Monday, December 30, 2013

New Information on the 42 Laws of Ma'at .

Painting by Diveena Priestess of Shesheta and Founder of the Temple of the Crowned Horus 

Recently I was having a conversation with one of our priests from the Fellowship of Isis .
He was saying , quite convincingly, that it is not wise to altar the 42 Laws of Ma'at .
 I believe he was giving reference to the Ideals that I share every week .
The 42 Ideals of Ma'at Booklet by Lady Loreon Vigne
I am always very enthused by conversations of this nature ,
 because I find it stimulates my mind and others. 
After some contemplation on the matter, I finally came to this conclusion .

My Life with Imhotep 

The 42 Ideals Of Ma'at were channeled in the Holy of Holies in Egypt by Lady Loreon Vigne' and 12 priestess of Isis and the FOI . Each week these Ideals are posted as being Inspired from the 42 Laws of Ma'at. Inspired is a key word here.  I add each week , my "Musings" on these ideals.  I believe that these ancient laws were given to us to help us balance our scales of Truth which we live by. Furthermore ; they may go so far as to even remind us when we are straying too far from our original purpose in these bodies , so we can remain a clear and open channel for the Primal Will To Good , while distributing HER divine elixir of immortality. 

 What is this elixir ? It is my impression that the FOI manifesto supports the elixir as  "Love, Beauty and Truth . " The very same alchemy that creates true Wisdom. The foundation of strength which supports our cosmos . Please remember this is my interpretation. I feel
there is nothing outside of this.  Do not take my word for it. Form your own. You can review this manifesto and the truth at the official hearth of the FOI below. 

Aset Shemsu - The Retinue of Isis
Aset t fem. det. sh-m-s- w "go, walk" det. plural sign

You are invited to read the manifesto at this link below.

It came to me some time ago when I discovered that Lady Olivia was not physically returning to the United States, just how important it was to build my Ka Connection to her. I cherished our very minute times alone together at the Temple of Isis back in the early days.  Her Laugherter and Her divinity , Her supreme example of un shakable faith in her self realization and soul realization, was natural and non intimidating. She was the epitome of a loving vessel or clear and open channel for the Divine Union of Auset and Ausar .  Somehow she blended in all the experiences I had had in my life. My work with the Fay , My long standing pujari training in Vaisnavism, the work with the Pagan rituals to preserve and honor the Earth and Moon and Stars. All of this was brought under the Mother of 10,000 names. Simple and with loving invitation. This was the example I wanted to become and thereby this is what I trace my star light to each day and night. Breath can connect us to every part of creation . I feel you Lady Olivia . Your tenderness and your strength in this Truth. 

With all of this said , I have to say, that I found simply devotion is wonderful , but to continue to build my bond to the core of Lady Olivia's essence  is my desire . So I do continue , each day , to study the Liturgy she has left for all of us. This is transcendental and when one enacts it or even sincerely reads these passages and oracles,  they are transcendentally teleported to the Embrace of Mother Isis . That which is the stardust in all our DNA. 

Thanks to the devotion of Rt. Rev Linda Iles 

 If it were not for Lady Linda Iles the FOI Secretary For the Fellowship of Isis Central Site , we would not have the Fellowship of Isis Central Site nor the unadulterated teachings of Lady Olivia Robertson. Thousands of hours has been donated to these writings and photographs and paintings of the FOI and its history and liturgy, so we can have them for free at our fingertips.  
This is the second most cherished gift I have received in my life.  Thank You dear Isister Linda Iles. 

The Weighing Of The Heart 
When Lady Olivia left her body I was in the midst of sharing these Ideals of Ma'at weekly , as I had been reading them daily for several years now.  
Shortly before Lady Olivia left her body ,  I read in the Samhain Issue of the Isian News ,  she requested us to write a mystery play Called" The Weighing Of The Heart. "
 I knew I could not finish this task by Samhain because I was concentrating my energies on the ritual I perform every year with Rev. Annie Waters. 
"The Ancestors Mass " formally called the ' Celtic Dumb Supper "
A integrated , multi cultural ritual I regularly perform at The Temple of the Muse of I.S.I.S. 
Hosted by My Lyceum  The Isian Society For Integrated Studies . 
Taking a deep breath I carried on with the Mass and the writing of this rite and soon after was informed Our Lady Olivia had indeed left her earthly body . 
I knew then this Mystery Play had to be done and that I would incorporate the help of the Mask Maker Lauren Raine from Rainewalker Studios and founder of the Masks of the Goddess Collective to create a new set of Ritual Masks.  

