I recently found this writing which my dear Isis Sister Linda shared from her Temple of the Lotus of Alexandria. I found it interesting and moving. I thought I would read up more on it and offer it here.
It made me think
What is a Temple ?
Where should it exist ?
What does it stand for ?
My Temple Rests In My Heart
A Heart That Moves Throughout My body.
I am the Priestess of My Temple
I clean it adorn it, respect and honor it
For it houses the Holiest of Holy treasure.
It restores my soul to that from which it belongs,
It is my gateway home.
I will be honored to offer what I have gathered though my life
Those of the Fellowship
Those of my beloved Masters of lifetimes after Lifetimes.
I believe man woman god goddess soul or what ever we call it
It has no word .. we try to make it what we are instead of returning to what is
The eternal part of and whole of Our Core ... our true essence and origin.
It is the same master who returns to me and offers me love wisdom and compassion.
The elements that ignite the Torchlight of Knowledge to illuminate my long journey home.
The same message remains in all forms and all teachings.
Know Your Self
To Know is To Love
Find Godhead in yourself and then you will find it in others.
That which is perfect and without words has no definition,
Yet it defines all things.
I have become it in the sacred experience of finding it..
over and over again and again in Gratitude and Humility and Loving Grace
In all forms and in all universes...
Creating a beautiful matrix which simultaneously hosts this great Love...
I offer you my love... I lovingly accept your own.
Mana From The Temple Of The Muse
This is food for thought.... My offering rests belo
An Excerpt from Book V of the Moralia written by Plutarch, First Essay, titled “Isis and Osiris”
Addressed to Clea, a priestess at Delphi
2. Therefore the effort to arrive at the Truth, and especially the truth about the gods, is a longing for the divine. For the search for truth requires for its study and investigation the consideration of sacred subjects, and it is a work more hallowed than any form of holy living or temple service; and not least of all, it is well-pleasing to that goddess whom you worship, a goddess exceptionally wise and a lover of wisdom, to whom, as her name at least seems to indicate, knowledge and understanding are in the highest degree appropriate … The name of her shrine also clearly promises knowledge and comprehension of reality; for it is named Iseion, to indicate that we shall comprehend reality if in a reasonable and devout frame of mind we pass within the portals of her shrines.

by Plutarch. It is in his book titled "Moralia" in the section called "Isis and Osiris." He is writing to a woman named Clea who is a priestess at Delphi. Plutarch, like many others of his day really didn't understand ancient Egyptian culture, but he 'totally nailed it' when he discussed religion and spirituality in general, especially in regards to those devoted to Isis.
3. Moreover, many writers have held her to be the daughter of Hermes, and many others the daughter of Prometheus, because of the belief that Prometheus is the discoverer of wisdom and forethought, and Hermes the inventor of grammar and music. For this reason they call the first of the Muses at Hermopolis Isis as well as Justice; for she is wise, as I have said, and discloses the divine mysteries to those who truly and justly have the name of “bearers of the sacred vessels” and “wearers of the sacred robes.” These are they who within their own soul, as though within a casket, bear the sacred writings about the gods clear of all superstition and pedantry; and they cloak them with secrecy, thus giving intimations, some dark and shadowy, some clear and bright, of their concepts about the gods, intimations of the same sort as are clearly evidenced in the wearing of the sacred garb. For this reason, too, the fact that the deceased votaries of Isis are decked with these garments is a sign that these sacred writings accompany them, and that they pass to the other world possessed of these and of naught else. It is a fact, Clea, that having a beard and wearing a coarse cloak does not make philosophers, nor does dressing in linen and shaving the hair make votaries of Isis; but the true votary of Isis is he who, when he has legitimately received what is set forth in the ceremonies connected with these gods, uses reason in investigating and in studying the truth contained therein.
John Collier Artist Priestess of Delphi
Painted in 1891
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Pythia (disambiguation).
The name 'Pythia' derived from Pytho, which in myth was the original name of Delphi.
The Greeks derived this place-name from the verb pythein (πύθειν, "to rot"),
used of the decomposition of the body of the monstrous serpent Python after she was slain by Apollo.[2]
induced by vapors rising from a chasm in the rock,
and that she spoke gibberish which priests reshaped into the
The Pythia was widely credited for herprophecies inspired by Apollo.
