Brightest Blessings
Section from the "Book of the Dead" of Nany, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21, reigns of Psensennes I–II, ca. 1040–945 B.C.
Egyptian; Western Thebes
Painted and inscribed papyrus; H. of illustrated section 13 3/4 in. (34.9 cm)
Rogers Fund, 1930 (30.3.31)
Egyptian; Western Thebes
Painted and inscribed papyrus; H. of illustrated section 13 3/4 in. (34.9 cm)
Rogers Fund, 1930 (30.3.31)
I am respectful of others.
# 30 "I Am Respectful Of Others"
This commentary above was written By Rev. Lady Loreon Vigne'
reprinted from her Booklet The 42 Ideals Of Ma'at.
I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern .
" When we read these Laws of Balance or the 42 Ideals or Laws of Ma'at , we are recognizing there is no need to overstep , no need to take something from another , when we realize we have all we need ,seeded deeply inside our true most self ; we are the embodiment which Divine Nature resides in .
The only thing left is celebrating it. Soul is a Joyful state. "
Rev. Mana Youngbear Temple of the Muse
Photo from Google Search Alchemic Artwork Artist Unknown.
Some of us are more " Sleepy " then others.
I see us all in many meditations, each one of the stars on the Crown of Isis Urania.
We shine from her radiance .
We shine as of that radiance.
That radiance is a reflection of each other .
We all are those eternal stars seated upon her starry crown.
Christian Griepenkeri 1839 - 1916 Venus Urania Photo by Maicar Forlag
I believe sincerely we are all equal. We are all sleeping Gods . We are slowly awakening to the perfection of our Inner Temple where we draw all source from. We are miraculous beings of Original Goodness.
" We are all the unique way in which creation Isis Lives in itself. "
A Prime Principle of Ageless Wisdom .
It is time to pay attention !
Pay attention to our Identity is part of our breath as priests and priestess.
Remember the daily breath work of the TOI
"Inner Sanctum In breath
Out breath Infinite Space "
We offer ourselves as clear and open channels for the divine to move through us.
To drink the starlight pouring from her into the chalice we are .
Some might say " The Nectar of the Holy Grail. "
Image taken from this site via Google Image Search.
The Attainment: The Vision of the Holy Grail to Sir Galahad, Sir Bors, and Sir Perceval. Number 6 of the Holy Grail tapestries woven by Morris & Co. 1891-94 for Stanmore Hall. This version woven by Morris & Co. for Lawrence Hodson of Compton Hall 1895-96. Wool and silk on cotton warp. Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Wikipedia)
We are the essence of that Holy Grail. The nectar of immortality. The Blood and Breath and Embodiment of Grace itself. A manifestation of Nature's Blessings. A Star , The river of light and sound, the essence of Mana and the light of love. Holding this in ones holy shrine. Re membering ourselves as Isis did Osirus with her words of power, we can pull ourselves together and harness our ego to work solely for the One Primal Will of Goodness.
Holy Chalice of Velencia
This is the 30th Ideal of Maat inspired from the 42 Laws of Maat.
I was contemplating this work this morning in my meditation and have chosen to work with both the Ideals and the Laws simultaneously.
In this way you can see Mr. E.A Wallis Budge's translation of the Laws of Maat and compare them to the channeled work of lady Loreon and her priestesses who helped her incarnate these ideals while traveling in Egypt. Lady Loreon Vigne' recently published a great booklet with her inspirations of the Ideals . I believe this is a fantastic example of what we ourselves can do with the Laws Of Ma'at.
It is , in fact ; perhaps what we should be doing daily in our lives. Contemplating these Laws of Truth and Balance. I have offered some poetry that ran through me this morning as I wrote this blog. I offer it to you in love and trust.
Each week we post this Ideal in hopes that it may inspire you to communicate or contemplate your own relationship to the ideal posted. As this is the Ideal of Respect. I have decided to add the list of the Original 42 Laws of Ma'at.
I have found this blog that has Mr. Budge's Laws presented. It is quite nice. If you find another resource you would like to inform us all of. Please do ! This is the intent of the Muse to inspire all to connect and create the High Magic of Wisdom and Truth situated deep in the Inner Shrine that resides in us all.
The Muse hopes you will find this a most delicious treat for your heart and soul.
Isis Blessings ,
Mana from the Muse
The Oracle Speaks.
"Take up your chalice bold and bright
Turn to me shining in the night
See my starry crown above
Each Star an inspiration designed from love
Declare your true and eternal home
By this you shall never stand alone.
For I am and constant as the Moon and Sun
In my creation you are all one. "
Channeled by Rev Mana Youngbear
"Urania ~ The Muse of Astronomy and Philosophy" Artist ~ Mythological Goddess Art by Emily Balivet
" Cosmic Glance "
May my eyes see only that from Most High
Each manifestation of her loving sigh.
The rocks and rivers
The wind and rain
The lightening and volcanic terrain
Creatures Tiny and Creature Tall
We are all part of her creation One and All
Take the time to pause stop and listen
Isis speaking through holy intuition
Sitting with the Rota still
Holy River running near
Empress watching Natures Dance
Emperor Holds us in his Glance.
I am the Fool who marches on
To the tune of a repeating song
A Hero's journey safe and strong
Mana Youngbear December 2013
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