Altar For Bast New Moon in Sag Sun in Sag
Tonight on the New Moon in Sag and Sun In Sag
I invoke the Holy Mother Bast come into our Temple
Stay if she will and leave if she must
In Purrrfect Love & Purrrfect Trust
I invoke the Holy Mother Bast come into our Temple
Stay if she will and leave if she must
In Purrrfect Love & Purrrfect Trust
Rev. Mana Youngbear
Opening of Ritual
Before we began this ritual we cleansed the altar and bathed Isis, Nephthys and Hathor , lit the candles and burned the frankincense.
Ringing the Bell we opened the Gates of the Inner Shrine
We bagan our rite a 8 PM and bathed the Bast in sacred water and then rubbed her with pure myrrh oil .
Throughout the entire day we read about Bast and other cat goddesses such as Mafdet, Sekhmet, while reciting poetry about tho great mother goddess .
( Photo of The Oracle Cards are Baast, Sekhmet , the Knot of Isis , Anubis and Horus )
While the entire Ceremony of Opening the Mouth is quite beautiful , we have only copied this portion tonight for this blog entry. We encourage you to read the entire interpretation . It is such an ancient and magical work.
These Prayers below are taken from the Egyptian Book of the Dead
E. A. Wallis Budge
The final adoration was channeled tonight after the contemplation and before we closed the ceremony.
Contemplation was done after the offerings of water and oils and the resins for sacrifice.
“The Opening of the Mouth Ceremony”
Hymn to Bast
"Mother of the gods, the One, the Only,
Mistress of the Crowns, thou rulest all;
Sekhmet is thy name when thou are wrathful,
Bast, beloved, when thy people call.
Mistress of the Crowns, thou rulest all;
Sekhmet is thy name when thou are wrathful,
Bast, beloved, when thy people call.
Daughter of the sun, with flame and fury
Flashing from the prow upon the foe;
Safely sails the boat with thy protection
Passing scatheless where thy fires glow.
Daughter of the Sun, the burial chamber
Lies in the darkness til thy light appears."
Flashing from the prow upon the foe;
Safely sails the boat with thy protection
Passing scatheless where thy fires glow.
Daughter of the Sun, the burial chamber
Lies in the darkness til thy light appears."
From thy Throne of Silence send us comfort,
Bast, beloved, banish all our fears.
Mother of the gods, no gods existed
Til thou camest there and gave them life.
Bast, beloved, banish all our fears.
Mother of the gods, no gods existed
Til thou camest there and gave them life.
Sekhmet of the boat, the wicked fear thee
Trampling down all evil and all strife.
Mother of the gods, the great, the loved one,
Winged and mighty, unto thee we call,
Naming thee the Comforter, the Ruler
Bast, beloved, Mother of us all.
Trampling down all evil and all strife.
Mother of the gods, the great, the loved one,
Winged and mighty, unto thee we call,
Naming thee the Comforter, the Ruler
Bast, beloved, Mother of us all.
(from the Egyptian Book of the Dead)
found from
An Exaltation and Adoration of Baast
By Rev. Mana Youngbear 12 / 2 / 13
By Rev. Mana Youngbear 12 / 2 / 13
Lady of the East
Sister of Horus
Consort of Anubis
Goddess of Scented Ointments
Mystic Mother of Sacred Oils
Protector of Curses
Courageous Healer
Sistrum Shaker
Peace Maker
Hallowed in the Wedding Chamber
Protector of Light
One who makes it right
Standing With Hathor’s Magic Mirror
Your light of Truth Eradicates All Fear
From All Directions
We ask your Protection
Great Mother Protector
Please hear this call
Bast Bastet Ba’ast
Torchlights Glisten . Candlelight Glow ,
Oil Lamps Show
Oil Lamps Show
Alabaster Ointment of Myrrh and Gold
Oh Ancient Mother On This New Moon Night
I ask you , please , set my actions clear and bright
Mother cat goddess of long ago
Accept these offerings of Honey and Myrrh
I wait to hear your Holy Purr
The Temple of the Muse invokes your prayer
Upon this frankincense which fills the air
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