Relief of terra-cotta by Lauren Rain of Rainwalker Masks Tuscon AZ  2013
( My face and hands were used for this artwork )

I am carrying on with my research of the 42 Ideals of Ma'at and the the 42 Negative Confession research. Ma'at was my first connection to Isis and Isis Oasis and I return now after 26 years if service to the FOI to write this ritual performance piece. 
Interestingly enough, I see that in Miss Raine's channeled art piece above I am weighing my heart. 

If we look at this weeks New Year forecast , you will see that it is time to be very serious about our devotion.  How we have declared ourselves in this life at this time is something to water like a creeper of rare form. 
This declaration is the source to connect us through the next turn of events that are unfolding even how as I write this . 


" And I say unto you, that which rides upon your breath and leads you to my feet , this will be your deliverance .  It is not time to be faint of heart but strong in your truth. 
Speak your truth and dance your dance ,  resound your celestial sound that resonates throughout eternity. It is this rare and perfect vibration that has birthed your forms and sustains you lifetime after lifetime, with every perfect breath.  
Remember that my love for you is as constant and the sun in the heavens reminding of you Ra's eternal flame, illuminating your Ka and sustaining every part of your chalice which we reside in ."

Oracle of Isis Urania , Channeled By Rev, Mana Youngbear I.S.I.S 

Painting by Lady Olivia Robertson FOI from the Fellowship of Isis Central Site. 


It is not my intent to passively keep you locked into my personal musing. I do hope you find them somehow encouraging and stimulating.  For you to read my work touches my heart deeply. I appreciate all the responses I have been getting , especially from some of the Arch Druid Union and the College Of Isis and The FOI Advisory Board members.  They have been here traveling the Life of the FOI in the US with me from the beginning. Thank you for your encouragement and Isian Love. 
Everyday I feel the tread of  Our spiral of truth grow stronger and connecting all of us. Each one of us. For no star has greater or less worth in the heavens.  We are just that a star upon Her Starry Crown.  Hail Isis Urania. My heart belongs to your Love and Truth. !

Just to let you know I am continuing with my research on the 42 Ideals and will carry on with my Mystery Play to be used in the convocation for the Fellowship of Isis This year.  Trance dancers, Percussionists, Orators and Hierophants please let me know if your interested in participating. There is going to be a lot of nectar to be shared in this ritual. I would love for you to be part of it. 
I will also post this ritual the night of the convocation for those who can not attend to read it when we perform it and attune with us. 

Here is the recent tid bit of nectar I found. 
Please enjoy 
New information on the 42 laws of Ma'at.
"  These declarations varied somewhat from tomb to tomb, and so can not be considered a canonical definition of Ma’at. Rather, they appear to express each tomb owner’s individual conception of Ma’at, as well as working as a magical absolution (misdeeds or mistakes made by the tomb owner in life could be declared as not having been done, and through the power of the written word, wipe that particular misdeed from the afterlife record of the deceased). "

 you can read more about this below.  I am currently writing a ritual performance art piece for this called the Weighing of the Heart.  Comments ? Postings . I have been reviewing the 42 Ideals of Ma'at each week now and am now on the 35th Ideal to be posted next week.  After this is posted I am reviewing the original 42 Laws or Negative Confessions .  I truly do like to hear from you and your comments on these blogs I am writing each Month.

Divine Blessing of Isis
Rev. Mana Youngbear I.S.I.S.  //  The Isian Society For Integrated Studies. Temple of the Muse of Isis 

  1. I have not done iniquity.
  2. I have not robbed with violence.
  3. I have not stolen.
  4. I have not made any to suffer pain.
  5. I have not defrauded offerings.
  6. I have done no murder nor bid anyone to slay on my behalf.
  7. I have not trimmed the measure.
  8. I have not spoken lies I have not robbed God.
  9. I have not caused the shedding of tears.
  10. I have not dealt deceitfully.
  11. I have not acted guilefully.
  12. I have not laid waste to the land.
  13. I have not set my lips against anyone.
  14. I have not been angry or wrathful without a just cause.
  15. I have not lusted nor defiled the wife of any man.
  16. I have not polluted myself.
  17. I have not caused terror.
  18. I have not done that which is abominable.
  19. I have not multiplied words exceedingly.
  20. I have never uttered fiery words.
  21. I have not judged hastily.
  22. I have not transgressed nor have I vexed or angered God.
  23. I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth .
  24. I have not burned with rage.
  25. I have not worked grief.
  26. I have not acted with insolence.
  27. I have not avenged myself.
  28. I have not stirred up strife.
  29. I have not been an eavesdropper.
  30. I have not wronged the people
  31. I have done no harm nor have I done evil
  32. I have not worked treason.
  33. I have never fouled the water.
  34. I have not spoken scornfully.
  35. I have never cursed God.
  36. I have not behaved with arrogance.
  37. I have not envied or craved for that which belongs to another.
  38. I have not filched food from the mouth of the infant.
  39. I have done no hurt unto man, nor wrought harm unto beasts.
  40. I have never magnified my condition beyond what was fitting.