The last recorded response was given in 393 AD, when the emperor Theodosius I
ordered pagan temples to cease operation.
During this period the Delphic Oracle was the most prestigious and authoritative oracle in the Greek world.
The oracle is one of the best-documented religious institutions of the classical Greek world.
This picture has been challenged by scholars
such as Joseph Fontenrose and Lisa Maurizio, who argue that the ancient sources
uniformly represent the Pythia speaking intelligibly, and giving prophecies in her own voice.
[4] Recent geological investigations have shown that gas emissions
from a geologic chasm in the earth could have inspired the Delphic Oracle
to "connect with the divine." Some researchers suggest the possibility
that ethylene gas caused the Pythia's state of inspiration.
However, Lehoux argues[5] that ethylene is "impossible" and benzene "crucially underdetermined".
Others argue instead that methane might have been the gas
from Laurel berries or from loneliness.
Some say she was not a priestess at all.
But to sit at the feet of Apollo and listen to his rambling nature ..
And to have some part of self with the Gods and Goddess
And another part of self in the heavens and another part of self with self..
One would say that life may be quite different then most would think.
Women had different identities then.
At one time they would be great advisors to rulers and teachers and librarians
and other times they would be found stoned to death,
or tortured in terrible ways for the same teachings and prophecies
that once were thought to offer liberation.
I say let us all be Oracles of our Own hearts!
Seek that which is in the treasure house of all knowledge and wisdom
Riding on the waves of lyrical delight.
My heart the drum
My breath the melody
My step the dance
My words the jubilation of self discovery!
Oh beloved Gnosis
Unspeakable Perfection
Take my torchlight of Knowledge
And fill this chalice with Music Art Dance Written Works..
Stirring my alchemy of understanding
A mythic journey to the final resting place of realizations..
Grant these ancient teachings my own
May my actions be a channel of comfort and beauty and truth
Let me roll in love to the Divine
Oh Blessed One
It is she comes to me
She who wraps me up in Her Silent Embrace
Like Isis for Osirus..
She Wraps me
She sings words of power that
Ring inside My heart.
Strong is Her love
Perfect Her touch
Eternal her message ..
tapping me
tapping me
Gently turning me to her face
Face TO Face
Look into these eyes
Pools of Gemstones laced upon a blessed Mala.
Two Eyes
Then many eyes seeing that which one can not see with two eyes...
Oh Beloved Keep me in your constant embrace
Guide me
Drink from my chalice ..
As I Bath in Yours
Fill me with your Wisdom, Compassion, Grace and Beauty.

I have sat with the Priestess Of Delphi I have joined Her Whispers
And Her Exaltations...! Hail and Behold !
I have danced to her oracles in halls of great Queens and Nobelty
I have danced to her oracles in forrest glens and rock hard floor caves.
I have danced her fast and changing prophecies upon
fire and earth and water
and on the waves of winds
and air so sweet and filled with prayers of others asking
I have danced slowly ... trembling and reaching for my birthright...
They are
Begging me for
They are in the shadows shouting...
We want to KNOW
We want more..
The treasure is that
They need nothing
The ask for me to dance a clarity a message within Her Message
What is it ?
What is it again they cry out and say
Give us more !
Again and again they cry out
More Oh Great Priestess
Oracle Of Delphi
What can you give to us?
The drums have stopped
The Lyres and Lutes
The Rattles Drums
Bones tossed down to the place I stand
I become those bones and she reads me...
She stops she pauses she waits
She speaks..
Take your time to rest inside the comfort of her gifted grace
Wear it like a mantel around you
Like a soft and splendid cloak
See from her eyes that which lies before you
Speak not your words but make hers your own..
Know you are never alone
Know yourself as you wish to know the Great Goddess
Be the greatest gift you could imagine to receive
For you are what you wish to foresee.
You are that which you ask to receive
Her embrace rides in the rhythms of your blood that moves within you.
You hold the heart of Isis
You are the love of the Great Mother
You are the Miracle for which you seek.
Gnosis is a holy key that unlocks all the dual worlds and makes them into One.
The trinity inside the knot of Isis.
The ankh of truth unlocks the Door.
I am becoming that which I have always been
In and out and
Out and In of one single notion called breath.
I am no more then a cup.
No less then the chalice of her grace
and all of what she has made me to be.
This is a miracle
I am blessed
And it is enough for Me
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