Photo By Andreas Peterson
The Magic of the Yule Tree
During the darkest days of the year the Yule tree would be brought into the house and set up to bring it living blessing to the family. It was thought to guard off the evils of the dark and bring health and prosperity to the family . There were groves of people who would also cut an entire tree down and burn it for several days as this time of year was set aside for festivals of long feasting and keeping the fires aglow. Solstice was also the time of year when the harvest of the animals was celebrated .
Furs were worn, smoked meats were offered and the warm wassail shared with other fermented delights such as ale and wild berry mead .
During this time of year , many traditions would celebrate the coming out of the tribal storyteller .
It is said that in many cases it was this storyteller who\was respected far above the chief of the tribe The people believed that if the ancient stories were told too soon , the last of the crops would stop producing and the animals would stop gathering their winter stores in order to also listen in.
By the time the blanket of winers dark night returned , the last of the harvest was processed and the neighboring wildlife thought to be fast sleep family and friends would gather around the fire and listen to the stories of the ancient ones and the stories of the happenings from the year before. Toasting was done to the Gods and the Nature Spirits and dancing and oracles re awoken.
You can read more about this in the link I have place above.
The Reference link above is my favorite link. It states here that trees were not cut down , but that the country people would go out and dec ate the fir trees with lights to remember their ancestors placing candles upon the tree to symbolize the Moon and Stars on the Tree Of Life.
The Yule Log was burned as an amulet for protection and prayers to the gods were offered into its fire.
Others believed that if you cut down a Fir Tree you could give a place for the Winter Fairies to enter into your house and stay warm. I have to contemplate this a bit honestly. But I do like the idea of inviting in Fairies if they will behave themselves. No tricks or borrowing please. The tree was decorated with fruits and nuts and shiny things for them to feed upon and play with . This is the origin of the ornamental tree . It is also said that when the tree had died the fairs would leave and the wood was blessed to burn long , bright and bring blessings to the family. I really like this . It feels to me that if we need to have the wood to keep warm we might as well burn a tree in this fashion.
But to simply buy a tree and then throw it up unintentionally to hold up some plastic ornaments without any idea of its origin is ... well I think you get my drift.
My Love for Trees and how I came to stay in California
If my family were to reed this , they would be shocked to see that I have a bit of a resistance to christmas trees. My family usually saved the trimming of the Tree for my birthday . I am not sure about your experiences , but it felt like there was always some disagreement and some ornament that broke and some yelling going on when we trimmed our tree. It made an interested birthday party.
To this day when I am around others trimming their tree and similar disagreements arise, I remember my past. I have to laugh now.
There can be tension around trimming your tree . My suggestion is to remember the reason you have the tree to begin with. Decorate it with intention and make it a tree that does invite good spirit , jollyness and cheer into your home. When you are done you can take your tree into a forest and some animal can use it for a shelter if you can not burn your tree. Or decorate it outside.
I do not recommend candles on your tree, however my mother did have the old clips for candles to sit in on the tree. It is very VERY dangerous so I do not advise it. I have always loved trees. My fondest spiritual memory was my father taking me out into the forrest when I was about 5 and we sat under an old old oak tree. I can remember the colors and the smells , even how the ground felt underneath me as I sat next to my father looking out into the green mossy forrest . Or woods as we called them.
He told me that trees will always listen to you. They are great teachers and if you listen quietly , they will whisper secrets into your ears . If your ever lost they will help you . They are wise and have seen more then anyone you will ever know . He reminded me over and over that they are our friends.
A tiny tree in Berkeley stole my heart
As the Years went by , I found that I needed to explore and take my sagittarius nature out into the world. College bored me and so after a few years I dropped out and hitch hiked from the thick woods and watery lakes of Michigan and Northern Indiana to Berkeley California. Being a little hippie girl I was into the eastern religions and I was invited to a Hare Krsna Sunday Feast. When I walked in with my friend , I was over whelmed by the beauty of this temple and the people worshiping there. Women in Saris and Men in Dohtis . The smell of incense , ghee lamps , conch shells blowing bells ringing.
My friend and I went from the entry way all layered in marble to the temple room, where the bells and conch , drums and harmonium ( organ like instrument ) were playing. There before me I saw a woman dressed in a white sari. There , in front of her , was a tiny carved rosewood table with a potted bonsai looking tree . The pot itself had a colorful skirt wrapped around it with a bow and a pearl necklace . The members of the temple all circled around the tree singing.
When they were done this is the translation they sat up and recited
(1) O Tulasi, beloved of Krsna, I bow before you again and again. My desire is to obtain the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.
