" Conversations are in interesting subject to study. When you begin to think about it , it boggles the mind. There are so many variables in the possibilities of how a conversation might begin and the direction that it might take. It is a very important aspect of our lives and yet we often forget about how it affects others. Dwell for a while and begin to actually be aware of how you converse the kinds of things you say and why. What is it that you are conveying in each conversation ? Have you noticed that when you meet someone there are various feelings about how you end up greeting one another? Sometimes they are stranger and other times very warm and welcoming. Become aware of how these dichotomies are played out in your daily life. Classes in non-violent communication are popular now because many do not know how to address other people, and they want to become more aware. "
RT. Rev. Loreon Vigne ' Temple of Isis
Today the Moon is in Virgo Key 9 The Hermit
The Teachings of Jason Lotterhand and the Spoken Cabala
Here is a bit from the Spoken Cabala by Jason Lotterhand
Edited by My teacher and friend Arisa Victor.
" If you are one hundred percent yourself , you have achieved the greatest possible glory in life, according to the Cabala . The Secret Doctrine states that there is One Self in the Universe , which is sometimes called God or the I AM . This is the most glorious feature of the universe. All the creatures shares in the Self. and through that we share in the Universal Life. The Hermit represents the cosmic Self and also our own true Self in ourselves. Our major job is to identify wit our Inner Self Which i plain terms means to be ourselves. ...Our deep hidden Self is always trying to illuminate us as to the truth. This is the meaning of the Lantern Symbolism, as expressed in the ancient saying, " I am the Light that eightieth everyone . " The only thing I would add to this statement is that the light is within every person.. First and Foremost we have a responsibility to this Inner Light. It's all right to study and listen to teachers , but the real Wayshower is inside ourselves. "
Jason Lottterhand the Thursday Night Tarot.
Jason Lotterhand The Thursday Night Tarot Club San Francisco
The Spoken Cabala
When I think of this time of Year, I think of Stillness. " Soul Still " Solstice.
When I think of this time of Year, I think of Stillness. " Soul Still " Solstice.
It is this time of years gift and best time of year to simple stop your mind.
New ideas have been coming to you for months now and you are considering which will really work or which is just not practical or ready to initiate. With this , consider when one is in alignment or balance with the planet , they reap the benefit of the solar energy .
Conversation is a loving exchange. It is the highest loving exchange there is. One of my gurus told me that the most violent thing in ones spiritual life is not meat eating , it is being a hypocrite and not living by ones truth. The greatest and most intimate gift one can give to another is revealing their heart to another . Communicating.
We grow brainwashed by the opiates of the 21st century.
Electronic devices , cell phone texting , movies , concerts , all of which are part of what keeps our minds running around like monkeys in a trapped cage. Ask yourself how much time you spend outside or meditating and how much time you spend with your cell phones or computer or television .
It is a good question to contemplate.
There are a lot of ways to still the mind .
These next few days until the 26th when the zenith of the Galactic Center is at its highest peak , I invite you to sit in silence for 15 mins daily and think of NOTHING. Set an alarm if you need to.
Fully relax and listen to your own Hermit within.
During these times with road rage, shopping malls crowded .. cold weather, overly excited children and anxious relatives it is truly a treasure to simply sit together in silence and listen to Grace itself.
In Grace, the Light of our own inner truth shines eternally .
In Grace we find our true origin of Love .
In Grace we feel the radiant blessings of the Inner Sun which illuminates the
Shrine of our own Inner Temple.
We do all of this for love.
In Grace we can not forget our True Selves for we are this eternal Love
If you missed my blog last weekend about the " Tree Of Life" , there was a segment in it containing the Winter Rite from the Fellowship of Isis written by Lady Olivia Robertson. Here is that link below in purple .
Lady Olivia Robertson Co - Founder of the Fellowship of Isis
Panthea - Rite 12. The Tree of Life,
21st - 25th December
If you find yourself too busy to read the entire rite you can enjoy this segment from the rite .
The Oracle of the The Tree of Life by Lady Olivia Robertson.