  41. Interesting here is part of what follows after from the same article posted for review above.

I. Thou shalt not kill, nor bid anyone kill.
II. Thou shalt not commit adultery or rape.
III.Thou shalt not avenge thyself nor burn with rage.
IV.Thou shalt not cause terror.
V.Thou shalt not assault anyone nor cause anyone pain.
VI.Thou shalt not cause misery.
VII.Thou shalt not do any harm to man or to animals.
VIII.Thou shalt not cause the shedding of tears.
IX.Thou shalt not wrong the people nor bear them any evil intent.
X.Thou shalt not steal nor take that which does not belong to you.
XI.Thou shalt not take more than thy fair share of food.
XII.Thou shalt not damage the crops, the fields, or the trees.
XIII.Thou shalt not deprive anyone of what is rightfully theirs.
XIV.Thou shalt not bear false witness, nor support false allegations.
XV.Thou shalt not lie, nor speak falsely to the hurt of another.
XVI.Thou shalt not use fiery words nor stir up any strife.
XVII.Thou shalt not speak or act deceitfully to the hurt of another.
XVIII.Thou shalt not speak scornfully against others.
XIX.Thou shalt not eavesdrop.
XX.Thou shalt not ignore the truth or words of righteousness.
XXI.Thou shalt not judge anyone hastily or harshly.
XXII.Thou shalt not disrespect sacred places.
XXIII.Thou shalt cause no wrong to be done to any workers or prisoners.
XXIV.Thou shalt not be angry without good reason.
XXV.Thou shalt not hinder the flow of running water.
XXVI.Thou shalt not waste the running water.
XXVII.Thou shalt not pollute the water or the land.
XXVIII.Thou shalt not take God’s name in vain.
XXIX.Thou shalt not despise nor anger God.
XXX.Thou shalt not steal from God.
XXXI.Thou shalt not give excessive offerings nor less than what is due.
XXXII.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
XXXIII.Thou shalt not steal from nor disrespect the dead.
XXXIV.Thou shalt remember and observe the appointed holy days.
XXXV.Thou shalt not hold back the offerings due God.
XXXVI.Thou shalt not interfere with sacred rites.
XXXVII.Thou shalt not slaughter with evil intent any sacred animals.
XXXVIII.Thou shalt not act with guile or insolence.
XXXIX.Thou shalt not be unduly proud nor act with arrogance.
XL.Thou shalt not magnify your condition beyond what is appropriate.
XLI.Thou shalt do no less than your daily obligations require.

Thou shalt obey the law and commit no treason.

The 42 Ideals of Ma’at of the Temple of Isis
A Positive Confession for the Present Day
1. I honor virtue 
2. I benefit with gratitude 
3. I am peaceful 
4. I respect the property of others 
5. I affirm that all life is sacred 
6. I give offerings that are genuine 
7. I live in truth 
8. I regard all altars with respect 
9. I speak with sincerity 
10. I consume only my fair share 
11. I offer words of good intent 
12. I relate in peace 
13. I honor animals with reverence 
14. I can be trusted 
15. I care for the earth 
16. I keep my own council 
17. I speak positively of others 
18. I remain in balance with my emotions 
19. I am trustful in my relationships 
20. I hold purity in high esteem 
21. I spread joy
22. I do the best I can 
23. I communicate with compassion 
24. I listen to opposing opinions 
25. I create harmony 
26. I invoke laughter 
27. I am open to love in various forms 
28. I am forgiving 
29. I am kind 
30. I act respectfully of others 
31. I am accepting 
32. I follow my inner guidance 
33. I converse with awareness 
34. I do good 
35. I give blessings 
36. I keep the waters pure 
37. I speak with good intent 
38. I praise the Goddess and the God 
39. I am humble 
40. I achieve with integrity 
41. I advance through my own abilities 
42. I embrace the All

Since then there has been a recent revision of these Ideals by the Board of the TOI.
The newly revised edition of this can be found at the TOI in Geyserville California
You can phone them at 707 857-4747 . Leave a message with your name and phone number repeating it twice and your request to receive this copy for a very small donation.
You can also reach the Office by email at or

Divine Blessings !