(2) Whoever takes shelter of you has his wishes fulfilled. Bestowing your mercy on him, you make him a resident of Vrndavana.
(3) My desire is that you will also grant me a residence in the pleasure groves of Sri Vrndavana-dhama. Thus, within my vision I will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krsna.
(4) I beg you to make me a follower of the cowherd damsels of Vraja. Please give me the privilege of devotional service and make me your own maidservant.
(5) This very fallen and lowly servant of Krsna prays, "May I always swim in the love of Sri Radha and Govinda.
I had NEVER seen anything like this before. Holy Smokes I have to call dad. I was so moved by how these folks served a tiny tree with such devotion that I had to see more. It led me to live and train with the Hare Krsnas as a Pujari ( Priest ) for many many many years.
I called my dad on the phone weeks later and said Dad I am joining the Hare Krsnas. There was a long pause on the phone. I said to him , Dad they worship trees ! His response was.. well they can not be too far off then.
AT 53 I have traveled many paths . This is part of led me to our Lyseum of Integrated Studies. They all lead to the same place. They all are branches on the Tree Of Life. IF THEY HARM NONE
My dear friend Lauren Rain recently published in her blog the story of the Wassail. Her blogs are amazing and I always point everyone to her page
The Tulsi Tree taught me a great deal and has many lessons for mankind. If you are interested in more of the story of Vrindavani please email me and I will share more stories.
Wassail and The Apple Tree
This Blog is special to me as it is an offering of my life and experiences that I share with you readers in love and trust. With this being my birthday week I wanted to talk about the trees . I love trees. LOVE THEM when trees are sick I want to nurse them back to health rather then cut them down. I love sitting under them. dancing under them , sleeping under them . I love looking at them and praying to them for help and hope. They are alive and magical beings. This year I would like to offer the idea of going out into the forrest and praying to the trees . Thank them for what they give to us. They filter our air , they cool our breezes and they offer shade on a sunny day. Trees whisper secrets to us, and give homes to nature spirits and the birds and animals. They are sacrificed to build our homes and give us paper to write on. They are amazing beings that offer us so much. The dance in the wind and offer portals to move between worlds. In the outer world my favorite temple is the Grove of Tress. It has always been so and always will be.
Now we have things like tics and snakes and spiders who're fairly up set with the way humans have treated Mother Nature. We have to truly approach our trees with reverence so we do not get a slap from the Nature spirits . A tic bite , a spider or scorpion or snake bite or the kiss from the poison oak and ivy fairies. I encourage all my students to take their children out into nature and teach them the old ways.
This year when you are out and about make some wassail from Lauren Raines latest blog on Wassail and sing to your apple trees . Thank them for what they have given you this year and leave some of your drink behind for them as a gift of your gratitude. Go out into the Evergreens talk to them.
Rt. Rev. Lady Loreon Vigne' of the FOI and TOI and founder of the Isis Oasis Sanctuary in Geyserville California wrote a song to the ancient Fir Tree at Isis Oasis. I love this song and sing it to all the trees I see.
Tree Song
By Rt. Rev Loreon Vigne'
Blessed be this might tree with branches high into the sky
And roots way down into the ground
Blessed be
During this time of darkness in this part of the world, I invite you to revel in the radiance of Rite # 12 of Panthea and bath in its enlightening High Magic.
Rev. Mana Youngbear
" The Tree of Life "
Winter Solstice. 21st - 25th December
Fellowship of Isis Central Site offers this full ritual at the link below.
A segment from the Tree Of Life Rite # 12 from the Panthea FOI Liturgy
"Priestess: The Tree of Life is reflected about us in the World Tree, named Yggdrasil the Ash by our Norse forebears. Yggdrasil has three roots. One is deep within the earth, encircled by a fiery serpent. The second grows among the four stars of the Southern Cross, in the Realm of Muspell. The third rises from the Himinbiorg, Hill of Heaven, between the three Pole Stars. At the brightest is the well of Ultha. The Rainbow Bridge Bifrost joins these three roots from the North and South through the centre of the earth. The crown of Yggdrasil reaches the stars of Aquila, the eagle, Galactic Centre."
I find this year that the " Great Tree Of Life " has sprouted. I physically feel its branches opening inside my heart. I am so grateful to one of my many teachers and friend Arisa Victor for pouring her loving nectar of wisdom on my roots and giving them the boost they needed. I send you all the healing and magic of the most divine power there is LOVE . May it radiate through you and illuminate the inner Sun Star Within. I thank you for humoring me and reading this blog all about my first love. Trees. I hope it has sprouted some new growth in your own inner grove.
Blessings Of Isis ,
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