death can be one of the most fruitful and positive cards in the deck.
Death is symbolic of the ending of a major phase or aspect of your life that may bring about the beginning of something far more valuable and important. You must close one door in order to open another. You need to put the past behind you and part ways, ready to embrace new opportunities and possibilities. It may be difficult to let go of the past at times but you will soon see how important it is so that you can bring renewal and transformation into your life. If you resist these necessary endings, you may experience pain, both emotionally and physically but if you exercise your creative imagination and visualise a new possibility, you allow more constructive patterns to emerge.
Similarly, Death indicates a time of significant transformation, change and transition. You need to profoundly transform yourself and clear away any of the old in order to bring in the new. Any change at this time should be welcomed as a positive, cleansing, transformative force in your life. The death and clearing away of limiting factors can open the door to a wider, more satisfying experience of life.
The Death card contains elements of a sudden and unexpected change. You may feel as though you are caught in the path of sweeping change and cannot escape its effects. Though the immediate thought is toward the negative, an end need not mean failure. The loss could be a series of unexpected surprises that bring an end to a period of turmoil or problems. You feel you can no longer go along with the status quo and want things to change radically. Many changes are going to take place to enable a new direction to emerge.
Finally, Death is an indication that you need to learn to let go of unhealthy attachments in your life to pave the way to a fuller, more fulfilled life of deeper meaning and significance. Death teaches you to let go of outworn and outgrown ways of life and move forward. This is a perfect card to use to break a bad habit or pattern of behaviour. This is a time of eliminating excess and cutting out what is not necessary in your life. This may be a good time to purge old belongings, memories and ‘baggage’ that is getting in your way.
Does this card keep reappearing in your Tarot readings? Perhaps the Universe is trying to tell you something.
Card 10: Final outcome. This is a fairly self explanatory card. However it is worth saying that if the card comes up somewhat ambiguous, once again it may be worth drawing three extra cards to clarify. These should be interpreted through the lens of Card 10. So if the card drawn is the Tower and we draw the Ace of Cups, Princess of Cups and Four of Cups in a reading about a relationship, the Tower would indicate that it is time to move on. The Ace of Cup suggests that a new relationship is promised with better things ahead. The Princess of Cups brings new love (and possibly pregnancy). The Four of Cups shows deep levels of contentment and happiness, and many options for progress.
Upright: Teamwork, initial fulfilment, collaboration, learning3 Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles, like the Threes in the other suits, represents the initial completion of a goal or plan. In this case, the Three implies the fulfilment and manifestation of a creative venture, business, or building project. The inspiration of the individual (i.e. the mason) is beginning to be concreted in the material world, and the decisions of the two (i.e. the two monks) have been made successfully. An initial satisfaction is now being enjoyed and the project is well underway. You have all of the skills necessary to accomplish your goals in life, thus you have the ability to succeed in all your ventures. You are keen to improve the quality of your life or your work.
The message of the Three of Pentacles is one of encouragement. If you continue to work toward the fulfilment of your dreams and do not allow disillusionment to dampen your enthusiasm, ultimately you will experience prosperity and success in your goals. You need to do work that is satisfying to you and that you can be truly proud of. What new beginnings are you experiencing in the material realm? Is there some project or creative venture you have been putting off because of fear of failure? The Three of Pentacles indicates that dreams can be made real with persistence, determination, and effort.
The Three of Pentacles may also suggest that you need help to complete your work and can draw on the knowledge and experience of others. It may be beneficial to share your work with a partner but only if they are as conscientious as you.
At the core of the Three of Pentacles is the notion of teamwork and collaboration. In the card, we see a young mason working hard on building part of the cathedral. The two monks enter, with their worldly knowledge and spiritual understanding to bring a new perspective to the mason’s work. Even though their backgrounds, experience levels and knowledge is very different, they are able to come together to share their expertise in a way that creates synergy and improved results. There is no ‘us and them’ or any sense of superiority. Rather, each person has something unique to offer and is willing to learn from others involved in the project. Everyone is getting the job done together and is contributing to the group through effective listening and sharing. This is a positive card to see when teamwork, collaboration and cooperation are required between parties with different levels of experience.
The Three of Pentacles also points to the importance of feedback. The mason is open to listening to the monks and taking on their feedback on his progress so far. His primary goal is to do a great job, and he knows that the monks will be able to help him get there. He does not take it personally but uses their feedback and input to continually improve in his work.