Sunday, December 29, 2013

# 34 I do Good Ideals of Maat / Ritual today Sunday December 29th .

Ideal of Ma'at # 34 
" I do Good "
The Booklet The 42 Ideals of Maat from the Temple Of Isis Lady Loreon Vigne'

"This is a simple statement, but doing good is not always so simple.  Almost all religions are based on good and evil.  The ancient Egyptians knew that there s always a balance in all things and that which is positive, must balance with that which is negative.  Keep on the side of good in your life and you will go far.. Attempt to be good at all that you do.. Do good things for others and see how that makes you feel good too. Choose to be a good person in any situation , for there can be some trying situations in our lives that might cause evil thoughts and for some evil deeds .  Good people are always recognized and given more opportunities in life.  Interesting that the word good had one more o in it , or it would be God. Look for all things that you are called upon to do and remember always to do well. Be a god human being ! "

Written with  a group of Priestesses and Lady Loreon Vigne 
Egypt , The River Nile

This weeks "Ideal" corresponds to the Moon today of Sagittarius Temperance or Blend.
To take all the alchemy of all creation and blend it into balance to blend it into ones life and live by these truths is a blessing and Goodness itself. 

Our words are like a potion that we choose to carefully blend together and offer as a blessing or as cures. I find that if one is in Maat they see all things quite clearly. 

To Offer Blessings is our next Ideal for next week. I like to meditate on the concept that all my words can be blessings . It is a matter of focus and conviction to what I am. A priestess and a channel for the Divine Mother of Creation , The Mother of 10,000 Names. 

If ones knows deeply in their heart who they are and how they are related to the Great Mother and all that IS , it can not be all that difficult to practice these Laws Of Maat .

The Principle is to live in balance , to honor all creatures and creation and to love thyself as a part of Mother Isis. We are all the children of the Divine Mother. We are on a journey . Some call it the Heroes Journey ...  perhaps it is because we are all Heroes to begin with ?  Perhaps we are all  Isian Ambassadors of Goodwill .  

Each day declare yourself a clear and open channel for Divine Goodness to pour from. If you truly believe this and declare out loud every day this statement, you will eventually find that doing good is much more natural then you thought. 

Our consciousness is a muscle and our will is free to shape our "selves" as we wish.
Divine Consciousness is what sparks creative expression .
To make the mark of goodness one must announce to themselves daily .. " I am a clear and Open channel for Divine Goodness."
" Mother Isis , Make me your chalice for your love beauty and truth to pour forth from. Divine Wisdom is Love and Goodness is Love. "  It feels good to love yourself and recognize ones self in this beautiful way. I like to call it my spirit bath.

Our Isian magic  that we do is part of changing group consciousness. We are matter and energy and our intentions and thoughts are part of the alchemy that composes creation. When we attune with each other in ceremony we add to the alchemy and enhance it.  Kasey Condor is conducting a group of rituals taking place on Sundays for the purification of the waters and the earth in relationship to the fall out of radiation in Japan .  The message below will fill you in on all the specifics. I invite you to join in . Isian or not. You will enjoy it I am sure.  One does not have to go to all the detail of building the altars and designing colors , if this is too difficult for you , you can go so far as to simply light a candle and read the rite.  You will find me there in cyber space today. 

Liturgy and intention by Our Isian Community 

Sunday, December 29th, 2013
Fukushima Daiichi Meditation for the Druid Clan of Dana

This is my offering for this Sunday. I am recruiting more members to deliver offerings for this weekly meditation.

To center, one may build energy of the divine, by focusing upon the connection with the cosmic or the inner source of divinity, whether it be expressed by the Veiled Isis, the inner planes, the cosmic consciousness. Then one may attune by doing the following Fellowship of Isis prayer by Lady Olivia Robertson:
“Prayer for Healing No. 1

Olivia wrote: "The Healing Prayer is used by the Well in the Temple of Isis, but can be used with any water for anointing anywhere. The word "me" may be substituted for "you", depending on whether you are using the prayer for yourself or for someone else."
A moment of silent contemplation, open, and see the Winged Isis with Her Wings outspread, Her Star shining directly above, sending out healing rays. Anoint brow with water.

The Healing Wings of Isis protect, enfold and awaken you. “
Exerted from

The modification is “The Healing Wings of Isis protect, enfold and awaken [humanity to heal the Fukushima Daiichi disaster]”.

Isis, The Sun Goddesses, Gods, angels, nature spirits, etc. may also be invoked for wisdom to help aide the situation.

The following FOI Rite maybe read or enacted:
Earth Magic of Transformation, Oracle of the Goddess Hertha from Urania, Ceremonial Magic of the Goddess by Olivia Robertson


As always I offer my thoughts and prayers in love and trust. Have a beautiful week . Feel free to write to me and let me know how your doing with I Do Good this week. I think that by focusing our intentions we are starting out in the right direction. Don't allow your day to grow so full that you find you have not taken time to tune in with the Great Mother. She is always there with you. Closer then your heart beat. 