By Lady Olivia Robertson / From the FOI Central Site See Link above
" Be of good heart! An Age of Starry Space has dawned, as was foretold by the Seers of old. As you imagine, so it is. When you fear Ragnarok, the general destruction of Gods and men - lo it is there, not for the Deities who live forever, but with your earthly lives. You have as yet no idea of the power of your imaginations! To imagine is to co-create with the Deities. It is through the Divine Imagination that the galaxies were formed in a swirling of light, and the stars sang and the planets turned about them, for this was the imagining of the mighty Star Deities.
It is My Will that My children should create. Artists produce works that show forth the beauty that is inherent in all things, and philosophers through mind make logical systems of thought. Master Builders produce civilizations, and religious teachers give devotees noble religions.
But the greatest of all creations and the most despised, is the Family. Mention the family, and the intelligent, the creative, the spiritual, are bored! They feel the Mother was the restriction which they endured in the womb, from which they were glad to escape into the bright light of incarnation! The Wife suggests the binding responsibilities of home and children that distract the pilgrim on his quest for eternity. Indeed, in the day of the Patriarch it was often the practice of seekers for truth to abandon their homes and go forth into the wilderness, there to seek enlightenment, During the Iron Age the way of the monk and the nun, the scholar and the scientist, was regarded as the highest and best path to Heaven. Heaven was the mind, the spirit, the alienation from both earth and the family.
But now the time has come, when austere studentship has been achieved, for humanity to discover the Divine Family. Each of us has a Divine Family, whether they are My Families, the Aesir and the Vanir, the Family of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses, the Families of Parvati and Lakshmi of India, or your own true peers. Families do not mean separation, for all beings are akin: by venerating your own mother, you honour all mothers: by loving your wives and husbands, you respect all lovers. Care for your own children, and you care for the offspring of every creature throughout the Universe.
Your Spiritual Family will be discovered by you as you tread the Path of the Wise Ones. Drink deep from the Well of Wisdom, but do not ignore the humble, but rather respect the love within them. Therefore, be particularly careful when you do find your Spiritual Family that you give even more love and understanding to your earthly relations and friends! Otherwise you will lose the rainbow bridge with your Spiritual Family, and alienate your earthly friends. The Tree of Life shines through every Being and creature. It shines through Rainbow Bridges of flowing energy, bringing in accord the Almighty Deities and the humblest child and horse and bird and plant. Your pilgrimage will bring you at long last in a spiral from earthly home to Divine Haven. Both are One. "
Written by Lady Olivia Robertson
Co Founders of the FOI
Lady Olivia Robertson and Lawrence D. Robertson of the Fellowship of Isis
Your a miraculous miracle of Mother Nature , Isis Herself .
Wrapped in Radiant Love and Light ,
Swimming in the Songs of Your Celestial Family
Shine On Dear Ones , Shine On .
Rev . Mana Youngbear
A Little More on Isis Oasis and the 42 Ideals of Ma'at
This Ideal is part of the 42 ideals of Maat , inspired by several priestesses and Lady Loreon Vigne' while on pilgrimage along the River Nile in Egypt. You can find the Original 42 Laws of Ma'at in many internet sites or your local library. The Book of the Dead has many prayers or Spells to return ones heart to themselves to be cherished and contained for ever. Only by living your truth can you hold onto your own heart. This creation , this lifetime is your own. Live by your truth and these laws of Ma'at and you will find your days become much more simplified and tranquil.
You can find this entire booklet at the Isis Oasis for a very small donation. While your inquiring ask about a weekend stay at their beautiful Egyptian Sanctuary . Isis Oasis is home to the Temple Of Isis and facilitates retreats , workshops, Priest and Priestess training for the Fellowship of Isis . You can find many great services while visiting , such as Tarot, astrology, readings of many kinds, noontime services at the Shrine Of Isis , Regular Sunday Services and Animal Tours at their unique animal menagerie. Sir Cobalot also has a great collection of Earth Structures there for your pleasure . You can reserve a place to stay in the Hobbit Hut or Gingerbread House. There are Inipi ceremonies as well as a Dry Sauna and several hot tubs and large elegant Swimming Pool.
The Grand Temple of Isis
Temple of Isis / Isis Oasis Sanctuary Geyserville Ca
707 857 - ISIS or 707 318 - 0666
You can reach Mana at themuseinwillits@gmail.com or by telephone at 707 354-2475 The Muse
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