42 Laws Of Ma'at
# 31 Ideal of Ma'at
I Release All Judgements Ideal
I think the words in the bible are “ Judge not lest you be judged.” None of us wish to be judged yet many we meet are quick to judge us even if they know nothing about us. We have no right to judge another for we are not the appointed judges of the world. Live and let live and do not have something negative to say about anyone. There are many important topics to be discussed among people when they are together , but almost inevitable the topic is about someone else in a judgmental statement. It would seem that some people feel better to judge others rather than judging their own behavior. We jude other religions that our own. Our conversations are often centered around judging . Just listen carefully and see how often you are in a state of judging. Teach yourself to rlease all judgment and you will become a better person.
The # 42 Ideals Of Ma’at . By Rev. Lady Loreon Vigne’
Liturgy of Lady Olivia Robertson / FOI Central Site
Gaea ; Isis and Osiris The Judgement
Pleases click the link below to read the entire rite of Isis and Osiris The Judgement.
“Guardian strikes gong three times.
1st Priest: Companions who seek harmony through uniting Justice and Compassion, we are assembled to seek peace for our earth. We repent of the follies wrought by mankind upon earth's creatures and plants. We would face the judgment of Osiris, that we may learn what we may do to restore the balance of Nature. We seek the compassion of Isis so that we may forgive others and ourselves. (offers incense at altar and raises his staff) I offer incense to Thee, Osiris, Judge of the living- and the dead! Only when we face Thee may we bring our earth and ourselves to new birth. Grant us Thy Oracle! “
Initiations of the Earth / The Noble Order of Tara
Lady Olivia Robertson

This past week we have been directed by the Moon in Taurus .
Taurus corresponds to the energies of The Hierophant
On December 17th we will move into the Full Moon in Gemini The Lovers
Here is some beautiful wisdom from Jason Lotterhand's Book “ The Spoken Cabala “ Edited by H.P. Priestess Arisa Victor .
Key 5 The Hierophant
“ Intuitive guidance leads to wanting all things needful both spiritual and material . You could meditate on needful for years with profit . It is a marvelous word that gets to the bottom of real human concern. “ P 88
“ What is needful is not necessarily what you might expect …” P 88
“ The whole emphasis is to get to the point where you don’t need to buy constantly in order to get a kick out of life . “ P 88
Jason Lotterhand The Spoken Cabala
Rt. Rev. Arisa Victor
# 32 Ideal of Ma'at
I Follow My Inner Guidance
“ Is is a fact that we have inner guidance . When we do not know which way to turn we need to turn to that guidance . Sometimes it can be just an inner knowing , sometimes we pray for guidance or consult a tarot deck or some oracle or other. If we are still we can get in touch with the direction we need to take on any given problem. Our lives are based on making decisions which we d on a daily basis for we have many possibilities in how we chose our fate. If i have a number of decisions to make I simply look for a symbol that well show me the way. I wrote a song called “ I am following the guidance of the Goddess. “ , which is definitely my way.
My book “ the Goddess Bade Me Do It “ also tells stories about the symbols I encountered that have guided me to my next destiny . Look for symbols for surely you will discover them to help you on your way in choosing the next path you will take Follow your inner Guidance. “
My book “ the Goddess Bade Me Do It “ also tells stories about the symbols I encountered that have guided me to my next destiny . Look for symbols for surely you will discover them to help you on your way in choosing the next path you will take Follow your inner Guidance. “
The # 42 Ideals Of Ma’at . By Rev. Lady Loreon Vigne’
Mana's Musings
Mana's Musings
The Lovers Key is always reminding us that compassionate discrimination comes from its original source Beauty . Beauty is the central seat in the Tree Of Life. From all things come beauty. Nature is my favorite example of original beauty. Nature is the Mother that carries the seed of intention that is the divine impulse which creates all that is. You.. Me... everybody.
"I am You and You are me and we are all together. " The Beatles
Full Moon In Gemini.
We celebrate Union at this time of year in many ways.
The birth of that union of polarities births a fresh new consciousness.
The birth of that union of polarities births a fresh new consciousness.
Solstice is the time of stillness .
During this time of gestation fertility is waiting to be seeded with new inspiration.
What are your dreams telling you during these long nights ?
Are you writing them down. Perhaps you might consider this.
What is coming off the pen and paper ?. ( Computer ) ?
Are you in love with this new development of your own consciousness ?
What are you doing to preserve these new found inspirations soon to sprout and take form in the womb of darkness ?
Never underestimate the power of Goodness for it is birthed from Beauty . It is in you and it is you and it belongs to you. Behold the beauty of your divine expression . It is the mark of the Arcadian Awakening and a strong voice for the Great Mother. Dance , Sing , Write , and Paint . Express your " SELF ". No one is going to do it for you.
What are your dreams telling you during these long nights ?
Are you writing them down. Perhaps you might consider this.
What is coming off the pen and paper ?. ( Computer ) ?
Are you in love with this new development of your own consciousness ?
What are you doing to preserve these new found inspirations soon to sprout and take form in the womb of darkness ?
Never underestimate the power of Goodness for it is birthed from Beauty . It is in you and it is you and it belongs to you. Behold the beauty of your divine expression . It is the mark of the Arcadian Awakening and a strong voice for the Great Mother. Dance , Sing , Write , and Paint . Express your " SELF ". No one is going to do it for you.
As Oscar Wild Said
" Be Yourself Everything Else is taken. "
“Your Spiritual Family will be discovered by you as you tread the Path of the Wise Ones. Drink deep from the Well of Wisdom, but do not ignore the humble, but rather respect the love within them. Therefore, be particularly careful when you do find your Spiritual Family that you give even more love and understanding to your earthly relations and friends! Otherwise you will lose the rainbow bridge with your Spiritual Family, and alienate your earthly friends. The Tree of Life shines through every Being and creature. It shines through Rainbow Bridges of flowing energy, bringing in accord the Almighty Deities and the humblest child and horse and bird and plant. Your pilgrimage will bring you at long last in a spiral from earthly home to Divine Haven. Both are One.”
From Panthea Rite #12 The Tree Of Life Dec 21
May the Inner Wisdom which speaks to Beauty behold the illumination of your star seeded deep inside of you.
May you always find the light of your inner Sun as it guides you closer and closer to your eternal home.
May you always find the light of your inner Sun as it guides you closer and closer to your eternal home.
Brightest Blessings ,
Rev. Mana Youngbear.
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