As my dear friend Lady Zarita Zook says,
Divine Blessings 

In Love and Truth
Rev. Mana Youngbear 

Photo by Priest Tim Laughrin 2013 Convocation of the Fellowship of Isis 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

42 Ideal sof Maat # 33 I Converse With Awareness Moon Key 9 The Hermit

Image of The Weighing of The Heart Ceremony 

# 33 I Converse With Awareness

" Conversations are in interesting subject to study. When you begin to think about it , it boggles the mind. There are so many variables in the possibilities of how a conversation might begin and the direction that it might take. It is a very important aspect of our lives and yet we often forget about how it affects others. Dwell for a while and begin to actually be aware of how you converse the kinds of things you say and why. What is it that you are conveying in each conversation ? Have you noticed  that when you meet someone there are various feelings about how you end up greeting one another? Sometimes they are stranger and other times very warm and welcoming. Become aware of how these dichotomies are played out in your daily life. Classes in non-violent communication are popular now because many do not know how to address other people, and they want to become more aware. "

RT. Rev. Loreon Vigne ' Temple of  Isis  

Today the Moon is in Virgo Key 9 The Hermit
The Teachings of Jason Lotterhand and the Spoken Cabala 

Here is a bit from the Spoken Cabala by Jason Lotterhand
 Edited by My teacher and friend Arisa Victor.

" If you are one hundred percent yourself ,  you have achieved the greatest possible glory in life, according to the Cabala .  The Secret Doctrine states that there is One Self in the Universe , which is sometimes called God or the I AM . This is the most glorious feature of the universe. All the creatures shares in the Self. and through that we share in the Universal Life.  The Hermit represents the cosmic Self and also our own true Self in ourselves. Our major job is to identify wit our Inner Self Which i plain terms means to be ourselves. ...

Our deep hidden  Self is always trying to illuminate us as to the truth. This is the meaning of the Lantern Symbolism, as expressed in the ancient saying, " I am the Light that eightieth everyone . "  The only thing I would add to this statement is that the light is within every person.. First and Foremost we have a responsibility to this Inner Light. It's all right to study and listen to teachers , but the real Wayshower is inside ourselves. "

Jason Lottterhand the Thursday Night Tarot. 

Jason Lotterhand The Thursday Night Tarot Club San Francisco 
The Spoken Cabala 

When I think of this time of Year, I think of Stillness. " Soul Still "  Solstice. 

Reep the benefit of stillness and clear you heart and mind for the New Year. Do not over work images in your mind.  Allow yourself to do as the animals do at this time ,  totally rest and reflect.
It is this time of years gift and best time of year to simple stop your mind.

New ideas have been coming to you for months now and you are considering which will really work or which is just not practical or ready to initiate. With this , consider when one is in alignment or balance with the planet , they reap the benefit of the solar energy .

Conversation is a loving exchange. It is the highest loving exchange there is. One of my gurus told me that the most violent thing in ones spiritual life is not meat eating , it is being a hypocrite and not living by ones truth. The greatest and most intimate gift one can give to another is revealing their heart to another . Communicating.

We grow brainwashed by the opiates of the 21st century.
 Electronic devices , cell phone texting , movies , concerts , all of which are part of what keeps our minds running around like monkeys in a trapped cage.  Ask yourself how much time you spend outside or meditating and how much time you spend with your cell phones or computer or television .
It is a good question to contemplate.

There are a lot of ways to still the mind .
These next few days until the 26th when the zenith of the Galactic Center is at its highest peak ,  I invite you to sit in silence for 15 mins daily and think of NOTHING.  Set an alarm if you need to.
Fully relax and listen to your own Hermit within.

During these times with road rage, shopping malls crowded .. cold weather, overly excited children and anxious relatives it is truly a treasure to simply sit together in silence and listen to Grace itself.

In Grace,  the Light of our own inner truth shines eternally .
 In Grace we find our true origin of Love .
In Grace we feel the radiant blessings of the Inner Sun which illuminates the
Shrine of our own Inner Temple.

We do all of this for love.
In Grace we can not forget our True Selves for we are this eternal Love

If you missed my blog last weekend about the "  Tree Of Life" ,  there was a segment in it containing the Winter Rite from the Fellowship of Isis written by Lady Olivia Robertson. Here is that link below in purple .

Lady Olivia Robertson Co - Founder of the Fellowship of Isis 

Panthea - Rite 12. The Tree of Life, 
21st - 25th December

 If you find yourself too busy to read the entire rite you can enjoy this segment from the rite . 
The Oracle of the The Tree of Life by Lady Olivia Robertson.

