Blessing Ourselves, Blessing Each Other.
Full Moon
Full Moon
So Bright Tonight
Guide me gently
Guide me through
Guide me Back to Isis True
Take my prayers and send them home
Feed them to those who feel alone
With the heart and mind in fold
I send my love for those to hold
Love Of Isis
From the Start
Love that will not fall apart
Take our prayers this full moon night
On her wings they will take flight.
Bless my intentions bind this song
On Her Moon Beams all night long...
Mana From The Muse 4/17/11
This Pink Moon as many Native American traditions call it.. Says the reason the full moon is pink is due to the blossoms and flowers filling our earth at this time
Time for seedlings to be blessed and planet and new shoots from the seeds of March to start to shine and spring up!
With this I offer this Prayer
To take time to breath and look inside the sacred flame of our own perfect gifted soul helps these seeds we plant grow.
Choose your seeds with care and love
Plant them with intention and water them with Promise and Hope for all the New Beginnings yet to come.
We dedicated our Muse as a Temple Of The Muse on this First Full Moon of Spring
Inviting all of you to join us in contemplation of life's treasures and reflections of the beauty in all of us..
Many Many Blessings and Much Much Love
mana from the muse
The Circle of Isis Prayer
by Olivia Robertson, ArchPriestess
and Fellowship of Isis co-founder
Isis, You were the Past,
The suffering Wife,
The suffering Mother.
Isis, You are the Present,
Defender of the Abused,
Whether children or animals,
And of all beings who suffer.
You are the Winged Isis of the Future,
Who brings Star Power!
Our past is the Earth,
Our present is the Sun,
But our future is the Stars!
So, Holy Isis,
Daughter of the Sky Goddess Nuit,
Whose Divine Starry Body is the Milky Way,
Inspire us with hope, creativity and joy,
That we may bravely, and with hope,
Live into a wonderful and inspiring future.
So be it!
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