Effective planning, management and organisation are also key components of the Three of Pentacles. In order to accomplish significant goals, such as building a monumental cathedral, it is imperative that detailed planning occurs to ensure that all the components are progressing well. This card therefore reflects a time when it is essential to create a detailed plan and to follow a schedule. This is when good project management will pay off.
I always like to look for a Major Arcana message at the end of a Spread. I do sometimes use court cards.. but it has always been little gift I give myself to take one more look for the Arcana. Some folks take a look at the bottom of the remaining stack as well..
There are so many different ways to use your higher self to direct you. Have fun.
This was the final final ..ha ha outcome of this reading..
Final Outcome #1 Magician.
The Magician Tarot Card
When the opportunity to use your best talents arises, your performance will seem like magic to those around you. When you have a set of plans and enact them to perfection, quickly accomplishing your goal, people will be shocked. Your accomplishments will seem ordinary to you, as if they should have happened without question, but others will look at what you do like it is a new form of magic. All of these circumstances summon forth The Magician card from the Tarot deck. This is the card of making things happen, being in control, getting what you want because you understand how to earn it … and impressing everyone in the process of doing what comes natural to you.
Under a golden sky and surrounded by lush, flowery vegetation, a robed man stands before us, behind a waist-high wooden table. On the table there is a sword, a cup, a pentacle laying flat as a plate and a wooden walking stick, also known as a wand. These are the four suits of the Tarot and they appear here as they do on the numbered cards of the Tarot's Minor Arcana. The man raises his right hand. He is holding a small white magic wand. Above his head floats a lemniscate (represented as ∞), the symbol for infinity.
The Magician is pictured here at the moment he is casting his spell. The magic wand in his hand is elevated as high above his head as possible and over his head the lemniscate underscores that the possibilities in all of this laying before him are infinite. The table represents bringing in our own constructs and belief systems into the natural world. We change the universe we live in with our perceptions. That each of the Tarot's suits is represented indicates that The Magician has the power and control over these things. Cups represent emotions, wands indicate creativity, pentacles are money and issues of the material plane, while swords represent the cerebral sphere of human activity and the verbal expressions inspired within that area. The Magician has domain over these areas of your life and is casting a spell to influence them. This is the card that indicates the ultimate level of control over your life and the events in it. This magician takes responsibility for who he is and what he can do; the objects representing the four Tarot suits are there on the table, he stands alone, nothing is hidden. The magic is in his supreme confidence over ruling the things in his domain that he knows he can control. The Magician is the Tarot's card of being genuine and open, and transparent in any interpersonal dealings. This is the card of making it happen because you practice what you preach. The Magician is the complete package.
In the past position, The Magician underscores a surge of displaying your talents and getting far in the world based on accomplishments. Perhaps you are resting comfortably on a foundation established during that time. Or you may miss the days when you could seemingly put it all together with a snap of your fingers.
In the present position, this card signals the urgency of a situation of which you must seize to take advantage. In this position, The Magician indicates that your ability to be yourself and impress the right person or people can have a big impact on the direction your life takes. The Magician in the present position is a metaphor for your free will and good luck combining in a rare opportunity to move way ahead in life. When this card is in this position, take your great leap forward.
In the future position, The Magician is a card of amazing potency. This is an indication of your wishes being granted because you take the time to earn everything you want. The Magician represents manifesting your desires and visions. In the future, what you want will arrive when you follow the necessary course of action. You will no longer have to dream about being it; you will have become exactly who and what you wanted to be.
The Arcturian Tarot
From my window this morning.. The energy of the trees life is oozing out of the bark from the sun's gentle and loving touch. I looked at this mist and it reminded me of the trees and their own soul.. what they are sharing with me.. I immediately went outside in my bare feet and to breath in this love from the forest..
I am so grateful for my life...