By Lady Olivia Robertson / From the FOI Central Site See Link above 

"  Be of good heart! An Age of Starry Space has dawned, as was foretold by the Seers of old. As you imagine, so it is. When you fear Ragnarok, the general destruction of Gods and men - lo it is there, not for the Deities who live forever, but with your earthly lives. You have as yet no idea of the power of your imaginations! To imagine is to co-create with the Deities. It is through the Divine Imagination that the galaxies were formed in a swirling of light, and the stars sang and the planets turned about them, for this was the imagining of the mighty Star Deities.

It is My Will that My children should create. Artists produce works that show forth the beauty that is inherent in all things, and philosophers through mind make logical systems of thought. Master Builders produce civilizations, and religious teachers give devotees noble religions.

But the greatest of all creations and the most despised, is the Family. Mention the family, and the intelligent, the creative, the spiritual, are bored! They feel the Mother was the restriction which they endured in the womb, from which they were glad to escape into the bright light of incarnation! The Wife suggests the binding responsibilities of home and children that distract the pilgrim on his quest for eternity. Indeed, in the day of the Patriarch it was often the practice of seekers for truth to abandon their homes and go forth into the wilderness, there to seek enlightenment, During the Iron Age the way of the monk and the nun, the scholar and the scientist, was regarded as the highest and best path to Heaven. Heaven was the mind, the spirit, the alienation from both earth and the family.

But now the time has come, when austere studentship has been achieved, for humanity to discover the Divine Family. Each of us has a Divine Family, whether they are My Families, the Aesir and the Vanir, the Family of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses, the Families of Parvati and Lakshmi of India, or your own true peers. Families do not mean separation, for all beings are akin: by venerating your own mother, you honour all mothers: by loving your wives and husbands, you respect all lovers. Care for your own children, and you care for the offspring of every creature throughout the Universe.

Your Spiritual Family will be discovered by you as you tread the Path of the Wise Ones. Drink deep from the Well of Wisdom, but do not ignore the humble, but rather respect the love within them. Therefore, be particularly careful when you do find your Spiritual Family that you give even more love and understanding to your earthly relations and friends! Otherwise you will lose the rainbow bridge with your Spiritual Family, and alienate your earthly friends. The Tree of Life shines through every Being and creature. It shines through Rainbow Bridges of flowing energy, bringing in accord the Almighty Deities and the humblest child and horse and bird and plant. Your pilgrimage will bring you at long last in a spiral from earthly home to Divine Haven. Both are One. " 

Written by Lady Olivia Robertson  

Co Founders of the FOI 
Lady Olivia Robertson and Lawrence D. Robertson of the Fellowship of Isis 

Your a miraculous miracle of Mother Nature , Isis Herself .
Divine Blessings of Isis
Wrapped in Radiant Love and Light ,
Swimming in the Songs of Your Celestial Family
Shine On Dear Ones , Shine On .

Rev . Mana Youngbear

A Little More on Isis Oasis and the 42 Ideals of Ma'at 

RT Rev Lady Loreon Vigne HP of the Temple of Isis 

This Ideal is part of the 42 ideals of Maat , inspired by several priestesses and Lady Loreon Vigne' while on pilgrimage along the River Nile in Egypt. 
You can find the Original 42 Laws of Ma'at in many internet sites or your local library. The Book of the Dead has many prayers or Spells to return ones heart to themselves to be cherished and contained for ever. Only by living your truth can you hold onto your own heart.  This creation , this lifetime is your own. Live by your truth and these laws of Ma'at and you will find your days become much more simplified and tranquil. 

You can find this entire booklet at the Isis Oasis for a very small donation.  While your inquiring ask about a weekend stay at their beautiful Egyptian Sanctuary . Isis Oasis is home to the Temple Of Isis and facilitates retreats , workshops, Priest and Priestess training for the Fellowship of Isis . You can find many great services while visiting , such as Tarot, astrology, readings of many kinds,  noontime services at the Shrine Of Isis , Regular Sunday Services and Animal Tours at their unique animal menagerie. Sir Cobalot also has a great collection of Earth Structures there for your pleasure . You can reserve a place to stay in the Hobbit Hut or Gingerbread House. There are Inipi ceremonies as well as a Dry Sauna and several hot tubs and large elegant Swimming Pool.

