In my meditations this morning I was led to this photo.
Give to me my heart that I had from my Mother, my Great Mother, Isis.
As I was recently reminded by my God sister Caroline Wise of the importance of preserving and giving credit to these Internet Images.. ( Thank you again ) , I have been doing all I can to find their source and credit them. I feel actually far more empowered by this lesson and again I deeply appreciate the reminder . When I looked up this image I fell in love with it and went to resource the artist . What I found was that I landed in another cyber Temple . The Land Of Isiopolis
Isian FOI God sister.. Isidora Forrest and her AMAZING blog .. Isiopolis
Under this photo I found this.
This is a great article on the Heart and funeral rites as well as the two hearts of being. The Physical heart and the metaphorical heart of the being. I highly recommend the article . Her blog is amazing.
It talks about the Weighing of the Heart and other very delicious facts of our Egyptian Funeral Rites.
A heart amulet inscribed with magical text
On the other hand, many heart scarab amulets (worked into the mummy wrappings at the place of the heart) ask “my heart of my mother,” which, according to this this theory, would be the inherited ib rather than the individualized hati, not to speak badly of the deceased during the weighing. So this ib-hati distinction can’t be all there is to it. Apparently both hearts have their tales to tell. One of the Coffin Texts formulates it this way:
Image and text taken from Isiopolis by Isidora Forrest ( see above link )
Currently I am researching the Weighing of the Heart for a Kickstarter project I am creating.
I am writing a Masked Mystery Play Entitled " The Weighing of My Heart ". This is just as Lady Olivia requested before she passed in our last Isian news.
Taken from Isian News Fellowship of Isis Central Site. Yet another Great Grand Cyber Temple for us This site is lovingly cared for by Arch Priestess RT. Rev. Linda Iles .
Received from Olivia Robertson
via Marian Smiles
October 22, 2013
First Global Ritual for the Fellowship of Isis
Mystery Play for Samhain to be enacted November 9th, written by Olivia Robertson. Olivia writes: “The idea is for people all over the world to write their own story in their own language and culture. The Mystery is Universal. The general theme is “The Weighing of the Heart” through the Goddess Ma’at of Justice.”
I am taking this instruction very seriously and it is filling me with so much of Lady Olivia's eternal love. Along with reading and performing FOI Liturgy daily, I am researching sources and taking the letters and comments of other Isian FOI Members quite seriously.
This journey of the " Weighing of My Heart " Production is quite an adventure for me. I am getting the benefit of seeing my shadow side of my life and sincerely attempting to polish my "self" up for the final day of judgement in the Halls of Amenti.
Reading the 42 Ideals each day and posting them weekly on the Isis Oasis Facebook page was the beginning of this work . Soon after this service to the site, I got the message from Olivia to carry on with this project and produce a mystery play in her memory.
The Heart is where our Inner Shrine exisits . It is not in the Physical Heart, it is the heart beyond the Pingala Vein. the Third Eye. It is in a place situated in the Inner Worlds.
Only when we can tap into this place and use those messages and wisdom in our outer daily life can we reap the bounty of our own true treasure . Imhotep.
For some reason I seem to feel some discord these last few weeks and I am not sure why. Because of this , I went to my altar this morning lit my candles said my prayers and spoke to Lady Olivia as I always do each morning.
" Please Lady Olivia Please help me ? Give me more courage to be humble and also wise. Please give me inspiration to hear and see the inner world with loving clarity . "
And I asked Isis to make me a clear and open channel for her love , beauty , truth and wisdom to pour out from.
This morning I prayed to Lady Olivia for inspiration and I went to the FOI Central Site and this was the ritual that came out as I just chose randomly.
Mana Youngbear in the Mask of Amaterasue Omi Kami
The Masks of the Goddess Production 2000
Masks Made by Laruen Rain of Rainewalker Studios and Production for this presentation of the MOG Collective was Created and Directed by Diane Darling another FOI and TOI Priestess.
Amaterasue Omi kami
Photo by Tom Lux
The Ruby Pylon of Mars
The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy
Ritual no. 1
Invocation: Holy Sun Goddess, Amaterasu No Kami, supreme ruler of our planets, Bringer of life to all living creatures, help us to use your power unselfishly, so that we may restrict our Egos to serving others.
Oracle: This is an ambitious prayer - to leave your spiritual childhood prematurely! My friends, do not dwarf your Egos. Without your unique human souls my planetary family would be the poorer. Only by fulfilling your individuality, your eccentricities, can you develop naturally. Cosmic consciousness is the goal but not the childhood of your evolution. You inhibit your growth by frustrating your creativity. Each planet and each snowflake is different. So are you.
When I hid My Light in the cave of black space, it was the Madcap Goddess Ame No Uzume Who alone among the Deities drew Me forth to shine once more. How? By causing laughter through Her absurd dance! Endless liturgies have no interest for Me. Repetition dulls the mind. Do not imitate others - even Gods and Goddesses, Masters of the Wisdom - sundry Spirit Guides. Adore - but do not surrender. Worship can alienate the being so adored. Do not walk even in a lover's footsteps. Love can only thrive between equals.
Now is the time in this new Aeon for each of you to co-create with the Deities. Do not be ashamed of making mistakes: these bring experience. Reveal with courage your innate powers! For My Sun-blood flows through each of you and through every being of My solar family. Its circulation unites each player in the Divine Dream of Unfolding Deity.
Many thanks to Linda Iles for her tireless service to preserve our cherished FOI Central Site.
Last thoughts
Mars is very heavy in the sky right now for many of us.
It is a powerful teacher and a wise warrior.
Mars corresponds to Tarot Key 4 The Emperor Osirus
Aries Ruled by Mars.
Key 4 teaches us about Divine Reason The kind that Guides the Universe.
Intuitive Vision. Look deeply at the Divine Being We are.
All of creation, that is us, is crafted from an original spiritual ideal manifested in Goodness , Beauty , Truth and Wisdom.
Key 4 Reminds us that the all Seeing Eye of Truth is watching us .
# 4 also is related to Mercy on the Tree of Life.
Who is Key 4 looking at But Beauty itself. The Empress Key 3
All the goodness in his life is from his constant gaze at Goodness in Nature itself.
I pray that any actions or words that I openly offer here are taken with great care and sincerity.
It is always my deepest intention to respect and care for our Isian family as best as I know how.
There is a gift we are given as humans called discernment.
Part of the Hierophants gift to others is discernment.
Something one can never take too lightly. It is in an act of Love that we use discernment .
For when we know we are situated in the most perfect place in creation, we can see no need for anything other then this.
Please forgive any offenses I have made for any reason.
It is truly our first and foremost responsibility to preserve our FOI Tradition , but even more so , to remember why we have this tradition.. that is to Know Thyself.
Our growth is what calls us forward and leads us further toward the Eternal Home Of Isis, situated in the Heart of each being.
I sit at the reflection pool of that kingdom now . I look deeply into the pools filled with the watery emotions of our lives and these are my humble reflections. Lady Olivia told me to never hesitate to hold up the Magic Mirror of Isis and to love what one sees reflected in it.
Brightest Blessings ,
With Love from My Inner Shrine to Yours
Rev. Mana Youngbear
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