Just from my own " musings " I find this relationship I am developing with the Rota or wheel of life is amazing, exciting and honestly sometimes terrifying , but the Empress came to me this morning as I woke in the forrest once again . She gently told me that terror is a silly trick life is an amusing layout of creative wonder ! Make what you wish of it. It is yours Mana... We have the power to turn anything around all by our choice of how yew wish to develop our desire. Do we drive around aimlessly site seeing in this lifetime ? Do we take all our experiences as acts of love and compost the left overs into yet another creation of exciting beauty and hope .. What will we do..? We can revisit this over and over again. It is true we can not change the past but we can take the past and make it something more for the future. Nothing is eternal aside from Change and Our Soul.. The thing that moves and groves through our bodies and the very essence of who we are.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 14 th of April at 7 PM
Until then be sure to continue to look for the wonderful emails that Annie is sending out.
Enjoy the miracle that ou are..
In Love and Truth...
Under a golden sky and surrounded by lush, flowery vegetation, a robed man stands before us, behind a waist-high wooden table. On the table there is a sword, a cup, a pentacle laying flat as a plate and a wooden walking stick, also known as a wand. These are the four suits of the Tarot and they appear here as they do on the numbered cards of the Tarot's Minor Arcana. The man raises his right hand. He is holding a small white magic wand. Above his head floats a lemniscate (represented as ∞), the symbol for infinity.
The Magician is pictured here at the moment he is casting his spell. The magic wand in his hand is elevated as high above his head as possible and over his head the lemniscate underscores that the possibilities in all of this laying before him are infinite. The table represents bringing in our own constructs and belief systems into the natural world. We change the universe we live in with our perceptions. That each of the Tarot's suits is represented indicates that The Magician has the power and control over these things. Cups represent emotions, wands indicate creativity, pentacles are money and issues of the material plane, while swords represent the cerebral sphere of human activity and the verbal expressions inspired within that area. The Magician has domain over these areas of your life and is casting a spell to influence them. This is the card that indicates the ultimate level of control over your life and the events in it. This magician takes responsibility for who he is and what he can do; the objects representing the four Tarot suits are there on the table, he stands alone, nothing is hidden. The magic is in his supreme confidence over ruling the things in his domain that he knows he can control. The Magician is the Tarot's card of being genuine and open, and transparent in any interpersonal dealings. This is the card of making it happen because you practice what you preach. The Magician is the complete package.
Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions
Your Tarot reading is an examination of the pattern of cards dealt from the deck. This pattern is called a Tarot spread. The pattern has positions for your past, your present and your future. Where a specific card lands changes the focus of that card to carry meaning related to that time of your life.In the past position, The Magician underscores a surge of displaying your talents and getting far in the world based on accomplishments. Perhaps you are resting comfortably on a foundation established during that time. Or you may miss the days when you could seemingly put it all together with a snap of your fingers.
In the present position, this card signals the urgency of a situation of which you must seize to take advantage. In this position, The Magician indicates that your ability to be yourself and impress the right person or people can have a big impact on the direction your life takes. The Magician in the present position is a metaphor for your free will and good luck combining in a rare opportunity to move way ahead in life. When this card is in this position, take your great leap forward.
In the future position, The Magician is a card of amazing potency. This is an indication of your wishes being granted because you take the time to earn everything you want. The Magician represents manifesting your desires and visions. In the future, what you want will arrive when you follow the necessary course of action. You will no longer have to dream about being it; you will have become exactly who and what you wanted to be.
In conclusion,
Mana's Musings
From my window this morning.. The energy of the trees life is oozing out of the bark from the sun's gentle and loving touch. I looked at this mist and it reminded me of the trees and their own soul.. what they are sharing with me.. I immediately went outside in my bare feet and to breath in this love from the forest..
I am so grateful for my life...
Just from my own " musings " I find this relationship I am developing with the Rota or wheel of life is amazing, exciting and honestly sometimes terrifying , but the Empress came to me this morning as I woke in the forrest once again . She gently told me that terror is a silly trick life is an amusing layout of creative wonder ! Make what you wish of it. It is yours Mana... We have the power to turn anything around all by our choice of how yew wish to develop our desire. Do we drive around aimlessly site seeing in this lifetime ? Do we take all our experiences as acts of love and compost the left overs into yet another creation of exciting beauty and hope .. What will we do..? We can revisit this over and over again. It is true we can not change the past but we can take the past and make it something more for the future. Nothing is eternal aside from Change and Our Soul.. The thing that moves and groves through our bodies and the very essence of who we are.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 14 th of April at 7 PM
Until then be sure to continue to look for the wonderful emails that Annie is sending out.
Enjoy the miracle that ou are..
In Love and Truth...
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