The Grand Temple of Isis 
Temple of Isis / Isis Oasis Sanctuary Geyserville Ca
707 857 - ISIS or 707 318 - 0666 

You can reach Mana at or by telephone at 707 354-2475 The Muse 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The " Yule " Tree of Life ad the FOI Tree Of Life Rite for Winter Solstice

Photo By Andreas Peterson

The Magic of the Yule Tree 

During the darkest days of the year the Yule tree would be brought into the house and set up to bring it living blessing to the family. It was thought to guard off the evils of the dark and bring health and prosperity to the family . There were groves of people who would also cut an entire tree down and burn it for several days as this time of year was set aside for festivals of long feasting and keeping the fires aglow.  Solstice was also the time of year when the harvest of the animals was celebrated . 
Furs were worn, smoked meats were offered and the warm wassail shared with other fermented delights such as ale and wild berry mead .

 During this time of year , many traditions would celebrate the coming out of the tribal storyteller .
 It is said that in many cases it was this storyteller who\was respected far above the chief of the tribe The people believed that if the ancient stories were told too soon , the last of the crops would stop producing and the animals would stop gathering their winter stores in order to also listen in. 
 By the time the blanket of winers dark night returned , the last of the harvest was processed and the neighboring wildlife thought to be fast sleep family and friends would gather around the fire and listen to the stories of the ancient ones and the stories of the happenings from the year before. Toasting was done to the Gods and the Nature Spirits and dancing and oracles re awoken. 

You can read more about this in the link I have place above.

The Reference link above is my favorite link. It states here that trees were not cut down , but that the country people would go out and dec ate the fir trees with lights to remember their ancestors placing candles upon the tree to symbolize the Moon and Stars on the Tree Of Life.  

The Yule Log was burned as an amulet for protection and prayers to the gods were offered into its fire. 

Others believed that if you cut down a Fir Tree you could give a place for the Winter Fairies to enter into your house and stay warm.  I have to contemplate this a bit honestly. But I do like the idea of inviting in Fairies if they will behave themselves.  No tricks or borrowing please. The tree was decorated with fruits and nuts and shiny things for them to feed upon and play with .  This  is the origin of the ornamental tree . It is also said that when the tree had died the fairs would leave and the wood was blessed to burn long , bright and bring blessings to the family. I really like this .  It feels to me that if we need to have the wood to keep warm we might as well burn a tree in this fashion. 
But to simply buy a tree and then throw it up unintentionally to hold up some plastic ornaments without any idea of its origin is ... well I think you get my drift. 

My Love for Trees and how I came to stay in California 

If my family were to reed this , they would be shocked to see that I have a  bit of a resistance to christmas trees.  My family usually saved the trimming of the Tree for my birthday .  I am not sure about your experiences , but it felt like there was always some disagreement and some ornament that broke and some yelling going on when we trimmed our tree. It made an interested birthday party. 
To this day when I am around others trimming their tree and similar disagreements arise, I remember my past. I have to laugh now. 

 There can be tension around trimming your tree . My suggestion is to remember the reason you have the tree to begin with.  Decorate it with intention and make it a tree that does invite good spirit , jollyness and cheer into your home. When you are done you can take your tree into a forest and some animal can use it for a shelter if you can not burn your tree. Or decorate it outside.  

I do not recommend candles on your tree, however my mother did have the old clips for candles to sit in on the tree. It is very VERY dangerous so I do not advise it. I have always loved trees. My fondest spiritual memory was my father taking me out into the forrest when I was about 5 and we sat under an old old oak tree. I can remember the colors and the smells , even how the ground felt underneath me as I sat next to my father looking out into the green mossy forrest . Or woods as we called them. 
He told me that trees will always listen to you. They are great teachers and if you listen quietly , they will whisper secrets into your ears .  If your ever lost they will help you . They are wise and have seen more then anyone you will ever know . He reminded me over and over that they are our friends. 

A tiny tree in Berkeley stole my heart

 As the Years went by , I found that I needed to explore and take my sagittarius nature out into the world. College bored me and so after a few years I dropped out and hitch hiked from the thick woods and watery lakes of Michigan and Northern Indiana to Berkeley California. Being a little hippie girl I was into the eastern religions and I was invited to a Hare Krsna Sunday Feast. When I walked in with my friend , I was over whelmed by the beauty of this temple and the people worshiping there. Women in Saris and Men in Dohtis . The smell of incense , ghee lamps , conch shells blowing bells ringing.


My friend and I went from the entry way all layered in marble to the temple room, where the bells and conch , drums and harmonium ( organ like instrument ) were playing. There before me I saw a woman dressed in a white sari. There , in front of her , was a tiny carved rosewood table with a potted bonsai looking tree . The pot itself had a colorful skirt wrapped around it with a bow and a pearl necklace . The members of the temple all circled around the tree singing.

When they were done this is the translation they sat up and recited

(1) O Tulasi, beloved of Krsna, I bow before you again and again. My desire is to obtain the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.
(2) Whoever takes shelter of you has his wishes fulfilled. Bestowing your mercy on him, you make him a resident of Vrndavana.
(3) My desire is that you will also grant me a residence in the pleasure groves of Sri Vrndavana-dhama. Thus, within my vision I will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krsna.
(4) I beg you to make me a follower of the cowherd damsels of Vraja. Please give me the privilege of devotional service and make me your own maidservant.
(5) This very fallen and lowly servant of Krsna prays, "May I always swim in the love of Sri Radha and Govinda.

I had NEVER seen anything like this before. Holy Smokes I have to call dad. I was so moved by how these folks served a tiny tree with such devotion that I had to see more. It led me to live and train with the Hare Krsnas as a Pujari ( Priest ) for many many many years.  

I called my dad on the phone weeks later and said Dad I am joining the Hare Krsnas. There was a long pause on the phone.  I said to him , Dad they worship trees ! His response was.. well they can not be too far off then. 

AT 53 I have traveled many paths . This is part of led me to our Lyseum of Integrated Studies.  They all lead to the same place. They all are branches on the Tree Of Life.  IF THEY HARM NONE 

My dear friend Lauren Rain recently published in her blog the story of the Wassail.  Her blogs are amazing and I always point everyone to her page

The Tulsi Tree taught me a great deal and has many lessons for mankind. If you are interested in more of the story of Vrindavani please email me and I will share more stories. 

Wassail and The Apple Tree 

This Blog is special to me as it is an offering of my life and experiences that I share with you readers in love and trust.  With this being my birthday week I wanted to talk about the trees . I love trees. LOVE THEM when trees are sick I want to nurse them back to health rather then cut them down. I love sitting under them. dancing under them , sleeping under them . I love looking at them and praying to them for help and hope. They are alive and magical beings.  This year I would like to offer the idea of going out into the forrest and praying to the trees . Thank them for what they give to us. They filter our air , they cool our breezes and they offer shade on a sunny day. Trees whisper secrets to us, and  give homes to nature spirits and the birds and animals.  They are sacrificed to build our homes and give us paper to write on. They are amazing beings that offer us so much. The dance in the wind and offer portals to move between worlds.  In the outer world my favorite temple is the Grove of Tress. It has always been so and always will be.  

Now we have things like tics and snakes and spiders who're fairly up set with the way humans have treated Mother Nature. We have to truly approach our trees with reverence so we do not get a slap from the Nature spirits . A tic bite , a spider or scorpion or snake bite or the kiss from the poison oak and ivy fairies.  I encourage all my students to take their children out into nature and teach them the old ways. 

This year when you are out and about make some wassail from Lauren Raines latest blog on Wassail and sing to your apple trees . Thank them for what they have given you this year and leave some of your drink behind for them as a gift of your gratitude.  Go out into the Evergreens talk to them.
 Rt. Rev. Lady Loreon Vigne' of the FOI and TOI and founder of the Isis Oasis Sanctuary in Geyserville California wrote a song to the ancient Fir Tree at Isis Oasis. I love this song and sing it to all the trees I see.

Tree Song 
By Rt. Rev Loreon Vigne'

Blessed be this might tree with branches high into the sky
And roots way down into the ground
Blessed be

During this time of darkness in this part of the world,  I invite you to revel in the radiance of Rite # 12 of Panthea and bath in its enlightening High Magic. 

Rev. Mana Youngbear 

 " The Tree of Life "
Winter Solstice. 21st - 25th December
Fellowship of Isis Central Site offers this full ritual at the link below.

A segment from the Tree Of Life Rite # 12 from the Panthea FOI Liturgy 

"Priestess: The Tree of Life is reflected about us in the World Tree, named Yggdrasil the Ash by our Norse forebears. Yggdrasil has three roots. One is deep within the earth, encircled by a fiery serpent. The second grows among the four stars of the Southern Cross, in the Realm of Muspell. The third rises from the Himinbiorg, Hill of Heaven, between the three Pole Stars. At the brightest is the well of Ultha. The Rainbow Bridge Bifrost joins these three roots from the North and South through the centre of the earth. The crown of Yggdrasil reaches the stars of Aquila, the eagle, Galactic Centre."

I find this year that the " Great Tree Of Life " has  sprouted.  I physically feel its branches  opening inside my heart. I am so grateful to one of my many teachers and friend Arisa Victor for pouring her loving nectar of wisdom on my roots and giving them the boost they needed.  I send you all the healing and magic of the most divine power there is LOVE .  May it radiate through you and illuminate the inner Sun Star Within.  I thank you for humoring me and reading this blog all about my first love. Trees. I hope it has sprouted some new growth in your own inner grove.

Blessings Of Isis ,

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